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Lindy admits Tallinder may never return to form


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Just after the 4:00 mark:


Lindy was asked how concerned he was that, given his play for the last couple of years, Tallinder might never return to his old form. He answered that he's very concerned, he's expressed that concern to Hank and that Hank should be concerned, too. He said that Hank is the only one who can change that. This is the first time that I've heard him say more than just that a player is off right now. He's actually saying that he might be broken, perhaps irreparably so.


Based on that, I have to wonder if Tallinder will make it to the end of this contract if things don't turn around for him soon. We all know that he's been shaky again this year and that he was all but benched yesterday after that first giveaway. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the box tomorrow, either.

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Good! At this point, I'd rather have Nate in, Although I wouldn't be opposed to simply releasing Tallinder and bringing up Webber either. If we don't start addressing our issues soon, it may be too late. I'd have to say the same for Max, too, and I've been trying like hell to support the guy. When it's time, it's time. At some point, our FO has to make a decision as to what's more important to them; winning this year, or holding out for deals that just aren't coming. Dump these lumps and let us see what some other guys can do. They can't be any worse.......

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I've said it before and I'll say it again... Henrik Tallinder has never been the same after breaking his arm against the canes 3 years ago. That hit into the boards changed him forever. Is he still hurt? Who knows. Is it a confidence thing? Probably. Either way, he's never been the same.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again... Henrik Tallinder has never been the same after breaking his arm against the canes 3 years ago. That hit into the boards changed him forever. Is he still hurt? Who knows. Is it a confidence thing? Probably. Either way, he's never been the same.


*Channeling my inner Grapes*

Could this be another case of a European player being soft?


I like Hank and I hope these injuries havent got into his head so that he avoids contact or takes it easy in some situations to avoid potential for injury.


Bring back Team Gangbang .... Tony and Hank

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I've said it before and I'll say it again... Henrik Tallinder has never been the same after breaking his arm against the canes 3 years ago. That hit into the boards changed him forever. Is he still hurt? Who knows. Is it a confidence thing? Probably. Either way, he's never been the same.

I've admitted how wrong I was before on this, but that season had me touting Tallinder as a potential Norris trophy candidate. Now look at him. :thumbdown:

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I've admitted how wrong I was before on this, but that season had me touting Tallinder as a potential Norris trophy candidate. Now look at him. :thumbdown:


You weren't really wrong. He was that good. Just the other week I watched a replay of one of those games. I forgot how good he was. Who knows what changed.

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Just after the 4:00 mark:


Lindy was asked how concerned he was that, given his play for the last couple of years, Tallinder might never return to his old form. He answered that he's very concerned, he's expressed that concern to Hank and that Hank should be concerned, too. He said that Hank is the only one who can change that. This is the first time that I've heard him say more than just that a player is off right now. He's actually saying that he might be broken, perhaps irreparably so.


It's possible Lindy heard the question only up to the part about never being the same. In other words, the questioner was talking about Tallinder's play and asked how concerned the coach was (that Tallinder might never get back to where he was). Lindy almost appeared to be starting to answer before the second part of the question. The part of the answer about expressing that concern to Tallinder doesn't make sense if the concern is not his play, but his ability to get back to where he was. I can't imagine Lindy pulling Tallinder aside and saying, "I'm concerned that you will never be the player you were." Am I overthinking this?


Also, to split hairs, the subject line is a bit misleading. Lindy didn't say Tallinder may never return to form, he said he was very concerned he might not (if indeed that's how he heard the question). There's an important difference.

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Based on that, I have to wonder if Tallinder will make it to the end of this contract if things don't turn around for him soon.

Well, no one is going to take a $2.9 million problem off our hands that becomes a $3.25 million problem next year. So I guess the question is are we going to buy him out -- which I believe would mean writing him a $4 million check, cutting him loose and getting zero in return. I wouldn't be disappointed at all if this happened, but I'd be pretty close to amazed.

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Broken arms don't make you clear the puck up the middle, stupidity does.


Bingo. Tallinder would be the best defenseman on the Sabres based on talent alone, but too often he plays with his head up his rectum.

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It's possible Lindy heard the question only up to the part about never being the same. In other words, the questioner was talking about Tallinder's play and asked how concerned the coach was (that Tallinder might never get back to where he was). Lindy almost appeared to be starting to answer before the second part of the question. The part of the answer about expressing that concern to Tallinder doesn't make sense if the concern is not his play, but his ability to get back to where he was. I can't imagine Lindy pulling Tallinder aside and saying, "I'm concerned that you will never be the player you were." Am I overthinking this?

I'm not sure I see the difference. Never be the same as what? He hasn't played well for at least two years. If the question was not referring to the same as before his injury, to when would it be referring? Last week, when he played poorly, too? Last year, when he and Lydman were demoted from top pair? I definitely got the feeling that Lindy knew exactly what he was being asked. Even if he just heard up to the part that you said, I'm sure anyone of us could have figured out where the question was going, so I'm sure Lindy could, too.


Also, to split hairs, the subject line is a bit misleading. Lindy didn't say Tallinder may never return to form, he said he was very concerned he might not (if indeed that's how he heard the question). There's an important difference.

If he is concerned that he won't return to form, then he has accepted the possibility that he may not. With "may never", as opposed to say "won't ever", I believe the subject is correct. "Might not" and "may not" are the same thing.


Well, no one is going to take a $2.9 million problem off our hands that becomes a $3.25 million problem next year. So I guess the question is are we going to buy him out -- which I believe would mean writing him a $4 million check, cutting him loose and getting zero in return. I wouldn't be disappointed at all if this happened, but I'd be pretty close to amazed.

Based on what I looked up for Timmy (though, there I admittedly missed that "Buy-Outs Outside Normal Period" refers only to a second buyout period), if we were to buy him out in the offseason, we would owe him 2/3 of his remaining salary paid over twice the remaining term of his contract. In other words, for the next two years, we would have to pay him (1/2)(2/3)$3.25 million = $1.08 million per year. Also, if Kalinin can be in a top 6 somewhere, I'm sure that Hank could, too. Trade him to a WC with a solid, stay-at-home D, to give them a little more finesse.

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This is not meant to be a bad joke, but maybe his alleged "off ice" issue is playing part in his mental breakdown. I have only heard things from this board so I have no idea what the real situation is.


It's nearing the Christmas season so Mr. Hanky should be rockin and a rollin out there.

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This is not meant to be a bad joke, but maybe his alleged "off ice" issue is playing part in his mental breakdown. I have only heard things from this board so I have no idea what the real situation is.

His alleged sexual offense? That occurred during the lockout, so his good season in 2005-06 was after that. He was cleared back in June 2005, so I'm not sure why it would be factoring in now.

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