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I'm pretty sure Daryl isn't going to allow that band of merry men to get anywhere near Terminus. My nephew texted me that he thought the Wal Mart greeter at Terminus was a bit off. Anyone else think there's something up there? And why in hell were the two gates left open like that?


Random $hitty guess is that Terminus is a suicide cult.

Edited by Tankalicious
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I'm pretty sure Daryl isn't going to allow that band of merry men to get anywhere near Terminus. My nephew texted me that he thought the Wal Mart greeter at Terminus was a bit off. Anyone else think there's something up there? And why in hell were the two gates left open like that?

Nah, it all seemed pretty legit to me. If you're going to have a safe zone, obviously you wouldn't want guards or lookouts or walls or defenses of any kind. Just signs telling people where to go. I'm confident the characters will spend the rest of their lives there, getting married, having kids, and eating barbecue. They're ending the series on an upbeat note.


(I'm actually excited to see how they're going to make Terminus turn out to be a complete hell on earth.)


BTW, Terminus is the series' third "safe zone": The Farm, The Prison, and now Terminus. And these places all seem fairly close together. We got our first look at the prison in the episode where the farm burned down, and the characters found the signs for Terminus right after the prison was destroyed. This makes me wonder how many mini safe zones there must be in this universe just sprinkled throughout rural America. Hundreds? Thousands?

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Not even kind of close. I think Walking Dead actually sucks, a lot, now, but I just keep going because I don't like just stopping in the middle of a show.


this is where i am now… theres just too much wrong with it to really enjoy it, but i have invested too much time in it to stop. plus theres nothing else on tv right now. Once Game of thrones comes back, i will be a happy man

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this is where i am now… theres just too much wrong with it to really enjoy it, but i have invested too much time in it to stop. plus theres nothing else on tv right now. Once Game of thrones comes back, i will be a happy man


I thoroughly enjoy the show still, but I also suspend all belief in reality before I turn it on...it is a zombie apocalypse after all...


I'm pretty sure Daryl isn't going to allow that band of merry men to get anywhere near Terminus. My nephew texted me that he thought the Wal Mart greeter at Terminus was a bit off. Anyone else think there's something up there? And why in hell were the two gates left open like that?


Terminus does seem off. I wonder if it's a creepier version of Woodbury. As one who has not (but severely wants to) read the graphic novels, I honestly have no idea what to expect.

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I'm pretty sure the meat is people.

  • That powdered milk on the ground? Looks like a great way to fatten people up for the kill.
  • They said something like "the more people we take in, the stronger we get".
  • All those names on the ground? I have a feeling thats the name of people they 'sacrifice' for eating.
  • Rick biting new-Merle feels an awful lot like foreshadowing.

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I'm pretty sure the meat is people.

  • That powdered milk on the ground? Looks like a great way to fatten people up for the kill.
  • They said something like "the more people we take in, the stronger we get".
  • All those names on the ground? I have a feeling thats the name of people they 'sacrifice' for eating.
  • Rick biting new-Merle feels an awful lot like foreshadowing.


Awesome twist. I think you are right.

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Terminus = cannibals is my guess.


Did you see all the skulls,spines,rib cages bones inside that caged area when Rick, Machone, Daryl, Carl were running around being shot at.

IMO, I think it's all a misdirection. I have a feeling this is the Alexandra Safe Zone from the comics. I don't think Gareth is the leader of the group.

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IMO, I think it's all a misdirection. I have a feeling this is the Alexandra Safe Zone from the comics. I don't think Gareth is the leader of the group.


Except that's in the opposite direction. The ASZ is in DC. Rainman had to get to DC, but Terminus was in the opposite direction, and they had said they are halfway between Houston (I think) and DC. So I don't think that's the case.

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All of these off topic tv show threads, but none for Dexter. I'm halfway through it, and it's far far FAR beyond Walking Dead in every way possible.



(I just finished season four, for those who have seen the show, so you might understand why I'm saying this right now).

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This show gets cornier all the time. I still like it. I can't stop watching it. But just for fun go back and watch season one again. The promise of this show has not been fulfilled. But Merica loves it, so who am I to say?

Nothing -- and I mean NOTHING -- will ever be cornier than the Season 1 episode where they get into a battle with the latino gangbangers over a cache of guns and the big reveal at the end is that the gang members only wanted the guns because they're protecting their elderly family members at an old folks home.

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All of these off topic tv show threads, but none for Dexter. I'm halfway through it, and it's far far FAR beyond Walking Dead in every way possible.



(I just finished season four, for those who have seen the show, so you might understand why I'm saying this right now).

Dexter was great but the last season leaves a lot to be desired


Breaking Bad has my vote for best show but True Detective isn't far behind. I have to see how they do season 2.

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Dexter was great but the last season leaves a lot to be desired


Breaking Bad has my vote for best show but True Detective isn't far behind. I have to see how they do season 2.

My vote for best show on TV right now goes to Hannibal, which is fairly astonishing because there's absolutely no reason to think a network TV show about Hannibal Lector covering his life/murders before Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs would be even close to good. Especially on NBC, where every show is total garbage.


And yet it's as tense and brutal as anything from Breaking Bad. The violence is on par with anything from Walking Dead. And the acting is as good as Mad Men and Breaking Bad (which are tied in my mind for best ever). And it's all filmed as artfully as anything I've ever seen on TV. I didn't think a major network could do this.


If you have Amazon Prime, you can watch the entire first season for free. And if you don't, it's worth the $30 to buy the whole season. Season 2 just started and they're still taking things up a level -- pretty much how Breaking Bad went from "Great" in Season 1 to "HOLY ####" in Season 2.

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"There's a new sheriff in town"


Beth is going to somehow play a key role in saving them.

Carol storms Terminus with the same Gatling gun that Jesse Ventura had in Predator.


That's my prediction.



I'm going with Carol. She's badass in this series.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Sloth

Walking Dead marathon starts on Friday at 9 a.m. on AMC. Can't wait for the season 4 portion. Missed a good bit of it, but I've managed to keep the ears "muffed", so I have no idea what happens. Makes it even better.

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Guest Sloth

Not sure if any of you have been watching the Walking Dead marathon, but wow the mid-season 4 finale was incredible. Loved how the Governor went down. Couldn't have been any better. In my opinion, season 4 has done a good job of returning to what made the show popular. Haven't seen the second half of season 4, so my thoughts on it may change. Yep, plans for today are to sit on my arss and watch the Walking Dead.

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