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Everything posted by Weave

  1. I don’t see Buffalo on that list. ***** em all.
  2. I have no idea how common or uncommon your experience was. I’ve had nothing but good experiences to date. And if you were suspicious at all you probably should have reached out to airbnb about it.
  3. Yeah that isn’t normal. I didn’t have to give that info out to sign up with the airbnb app. I do everything through the app and let airbnb handle the actual transaction.
  4. What other player in the league has seen 5 coaches in such a short time?
  5. At some point the right needs to acknowledge that widespread gun ownership, statements of replacement theory (and other hate mongering theories) and aggressive language is an unsafe combination. This is the 3rd or 4th mass shooting in recent memory where replacement theory has been the motivator. Adults on the right side need to do the right thing and stop this kind of crap messaging. Correction- the adults on the right need to do the right thing and condemn this kind of crap messaging, not just stop doing it.
  6. I had to cheat. Obvious when you see the names, but I had forgotten that they were Sabres draft picks.
  7. I use airbnb a few times every year. I guess I never paid attention to the fees. Is there a lower fee option to airbnb?
  8. I’ve grown to answer the question, “how are you” with “I am well”. Sometimes it gets looks. “I am good” has become customary. I assume “I am well can come off as pretentious as well.
  9. Ahh yes. Drafted. Forgot that part as I wad making my brain work
  10. Doug Bodger has to be on that list. I’m guessing Zhitnick is as well.
  11. I read somewhere earlier today that the difference between TB and Tor is that TB players have adopted roles and stick to them. Tor has the skill but noone is picking up roles beyond being skill guys. Coach and culture is what it sounds like to me.
  12. Some of it is because I watched a time when it took legit cloak and dagger efforts to get a player out of there. Some of it is simple risk avoidance. We’ve got picks. Get value out of them, dammit. By early I mean, get a couple guys in hand before adding risk.
  13. Sample size of 1 but…. My only viewing of Peterka was a late season game with Taro and Inky. Peterka looked alot like Afinogenov, and not in a good way. Lots of speed with the puck. Lots of skating into defenders with no way out. He’s obviously talented. But he didn’t impress as a real difference maker. It soured me on him. Hopefully I just saw a bad game. Quinn, on the other hand looked poised and dangerous. But in the 3rd period he was also pretty much negated. It will be interesting to see how this develops. JJ seems to be making the most of the opportunity now. If he sticks im October and Quinn doesn’t, it will be because JJ earned it.
  14. To me the response is, use the early picks on players that have the standard risks associated with them. Once you have a couple that you are confident will be hits, then pick some players with risks.
  15. He published a manifesto echoing the talking points that our new “conservative” caucuses and certain right wing TV hosts have been parroting as a reason to be outraged. This is a product of the garbage they have been spewing.
  16. O am genuinely surprised that JJ is outperforming Quinn when the chips are down.
  17. I think you have to recognize that there is risk given the instability and war right now.
  18. I didn’t suggest that you said anything political. The racially motivated nature of the shooting is inherently political though.
  19. Yeah this is def politically charged, and it is all I can muster to not go off the rails about it here.
  20. I seem to remember US talking about it. I’m not sure Adams ever said a thing.
  21. Instead of dismissing him as a dinosaur, maybe, just maybe we could have considered that this kind of ***** is what Lindy talked about at the end of the regular season. Im guessing NJD lacked a Kreider to set the tone.
  22. Right on the chin with a shoulder pad. Im iffy on how deliberate it was. It was a touch late. Im glad I don’t get paid to make judgement on these things.
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