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Everything posted by Weave

  1. @That Aud Smell has your feelings re: Skinner faded now that he is our chirper/diver?
  2. The Isles aren’t one of the teams fighting to make the playoffs. It is not outside the realm of possibility (or likelihood for that matter) that they weren’t focused on beating Buffalo.
  3. Not until he’s spearing opponents in the groin.
  4. It’s an interesting comment. At least it is to me. Id love for someone to ask Carter to expand upon that. I’m inclined to not movk the comment before hearing it explained.
  5. I was born i to it. My earliest memories include Sabres games on the TV.
  6. Yeah, it is neat to watch guys play multiple balls, using a different strategy with each ball to get around a hole or tough spot, dropping extra balls to shape shots, and putt out from multiple locations to get a read on the greens.
  7. I bet noone would have signed up for a bet that our PP would be better after moving Jack and Sam.
  8. I was there in 03 as well. Practice the week leading up to the event is where it is at. The crowds are lighter and there is some interaction with the pros. Some of the old timers are real characters. I don't remember which hole, it's a par 5 that is cut roughly in half by a creek. Mickelson and Daly were playing together in the practice round we saw. When they got to the tee box, Michelson pulled out a 3 wood and the crowd booed. Daly offered Michelson a bet for longest drive, and Michelson went back to his bag and grabbed the driver. The crowd around the tee box roared. Neither one put it in the fairway on the first try so neither won the bet. Michelson was a little ahead of Daly when they both finally did put one in the fairway.
  9. I’m ready for it to end. There is nothing at the end of this particular tunnel. Let’s start it up again in October and see how deep the hole goes.
  10. Jet is another good one. Their debut album was solid.
  11. I think right about now Boston would evaluate that he is not a Bruin type player. Like Joe Thornton. Maybe that changes by the time his contract is up.
  12. PA, I’m breaking the streak. @Inky, there is no way those were consecutive games you were watching if it was twice a night. I guess I wasn’t the only one rooting for shutouts.
  13. Apparently I missed all the fun again.
  14. I expect that the original plan was to make sure the Amerks got in the playoffs for the competition. But when nearly all of the Amerks worth mentioning ended up in Buffalo, the need for a higher level of competition was negated. Change of plan. Keep them up. What was a list of Krebs, Quinn, JJP, Mule, Fitz, Bryson, I’m sure I am missing someone, is now just Quinn and JJP. The priority to get the Amerks into the playoffs to get this list of kids playing at a higher competitive level was reduced.
  15. You and I appear to share the same memories. This lines up well with my experience.
  16. It was an Amerks game as MJD1001 mentions.
  17. Lots of them. While I have been a fan for as long as I have a memory, I never obsessed over the details of any given season. The big picture items remain seared into my grey matter, but the individual items that make up the bigger picture get lost for every year. Frankly, I am amazed at the level of detail you guys retain from even 12-15 seasons ago.
  18. Are you really asking me to fully flesh out a hot take? 😂
  19. Hot take: A good to very good young player is going to be moved in this offseason for a very good veteran player. Getting to the cap floor will be partially why. A bunch of us are going to be really disappointed and vocal about the player that goes, but in the end it’ll be a good hockey trade.
  20. Correction noted. And how ironic is it the the USS The Sullivans was made a home in the one region of the nation that prefaces all of their points of interest with “the”? She was destined to finish out her time in Buffalo.
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