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Oh, and this thread--especially starting on page 2--just makes watching the win so much more fun. Look, I know some Buffalo fans can be a-holes, as fans of any team can be. But these complaints either seem petty or made-up.



Thanks for the good read!


It makes me feel better that there are people out there more miserable than me.

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Didn't want to start a new thread for this, but Daymond Langkow was hit in the back of the neck with a puck tonight:




The team did report that he had full feeling in his extremities at the hospital. Scary stuff, though.

That can actually be deadly. It has happened in the past where players were killed because of where the puck hit them.

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so was driving from DC to Pittsburgh for this game, only feed on XM was Carolina radio. OMFG, was that just awful. Let me say I am no huge fan on of RJ, liked him a lot more 20 yrs ago when he did not think he was the show...but the Carolina broadcast reminded me of AA baseball. Only one guy throughout the whole game, yes he even handled intermission. First intermission he read from an ESPN the Mag about the evolution of the hockey stick.2nd intermission was emails from fans asking about clarity on icing etc. Its no wonder hockey doesn't take off in non traditional markets when they treat their fans like buffoons.


Also, he kept pronouncing Rivet like Re-Vunh, like he was trying to hard to impart a French accent on the name.


I always liked Neale regardless of what people say. But being a subscriber to NHL GameCenter I have to listen to a lot of the opposing teams announcers and IMO Sabres fans really need to get off his case. He is one of the better color commentators out there. I thought the Carolina TV crew was pretty good. They did use the excuse that Carolina was tired playing 3 games in 4 nights (not sure if they realized BFLO had done the same) but they were unbiased and had a lot to say about both teams.

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Oh, and this thread--especially starting on page 2--just makes watching the win so much more fun. Look, I know some Buffalo fans can be a-holes, as fans of any team can be. But these complaints either seem petty or made-up.

Just started reading the canes thread. So when we were up about 5 - 1 we started a lets go buffalo and it was getting loud. Canes fan in front of me turned around and asked I not yell in his ears. What a bunch of whine and cheesers

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Oh, and this thread--especially starting on page 2--just makes watching the win so much more fun. Look, I know some Buffalo fans can be a-holes, as fans of any team can be. But these complaints either seem petty or made-up.


I tend to believe most of these stories about out of town fans. Across all sports, all fan bases, they are brutal. Go in, sit down, shut up and enjoy the game. I want to choke Leaf fans every time I see them on TV at HSBC, and I'm sure Buffalo fans don't travel any better.


The point about the ex-pats should move back is a pretty sharp one, but perhaps valid. You love Buffalo that much? Go live there.

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Oh, and this thread--especially starting on page 2--just makes watching the win so much more fun. Look, I know some Buffalo fans can be a-holes, as fans of any team can be. But these complaints either seem petty or made-up.


That story about how somebody insulted his three-year old and how he had to put the evil nazi Sabre fan in his place comes in about ten thousand different varieties, and all have one thing in common - It's a tall tale.


Though I'm sure there are som true a-hole Sabre fans out there, we all know there's only one franchise whose fanbase talks trash to three year olds - Philly's.

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I tend to believe most of these stories about out of town fans. Across all sports, all fan bases, they are brutal. Go in, sit down, shut up and enjoy the game. I want to choke Leaf fans every time I see them on TV at HSBC, and I'm sure Buffalo fans don't travel any better.

While there are certainly examples of poor fan behavior at every sporting event, I have to wonder how much embellishment is given to these stories.


Yes, yes and double ###### yes.

I'm not sure how Kennedy ever ended up playing with the likes of Ellis and Mair. He's an offensive player. Always has been. Lindy's use of him has to be questioned.

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Anyvone Haf an HD feed??


This is pertaining to DTV


Nope, I didn't -- although I don't think I ever did when they were on the road. Hopefully with the new ruling we'll have it Wed. night vs. the Habs.

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While there are certainly examples of poor fan behavior at every sporting event, I have to wonder how much embellishment is given to these stories.



I'm not sure how Kennedy ever ended up playing with the likes of Ellis and Mair. He's an offensive player. Always has been. Lindy's use of him has to be questioned.

I think the Vanek-Roy-Kennedy and the Hecht-Connolly-Pominville lines should stay in tact the remainder of the season. They seem to be humming...

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I tend to believe most of these stories about out of town fans. Across all sports, all fan bases, they are brutal. Go in, sit down, shut up and enjoy the game. I want to choke Leaf fans every time I see them on TV at HSBC, and I'm sure Buffalo fans don't travel any better.


The point about the ex-pats should move back is a pretty sharp one, but perhaps valid. You love Buffalo that much? Go live there.


I don't go to many out of town arenas or stadiums but was brave enough to sit in the old "dog pound" for the Bills-Browns game on Nov. 6, 1990. I wore a Bills hat, the surrounding Browns fans were mostly drunk, and their team was getting beat 35-0. Out of respect and self preservation we limited ourselves to "golf claps" on every good Bills play. Near the end of the game as we were prudently leaving our seats, Daryl Talley intercepts and scores. I've got to say we were treated well as we didn't make aholes of ourselves by gloating or getting in anybody's face. I think the key to watching a game in an opposing teams stadium or arena is to be polite and good natured to the fans around you. OTOH, when at your home stadium it doesn't hurt to instigate and get the stupid Dolphin or Raider fans thrown out! ;)

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I don't go to many out of town arenas or stadiums but was brave enough to sit in the old "dog pound" for the Bills-Browns game on Nov. 6, 1990. I wore a Bills hat, the surrounding Browns fans were mostly drunk, and their team was getting beat 35-0. Out of respect and self preservation we limited ourselves to "golf claps" on every good Bills play. Near the end of the game as we were prudently leaving our seats, Daryl Talley intercepts and scores. I've got to say we were treated well as we didn't make aholes of ourselves by gloating or getting in anybody's face. I think the key to watching a game in an opposing teams stadium or arena is to be polite and good natured to the fans around you. OTOH, when at your home stadium it doesn't hurt to instigate and get the stupid Dolphin or Raider fans thrown out! ;)


That takes me back. I remember in the olden days when the Dolphins would regularly kick the Bills at Rich. It was a typical fall day, 30 degrees with some wind. Buffalo had an early lead which they ultimately and predictably lost. It wasn't until the game started slipping away that we realized a Dolphins fan had infiltrated our season ticket area. He was getting more and more obnoxious as the game tilted his way. He started pulling off his shirt and thumping his chest. I quiped, someone ought to hit him with a beer. No sooner did the words leave my mouth when someone I was with act upon them. Splash!! He went crazy... Security came down and hauled him out.. Good times...

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That story about how somebody insulted his three-year old and how he had to put the evil nazi Sabre fan in his place comes in about ten thousand different varieties, and all have one thing in common - It's a tall tale.

Yeah, the whole "Junior, you better shut up or I'll pound you" thing sounds like internet tough guy talk. If you have a three year old with you, the last thing you should be doing is threatening to fight someone. Bad example for the kid and, if that person decides to go, she's watching Daddy fight, maybe lose, probably get thrown out, and maybe even go to jail. Nice parenting.

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Yeah, the whole "Junior, you better shut up or I'll pound you" thing sounds like internet tough guy talk. If you have a three year old with you, the last thing you should be doing is threatening to fight someone. Bad example for the kid and, if that person decides to go, she's watching Daddy fight, maybe lose, probably get thrown out, and maybe even go to jail. Nice parenting.

Yeah when i read that one it sounded like a whining canes fan trying to act tough. But than again ya dont have to take a stupidity test to have kids

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Yeah, the whole "Junior, you better shut up or I'll pound you" thing sounds like internet tough guy talk. If you have a three year old with you, the last thing you should be doing is threatening to fight someone. Bad example for the kid and, if that person decides to go, she's watching Daddy fight, maybe lose, probably get thrown out, and maybe even go to jail. Nice parenting.




That whole scenario reeks of BS in every aspect.

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Actually I like Chuck Kaiton but yeah not having a color guy chiming in is odd. Their TV color guy is Tripp Tracy and he is terrible their TV guy Naslund is mediocre


The one that stood out as absolutely hilarious to me was Tracy (I believe it was him) questioning why Ruff would burn his time out after an icing call late in the game. The Sabres had just killed a penalty and had defenders out there for a very long shift. Was it really that much of a mystery why Lindy called the timeout there?


Oh, and this thread--especially starting on page 2--just makes watching the win so much more fun. Look, I know some Buffalo fans can be a-holes, as fans of any team can be. But these complaints either seem petty or made-up.


Always good for some laughs. These people expect a wine tasting at each of their games. The one theme that definitely sticks out after reading that stuff is that many of the posters talk about confronting Sabres fans for their actions (or their assumed actions). They (those posters) come in expecting trouble and they're doing anything they can to make sure that trouble does happen.

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The one that stood out as absolutely hilarious to me was Tracy (I believe it was him) questioning why Ruff would burn his time out after an icing call late in the game. The Sabres had just killed a penalty and had defenders out there for a very long shift. Was it really that much of a mystery why Lindy called the timeout there?



Yeah I caught that one too, and what was even funnier was that the play-by-play guy had to explain to him why Ruff was *possibly* using his timeout at that particular point.

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I always liked Neale regardless of what people say. But being a subscriber to NHL GameCenter I have to listen to a lot of the opposing teams announcers and IMO Sabres fans really need to get off his case. He is one of the better color commentators out there. I thought the Carolina TV crew was pretty good. They did use the excuse that Carolina was tired playing 3 games in 4 nights (not sure if they realized BFLO had done the same) but they were unbiased and had a lot to say about both teams.

Neale is old and getting older. RJ is still (mostly) sharp as a tack, but Neale has senior moments several times a game where he just stops in mid-sentence, searching his memory for a name before falling back on calling a player "the Carolina defenseman." There are other lame announcers out there, but criminy, Neale is washed up. I live in the Dallas market now and while I'm no special fan of the Stars, Daryl Reaugh is just entertaining as heck when it comes to color guys. Maybe he has me spoiled and that's why I think Neale is so bad.


The other guy that's washed up is Mickey Redmond. When I lived in Detroit in the first half of the 90s, I liked his commentary but he really needs to retire at this point. No matter what he says, I hear, "GET OFF MY LAWN YOU ROTTEN KIDS!" Get thee to a retirement home.

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There are good and bad in EVERY crowd. I've been harrassed at hockey games lots of places, that's just part of the game.


I love the third jersey the Canes have. The only thing I am not big on is the red color, I saw somewhere where a guy had photoshoped a Canes Swirlie logo jersey with Whalers blue and green that was pretty cool.



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The point about the ex-pats should move back is a pretty sharp one, but perhaps valid. You love Buffalo that much? Go live there.


That's one way of looking at it (and I did do that, myself).


Here's another way: Can't stand other teams' fans in your rink? Sell out your building to whinercane fans. Oh, there aren't enough? Not our problem, or the problem of the diaspora of other hockey cities.

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That's one way of looking at it (and I did do that, myself).


Here's another way: Can't stand other teams' fans in your rink? Sell out your building to whinercane fans. Oh, there aren't enough? Not our problem, or the problem of the diaspora of other hockey cities.



There are plenty of people attending Canes games, unlike Atlanta (man, that place is DEAD). The reason there are so many Sabres, Pens, Flyers fans, etc, is because they LIVE there. I would suspect that for the most part, opposing fans live in the area and buy tickets, are invited by those who do have tickets, or are actually wearing Canes jerseys except when thier original team comes to town...

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There are plenty of people attending Canes games, unlike Atlanta (man, that place is DEAD). The reason there are so many Sabres, Pens, Flyers fans, etc, is because they LIVE there. I would suspect that for the most part, opposing fans live in the area and buy tickets, are invited by those who do have tickets, or are actually wearing Canes jerseys except when thier original team comes to town...

Until the 2006 series I also had a canes jersey and went to many of a game. However after the BS that occurred after game 1 and being threatened in a bar during game 7, 2nd intermission when we had the lead, gave me a sour taste on Canes fans. I also was reading on the message boards these stories of civil unrest by Sabres fans however I think the real issue is that in Game 1 the Sabres fans drowned out the canes fans when we started our Lets Go Buffalo at the 4 14 minute mark in the first period. I think Caniacs were offended we could be louder than they could without the help of the sound systems etc.

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I tend to believe most of these stories about out of town fans. Across all sports, all fan bases, they are brutal. Go in, sit down, shut up and enjoy the game. I want to choke Leaf fans every time I see them on TV at HSBC, and I'm sure Buffalo fans don't travel any better.


I agree about the Leaf fans. Here is the difference though, you don't see a thread here after every Leafs game dedicated to whining and complaining about them.


The point about the ex-pats should move back is a pretty sharp one, but perhaps valid. You love Buffalo that much? Go live there.


Really? We aren't talking about love for city or region here, we are talking about loving the hockey team that plays there. I don't think my wife and kids would consider my Sabres fandom as a valid reason for moving back to Buffalo.

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