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Everything posted by Weave

  1. To the bolded, we really do not know how many offer sheets occur each offseason.
  2. Yeah, teams don’t hide real injuries. Especially in cities with massive media pressure. I don’t care enough to continue. I just find it odd that you’re so confident in knowing what happened that you’ll call a guy with no reason to make up the story and who was there a liar. To each their own I guess.
  3. We would’ve crushed Montreal, even down 5 NHL defensemen. What could have been….
  4. Not at all pertinent to the conversation, but I recently watched a Spittin Chicklets episode where Craig Rivet admitted to being the source of the injury that knocked Koivu out of the playoffs. Rivet and Koivu were roomies. There was some horseplay and Rivet unintentionally body checked Koivu into the toilet. It broke and Koivu ended up with something like 30 plus stitches. Supposedly the team was never aware of how it happened.
  5. All the more reason we need a goalie for at least 3 yrs
  6. Over the last decade there should have been a band at ice level playing the Benny Hill theme.
  7. Aren’t there rumors of locker room issues with Tkachuk? That would be my only concern.
  8. You need to move your bedtime back by another scotch. Derp.
  9. I definitely agree with the part I quoted. I know I am in the minority these days, but the time spent discussing fantasy aspects, and now betting aspects, takes time away from actually discussing the game, and I find that a whole lot less entertaining.
  10. They need a minimum of a 2yr filler, very possibly 3yrs depending on how Levi does in Roc his first season. That’s probably all of MAFs window if he’s interested at all.
  11. Gambling is definitely changing the way the game is being presented to us. But the same can be said for fantasy sports as well. Which, lets face it, was a form of gambling really.
  12. Yeah, I don’t know where that came from.
  13. The NHL and the NBA have shown quite clearly that they do not support the notion that it is OK for a team to choose to alienate their fanbase. The fine line they are trying to walk is, how do you effectively discourage the activity without upending the whole process? They’re working on it. It will be interesting to see how effectively the current rules discourage tanking.
  14. Dude, its a twitter post. He wasn’t going to wax poetic about it. It was a simple, hey Im going to do something that I think is going to be better for me post.
  15. I don’t think giving benefit of the doubt is bending over backwards. All of this obviously has historical context. I get PA lashing back. The comment in the old thread is directed at him. But we see alot more than a PA reaction. John gets dog piled by folks not involved in the history. Unnecessary. That’s all.
  16. I dunno. From my perspective, people in general have put “reporters” and “news people” on a level that used to be occupied by used car salesmen. Hell, the lawyers here get way more room and we all remember a time when that wouldn’t have been very likely. Sports reporters are very much included in the “liars and not trustable” category that much of the news is in today, and (again in my perspective) it is well demonstrated here. I don’t think any of it is 1. Justified and 2. Healthy for our country (or Sabrespace for that matter).
  17. Maybe he always wanted to be an editor, or a politics reporter, or do documentaries. Its not a shot to say he left to do something he’s wanted to do for a long time.
  18. Much more eloquently stated than I could have managed. For some reason I don’t understand this group regularly goes on the offensive whenever a media personality dares to get involved. Of course, in this case JW seems to have taken the bait and pretty much always finds an opportunity to take a shot of his own. But we never seem to give a media person the beneftof the doubt that we give any other very part time posters.
  19. Considering the number of regular posters that dig up old dirt for gotcha moments, I’d call this more typical than incredible.
  20. Never saw the show. I just think the idea of the jacket lining is a riot.
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