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Terry Pegula buying the Buffalo Sabres discussion


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"Pagula" REALLY signs letter of intent? : http://www.wgr550.co...rchase-/8852180


And the feeding frenzy begins.


I'm no journalist, but I understand why sometimes sources have to be anonymous. For one, in extreme situations, a source could be killed! I have no idea why his NHL or league source would require that protection, or why it would be afforded. Anonymous sources can say anything they want.


Beyond that, the problem I again have with what Bucky is writing is the leap he makes in a statement like, "He's more likely to spend months evaluating the organization..." It's just Bucky's opinion, but it's being couched in all manner of journalistic mumbo jumbo.


At least, this time, he admits his reporting is basically a theory based on "common sense." He also admits the idea that Regier would be replaced, but the new GM would make the decision on Ruff, comes from "the rumor mill." Not really. No GM worth his salt is going to walk into a situation where his coach has been picked by the owner. Of course the new GM will make the decision on Ruff, who is going to be a free agent in a few months. Ruff will just be another candidate in the pool.

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I'm no journalist, but I understand why sometimes sources have to be anonymous. For one, in extreme situations, a source could be killed! I have no idea why his NHL or league source would require that protection, or why it would be afforded. Anonymous sources can say anything they want.

Perhaps, because the league source is not supposed to be discussing such things and would lose his/her job if named as the source. Anonymity would probably be afforded because (a) the source starts with "I have something big for you as long as I'm not named," and/or (b) the source has been and will continue to be a resource for Bucky that he doesn't want to lose. Which is a better for Bucky, a breaking story from a source that he trusts but cannot name, or no story at all?

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The fact that a new G.M. ( oh please god ) comes in and picks his own coach isn't really news to anyone. Thats the way it always works so its just filler for Buckys wetdream anyways. The anonymous source that Bucky never has to give up could be his neighbour or that tinny voice in his head.

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The fact that a new G.M. ( oh please god ) comes in and picks his own coach isn't really news to anyone. Thats the way it always works so its just filler for Buckys wetdream anyways. The anonymous source that Bucky never has to give up could be his neighbour or that tinny voice in his head.


The last sentence is the problem. Ken Campbell had a pretty good source too, about the letter of intent. Now I'm wondering why Bucky's big scoop on the letter of intent wasn't on the front page of the paper as a hard news story. Maybe because everyone at the News knows Bucky doesn't have a good source, or a source at all.

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Perhaps, because the league source is not supposed to be discussing such things and would lose his/her job if named as the source. Anonymity would probably be afforded because (a) the source starts with "I have something big for you as long as I'm not named," and/or (b) the source has been and will continue to be a resource for Bucky that he doesn't want to lose. Which is a better for Bucky, a breaking story from a source that he trusts but cannot name, or no story at all?


I just don't buy the idea that, in this economy, someone in the league office is going to risk his or her job to give a columnist at the Buffalo News a tidbit of information about a sale. Whether named or not, speaking to the media is risky. Your identity could still be revealed. Bettman probably has the whole building bugged. What, is Bucky meeting under the Skyway at night with this source?


Bucky has no source, or the source is the assistant to the assistant director of media relations.


Again, I wonder why an editor at the News didn't think this reporting was worthy of real news treatment as opposed to a hockey column, when the first reports of the letter of intent were all over the front page.

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Relax on this one PA.


I agree that the News doesn't add much value with info very often, and Bucky may not have a huge rolodex, but in general if you want trustworthy info.....you need to offer some level of protection or else you won't get that info.


There are dozens of potential sources on this. You are more apt to get a leak from a finance guy or lawyer working on the deal in a situation like this. Not saying that's what Bucky has, but wouldn't be surprised if the news out of Boston started that way.


I think this deal is assumed to happen soon around hockey circles. Given the Sabres' current prospects, it's really a no brainer.

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Relax on this one PA.


I agree that the News doesn't add much value with info very often, and Bucky may not have a huge rolodex, but in general if you want trustworthy info.....you need to offer some level of protection or else you won't get that info.


There are dozens of potential sources on this. You are more apt to get a leak from a finance guy or lawyer working on the deal in a situation like this. Not saying that's what Bucky has, but wouldn't be surprised if the news out of Boston started that way.


I think this deal is assumed to happen soon around hockey circles. Given the Sabres' current prospects, it's really a no brainer.


Do you read the various NHL Sunday columns around the U.S. and Canada? It's all rumor and "reports out of..." and drivel all the time. And that includes the late, great Jim Kelley. Heck, Darcy Regier pretty much came out and admitted that when asked to reflect on Jim's death. He said the obligatory nice things then sort of gave Jim a backhanded compliment by saying something to the effect (ahem) that he did a good job with the limited information he was privvy to. Darcy was saying, in effect, that the hockey media has no idea what's really going on in the league. That sounds about right.


I wish the News had taken this story off the sports page. Bucky could have given up his sources and the real reporters could have had a good laugh.


By the way, Bucky says that his source is a league one.

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Jim Matheson in Edmonton has the same story and wasn't even decent enough to credit Bucky! Unless... unless... Matheson also has a source in the league office who not only can't be named, but can't even be mentioned as "a league source," lest he/she be fired and/or killed.




- The sale of the Sabres is moving along smoothly with billionaire oil and gas guy Terry Pegula dropping $175 million on owner Tom Golisano, who ran three times, unsuccessfully, for governor of New York. They may introduce Pegula at the all-star game in late January.Golisano’s never been much of a hockey fan. He’s seldom been around the team.


Read more: http://www.edmontonjournal.com/sports/More+Hockey+World/4025834/story.html#ixzz19EzjSOBW

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Do you read the various NHL Sunday columns around the U.S. and Canada? It's all rumor and "reports out of..." and drivel all the time. And that includes the late, great Jim Kelley. Heck, Darcy Regier pretty much came out and admitted that when asked to reflect on Jim's death. He said the obligatory nice things then sort of gave Jim a backhanded compliment by saying something to the effect (ahem) that he did a good job with the limited information he was privvy to. Darcy was saying, in effect, that the hockey media has no idea what's really going on in the league. That sounds about right.


I wish the News had taken this story off the sports page. Bucky could have given up his sources and the real reporters could have had a good laugh.


By the way, Bucky says that his source is a league one.

How would Regier know if the "hockey media has no idea what's really going on in the league?" That would indicate that Regier does. Which we all know is false.

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I'm saying PA that "sources" can be ANYONE. Sometimes the "grunts" inside an organization have the best information. Many times those making the decisions up top have alterior motives, and it is only by gathering info and figuring out the puzzle that the true story evolves to the public.


Things are different with the internet, and I agree there are plenty of subpar journalists that feel the need to fill space and throw some things hoping they stick. But this Pegula thing has felt solid to me from day #1. I know nothing about the facts of this, but I do know how the flow of information works many times and the nuggets and language from certain places has made me think we have a new owner on the horizon.


As for sources.....some people don't want to be fired, some info is treading on illegal to share, some leaks are well-intended at the time and things break down, and there is also disinformation. I would never reveal a a good source of info. The only time I pound the table is if I feel someone has ill intentions towards the public/innocents and needs to be revealed. Over time the person reporting/sharing builds a track record that speaks for itself.


To me, Bucky was the ONLY local journalist who held Sabres management's feet to the fire and asked questions that weren't obvious this whole time. I respect him for that and his line of questioning leads me to give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't know the chain information and who said what, but positive info is out there and even if some parroting is going on, it feels good.

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Seems like he has spent a fair amount of time tracking down the story but so much of it sounds like sound bites insiders wanted to pass along. That said, it could be 100% spot on if the sources are legit. That's not saying they are, but he sure paints a rosy picture of a billionair that wants to spend money and get the organization fixed up straight. Who knows. Should be interesting

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I'm saying PA that "sources" can be ANYONE. Sometimes the "grunts" inside an organization have the best information. Many times those making the decisions up top have alterior motives, and it is only by gathering info and figuring out the puzzle that the true story evolves to the public.


Things are different with the internet, and I agree there are plenty of subpar journalists that feel the need to fill space and throw some things hoping they stick. But this Pegula thing has felt solid to me from day #1. I know nothing about the facts of this, but I do know how the flow of information works many times and the nuggets and language from certain places has made me think we have a new owner on the horizon.


As for sources.....some people don't want to be fired, some info is treading on illegal to share, some leaks are well-intended at the time and things break down, and there is also disinformation. I would never reveal a a good source of info. The only time I pound the table is if I feel someone has ill intentions towards the public/innocents and needs to be revealed. Over time the person reporting/sharing builds a track record that speaks for itself.


To me, Bucky was the ONLY local journalist who held Sabres management's feet to the fire and asked questions that weren't obvious this whole time. I respect him for that and his line of questioning leads me to give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't know the chain information and who said what, but positive info is out there and even if some parroting is going on, it feels good.

Good post

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Good post


Thanks fellas.


The media in general has turned from investigative to entertainment. Between budgets being slashed, morals being slashed, and most forms owned by mega-corps with their own agenda....the truth is usually burried in the vast dump of cyberspace. The problem is you have to go picking through the dump and use discernment to find it.


Buffalo has it's own old boys network. That can make it hard as well.


I don't fault anyone for questioning the questioners.....this just "feels" like a done deal.

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