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Everything posted by K-9

  1. So, do I finally need my other hand to count the number of periods we produced a positive Corsi this season? GO SABRES!!!
  2. I am absolutely insulted by Mezsaros' remarks in his pregame interview tonight. 75 games into the season, he decided he had to work harder? That's a bigger phuck you to the the fans than anything the fans did by cheering for the opposition. They can't get rid of these losers fast enough. GO SABRES!!!
  3. I'm not shocked by it at all. It's indicative of the type of fool's gold this team is trying to pedal. That they needed to discover their competitive fire as a result of being challenged by their own fans is pitiful and says all I need to know about them as a team. There's a reason they are vying for last place, after all. They are losers. And wrestling 29th place to prove otherwise is no sort of statement at all. Statements needed to be made in the first 10 games, not the last 10. GO SABRES!!!
  4. Neither will be with the big team unless injury dictates it. Yay, hard work and character! Nice to discover it 70 games into the season. GO SABRES!!!
  5. I honestly don't know enough about any of these kids to comment with any great insight, but Marner is absolutely tearing up the OHL playoffs with 12 points in the first three games. That's serious kick ass. GO SABRES!!!
  6. Just heard Meszaros in an interview say that he hasn't changed anything in his game recently. He thought that maybe he had to "work harder." This dovetails the crap I read in the lead Sabres article in today's Snooze, about how they are determined to work hard and go out and get these last 6 games. How there's a ton of character in that room. Spare me. Too little, too late for this sorry ass team of underachievers. Where was the hard work and character in the first 6 games of the year when it mattered? This clusterphuck of a season can't end fast enough. GO SABRES!!!
  7. What's worse for the players: home fans booing them or home fans cheering for the other team? And of the two, what makes you a "better" fan? GO SABRES!!!
  8. I get the impression some fans won't be able to root for the Sabres for as long as one of McDeichel is on the team. Their moral compass just won't allow it. We can look forward to 15 years of derisive posts from those fans as a result. In the meantime, those that understand that doing our best to acquire one of them is nothing more than a strategy to improve the long range prospects of the team; a strategy long employed across the spectrum of sports and the teams that compete in them. Like Bucky said, you gotta plan for the future by getting to the bottom. GO SABRES!!!
  9. Bucky's column from June, 2013 and an excerpt. Hmm. http://www.buffalonews.com/20130623/Bucky_Gleason_cleans_house_as_Sabres_x2019_GM_for_a_day.html GO SABRES!!!
  10. I'm not conflating the two and as such, not debating which is worse. I was just reminded of the Lucic incident when I saw the video again. That team was simply shameful. As to the fans exercising their right to go to a game and boo the home team, they have that right as consumers. To cheer the opposing team? They have that right, too. People are making way too much of it, especially in light of the clusterphuck of a season this has been. Assquatch is right, players shouldn't take it personally. And they should know better than to draw a line in the sand against the fans like Weber did. He needs to get a clue. GO SABRES!!!
  11. NOTHING comes close to the embarrassment I felt as a fan than that travesty against the Bruins. I was for blowing it all up from that moment on. That team was an utter disgrace to the game, the city, and themselves. And they knew it. Hey Weber, phuck you! Try sucking less for an entire season. GO SABRES!!!
  12. That's the difference a Pegula makes. Not many owners can/will cut that check up front and put those funds in escrow as required. GO BILLS!!!
  13. Looking forward to seeing how Eichel responds to the added pressure of the NCAA tourney. GO SABRES!!!
  14. Perfectly stated and relatable. Nice to root for a team and not feel like I need a shower afterward. GO SANRES!!!
  15. Why not? They are all in and committed. GO SABRES!!!
  16. "No, I'm here because you suck at the game of hockey. Now, get the phuck out of my way while I conduct a hockey clinic in puck possession. Should only take a minute against your lame hockey-playing ass." That's what I imagine McDeichel's retort would be. GO SABRES!!!
  17. You are one classy dame, bio. GO SABRES!!!
  18. They oughta kiss the floor he walks on if we're lucky enough to have him waltz into that room next season. I get what you're saying though. If we are lucky enough to get one of McDeichel, I think it'll take all of a few practices before everyone realizes he's the best centerman we have. There'll be a few smile then. GO SABRES!!!
  19. How dare you presume I care about this team! GO SABRES!!!
  20. Can the stat line on the NHL.com site be correct? We blocked 42 shots? Added to the 39 shots on goal and counting however directed shots went wide, did we possess the puck AT ALL tonight? How did we score 3 goals? We need a coach that can teach and coach puck possession and a dominant centerman that can maintain it. Gee, if only I knew where we might get one of those. GO SABRES!!!
  21. Well, since we don't have the guts to match Arizona in the strategy department, I'm praying we or they win the lottery. At least that will still ensure one of the top two picks if we finish 29th. GO SABRES!!!
  22. Because his mom was a natural US citizen and his dad a US resident both working in Canada at the time of his birth, Cruz is also a natural US citizen, regardless. He is eligible.
  23. AZ in it to win it. It's a strategy that their franchise will reap the benefits of for a generation. Too bad we don't have the same level of commitment to getting better. GO SABRES!!!
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