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Round 1: Sabres vs. Bruins


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True OTLs, yes. You can't lump in the shootout losses though.


Even a legit loss in OT is played under gimmick rules. It's four-on-four and a situation where there really is nothing to lose. Any OT loss in the regular season does not translate to the playoffs.

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Even a legit loss in OT is played under gimmick rules. It's four-on-four and a situation where there really is nothing to lose. Any OT loss in the regular season does not translate to the playoffs.


This is another thing that sucks about missing a couple years in a row. Didn't they go to 4-on-4 in the playoffs too?


<div><br></div><div>Edit: Wow I'm a moron.  I don't know how that got into my head.</div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: verdana; line-height: 15px; "><br></span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: verdana; line-height: 15px; ">84.5 <b>Overtime – Playoffs –</b> In the Stanley Cup Playoffs, when a game is tied after three (3) twenty (20) minute regular periods of play, the teams shall take a normal intermission (fifteen (15) minutes) and resume playing twenty (20) minute periods, changing ends for the start of each overtime period. The team scoring the first goal in overtime shall be declared the winner of the game.</span></div>

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This is another thing that sucks about missing a couple years in a row. Didn't they go to 4-on-4 in the playoffs too?


<div><br></div><div>Edit: Wow I'm a moron.  I don't know how that got into my head.</div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: verdana; line-height: 15px; "><br></span></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: verdana; line-height: 15px; ">84.5 <b>Overtime – Playoffs –</b> In the Stanley Cup Playoffs, when a game is tied after three (3) twenty (20) minute regular periods of play, the teams shall take a normal intermission (fifteen (15) minutes) and resume playing twenty (20) minute periods, changing ends for the start of each overtime period. The team scoring the first goal in overtime shall be declared the winner of the game.</span></div>


(Anybody else use Google Chrome and have trouble with HTML and the board smileys?)

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Want my 3,000th post to be a good one, so here goes:



'Twas the night before Playoffs



'Twas the night before Playoffs, when all through the rink

Not a player was stirring, not even a coach;

The sticks were hung by the bench with care,

In hopes that Lord Stanley soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of hockey pucks danced in their heads;

And ma in her jersey, and I in my gear,

Had just settled down for a long spring tear,

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the rink I flew like a flash,

Tore open the doors and gave them some cash.

The moon on the breast of the playoff run

Gave the lustre of mid-day to the ice below,

When, what to my wondering eyes should fix,

But a grand team, and 24 graphite sticks,

With a little old coach, so lively and gruff,

I knew in a moment it must be St. Ruff.

More rapid than eagles his players they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, Connolly! now, Vanek! now, Pommers and Grier!

On, Big Easy! on Milsey! on, Tallon and Roy!

To the top of the circle! to the top of the net!

Now score away! score away! score away all!"

As season that before the wild playoffs came,

When they meet with an obstacle, played their own game,

So up to the division-top the players they flew,

With the sleigh full of pucks, and St. Ruff too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

The prancing and pawing of each fans hoof.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

Down from the rafters Ruff came with a bound.

He was dressed in a suit, from his head to his toe,

And his clothes were all furnished with the blue and the gold;

A bundle of videos he had flung on his back,

And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,

And his moustache was as white as the snow;

The stump of a bear he held tight in his teeth,

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;

He had a broad face and a little notebook,

Where he wrote down, who gets the hook.

He was happy and cheerful, as playoffs were here,

And I laughed when I saw him, and poured him a beer;

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke many word, and went straight to his work,

And filled all the goals; then turned with a jerk,

And laying his hand onto the players backs,

And giving a speech, about the will they nack;

He sprang to his bench, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all skated like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, ere they drove to the net,

"Lord Stanley to us, and the Bruins they fall."

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Not seeing game one listed on DTV's guide yet. Becoming concerned. I'm headed to Chicago to watch my nephew at the USHL combine in the morning, and I've already tested the Slingbox from afar. Now I just hope the guide shows the game and the channel so my DVR records it. I'm not overly worried because all of tomorrow's games are listed as "To Be Announced." I just like it better when I can see what's going to record, and when!


I'll be stuck with Versus for all the Versus games because I'm not in WNY. ######!

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Not seeing game one listed on DTV's guide yet. Becoming concerned. I'm headed to Chicago to watch my nephew at the USHL combine in the morning, and I've already tested the Slingbox from afar. Now I just hope the guide shows the game and the channel so my DVR records it. I'm not overly worried because all of tomorrow's games are listed as "To Be Announced." I just like it better when I can see what's going to record, and when!


I'll be stuck with Versus for all the Versus games because I'm not in WNY. ######!

I too, am becoming concerned. DTV is not listing the game at all. We scrolled all the way to tomorrow and...nada. Maybe by tomorrow morning "To be Announced" will be updated.


I sure hope so...

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Not seeing game one listed on DTV's guide yet. Becoming concerned. I'm headed to Chicago to watch my nephew at the USHL combine in the morning, and I've already tested the Slingbox from afar. Now I just hope the guide shows the game and the channel so my DVR records it. I'm not overly worried because all of tomorrow's games are listed as "To Be Announced." I just like it better when I can see what's going to record, and when!


I'll be stuck with Versus for all the Versus games because I'm not in WNY. ######!


It could be worse. You could be in Boston.

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Hey, i want to throw a quick question out there.


How much faith does everyone have in Vanek to get it done in the post?


Now i'm not asking the man to score 2 a game. But i however would love to see him put up some good numbers, and "carry" the offense to an extent. We know hes capable of it, but it comes down to motivation and execution on the ice.


I have a good amount of faith in Thomas. I think his game is a little more suited for the playoffs. He knows what the expectations are for him. And he knows he's going to be battling Chara, and Lucic on a regular basis. Its time to see what he's made of.



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Hey, i want to throw a quick question out there.


How much faith does everyone have in Vanek to get it done in the post?


Now i'm not asking the man to score 2 a game. But i however would love to see him put up some good numbers, and "carry" the offense to an extent. We know hes capable of it, but it comes down to motivation and execution on the ice.


I have a good amount of faith in Thomas. I think his game is a little more suited for the playoffs. He knows what the expectations are for him. And he knows he's going to be battling Chara, and Lucic on a regular basis. Its time to see what he's made of.



Regrettably, not much faith. He's never been a clutch player. He's consistently fattened up his stats against crappy teams. He had a crappy year this year. I'd love to see him step it up in the playoffs this year, but I can't say I expect it to happen.

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Good find.


The more I look at this series, the more I believe the Sabres will bury the Bs. I don't see it going more than 5. Rask is completely unproven in the playoffs (yes, it matters), and Boston doesn't score. Oh yeah -- Vanek knows how to find the net again.


The B's defense is pretty questionable, as well.

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Regrettably, not much faith. He's never been a clutch player. He's consistently fattened up his stats against crappy teams. He had a crappy year this year. I'd love to see him step it up in the playoffs this year, but I can't say I expect it to happen.


I dont really-whole heartedly expect Vanek to be "The Man" in the playoffs either. But i'm trying really hard to have some faith in a great aspect of optimism that is the ever elusive Vanek. We all know what Vanek being at the tpe of his game, means to the look and feel of the Sabres. If we can get some of that, its a whole other dimension that can lead into a "run", rather than what most feel were on a collision course with.( round one victory and done)

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Want my 3,000th post to be a good one, so here goes:



'Twas the night before Playoffs



'Twas the night before Playoffs, when all through the rink

Not a player was stirring, not even a coach;

The sticks were hung by the bench with care,

In hopes that Lord Stanley soon would be there;

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

While visions of hockey pucks danced in their heads;

And ma in her jersey, and I in my gear,

Had just settled down for a long spring tear,

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

Away to the rink I flew like a flash,

Tore open the doors and gave them some cash.

The moon on the breast of the playoff run

Gave the lustre of mid-day to the ice below,

When, what to my wondering eyes should fix,

But a grand team, and 24 graphite sticks,

With a little old coach, so lively and gruff,

I knew in a moment it must be St. Ruff.

More rapid than eagles his players they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, Connolly! now, Vanek! now, Pommers and Grier!

On, Big Easy! on Milsey! on, Tallon and Roy!

To the top of the circle! to the top of the net!

Now score away! score away! score away all!"

As season that before the wild playoffs came,

When they meet with an obstacle, played their own game,

So up to the division-top the players they flew,

With the sleigh full of pucks, and St. Ruff too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

The prancing and pawing of each fans hoof.

As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

Down from the rafters Ruff came with a bound.

He was dressed in a suit, from his head to his toe,

And his clothes were all furnished with the blue and the gold;

A bundle of videos he had flung on his back,

And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.

His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,

And his moustache was as white as the snow;

The stump of a bear he held tight in his teeth,

And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;

He had a broad face and a little notebook,

Where he wrote down, who gets the hook.

He was happy and cheerful, as playoffs were here,

And I laughed when I saw him, and poured him a beer;

A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,

Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;

He spoke many word, and went straight to his work,

And filled all the goals; then turned with a jerk,

And laying his hand onto the players backs,

And giving a speech, about the will they nack;

He sprang to his bench, to his team gave a whistle,

And away they all skated like the down of a thistle.

But I heard him exclaim, ere they drove to the net,

"Lord Stanley to us, and the Bruins they fall."


Nicely done! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I dont really-whole heartedly expect Vanek to be "The Man" in the playoffs either. But i'm trying really hard to have some faith in a great aspect of optimism that is the ever elusive Vanek. We all know what Vanek being at the tpe of his game, means to the look and feel of the Sabres. If we can get some of that, its a whole other dimension that can lead into a "run", rather than what most feel were on a collision course with.( round one victory and done)

I can't say I know what to expect from him, either, but (as far as offense goes) I also don't know what to expect from the rest of the team. We may see the 3rd & 4th lines grinding out goals and Vanek, Roy, Connolly, & Pominville do next to nothing. Or we may see Vanek, Roy, Connolly, & Pominville light up the scoresheet against the Bruins and they're in the conference semis before we know it.


I'll predict that I don't think we'll see Vanek as "the man", but hasn't this team gotten as far as they have without that? My chief concern is that Miller is "the man" and he's on his game. Anything else we get is a bonus, IMO.

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Even a legit loss in OT is played under gimmick rules. It's four-on-four and a situation where there really is nothing to lose. Any OT loss in the regular season does not translate to the playoffs.


You know.....you're right.



I think we should also eliminate any power play goal that resulted from a cross-check, hit from behind, roughing, instigating, and unsportsman like conduct. We should also eliminate any goal scored from within 8 feet of the crease by a player under 6 feet tall. These penalties will not be called in the playoffs, and in knowing so, 5'6" forwards will see a 5 fold increase in what would have been infractions in the regular season.


ie.....Mr Ennis, meet Mr. Chara and his chiropractic lumberstick.

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You know.....you're right.



I think we should also eliminate any power play goal that resulted from a cross-check, hit from behind, roughing, instigating, and unsportsman like conduct. We should also eliminate any goal scored from within 8 feet of the crease by a player under 6 feet tall. These penalties will not be called in the playoffs, and in knowing so, 5'6" forwards will see a 5 fold increase in what would have been infractions in the regular season.


ie.....Mr Ennis, meet Mr. Chara and his chiropractic lumberstick.



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All I did was comment that Miller was under .500 against playoff teams.....which he was....and I wasn't the one who brought up the stat.


Someone said that was a good thing


I said that is gobbleygook


Then someone said "Oh yeah? What about the other goalies?"


Then I looked them all up and found out the only other goalie who underperforms his playoff seeding is Fleury.



I am only persistant when HOMERISM drives a conversation.


Be excited the Sabres are in there....Root enthusiastically for them.....just don't try and BS me with denial and wellwishing.


I was actually positive about this team in '05-'06 until the floodgate of departures started and the HOMERISM went to a level I have never seen in my 4 decades of being a Buffalo fan. That is when I turned to the dark side so to speak. I feel this year the Sabres have an outside chance of making it to the conference finals....but it is still the same culture and ideas for the most part.

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I'll never understand why some continue to count those stats as something they're not. You want to call it under .500, fine. You can make a case that he wasn't able to beat those playoff teams, but I see those numbers and they tell me that those same playoff teams weren't able to beat him either. The whole idea of being above/below .500 means absolutely nothing in hockey. A hockey game is not a simple dichotomous yes/no outcome. Ok, now that we've hit the playoffs, yes, they are. But like you sarcastically mentioned there (my doomed response was a joke), the playoffs operate under a different system, both in the OT rules and the fact that the league suddenly decides to enforce the rules in a completely different fashion.


If we're going to talk about Miller here, that's fine, but he's not the issue or the big question mark going into this series.

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All I did was comment that Miller was under .500 against playoff teams.....which he was....and I wasn't the one who brought up the stat.


Someone said that was a good thing


I said that is gobbleygook


Then someone said "Oh yeah? What about the other goalies?"


Then I looked them all up and found out the only other goalie who underperforms his playoff seeding is Fleury.



I am only persistant when HOMERISM drives a conversation.


Be excited the Sabres are in there....Root enthusiastically for them.....just don't try and BS me with denial and wellwishing.


I was actually positive about this team in '05-'06 until the floodgate of departures started and the HOMERISM went to a level I have never seen in my 4 decades of being a Buffalo fan. That is when I turned to the dark side so to speak. I feel this year the Sabres have an outside chance of making it to the conference finals....but it is still the same culture and ideas for the most part.

I'm not all kool-aid. I said, this series, compare Rask and Miller season stats, Miller is better than Rask against playoff teams. See here...

Everyone talking about how good Rask is..blah...blah...blah... He'll crack IMO.


FWIW, Rask has 6 of his 22 wins against playoff teams. Miller has 17 of his 41 against playoff teams.


I'll take a 41.4% win rate vs. 27.27% any day.


Miller 17-12-6 against playoff teams


That's Under .500 for anyone keeping track

You can't compare season stats with overtime/shootouts to win/loss post season. 4 of those 6 OT losses were in a shootout. What if they kept playing?

So what are the other 15 goalies like?

This was a legitimate question, although we would really need to compare specifically this series Miller/Rask playoff win/loss, which we can't.


Ummm....... If you aren't .500 against playoff teams, that means statistically speaking.....you will lose in the 1st round.


Your line of reasoning sounds like something a girl's soccer coach would tell his players to prevent them from crying before their first playoff game.


Of the other 6 times Ruff has been to the first round he's coached 5 wins. But we're talking about Rask v Miller eh?

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I'll never understand why some continue to count those stats as something they're not. You want to call it under .500, fine. You can make a case that he wasn't able to beat those playoff teams, but I see those numbers and they tell me that those same playoff teams weren't able to beat him either. The whole idea of being above/below .500 means absolutely nothing in hockey. A hockey game is not a simple dichotomous yes/no outcome. Ok, now that we've hit the playoffs, yes, they are. But like you sarcastically mentioned there (my doomed response was a joke), the playoffs operate under a different system, both in the OT rules and the fact that the league suddenly decides to enforce the rules in a completely different fashion.


If we're going to talk about Miller here, that's fine, but he's not the issue or the big question mark going into this series.


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So we don't want to count shootouts now?



A shootout is 100% dependant on the goalie!!!!


Miller doesn't let more goals in than the other goalie under the EXACT same set of circumstances......he doesn't lose


And hockey's all about a scenario where there are only two guys on the ice.

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