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Everything posted by K-9

  1. You have a firm grasp of the obvious. Congrats! GO SABRES!!! No, overstated in that I made a poor choice of words. I assure you, nothing about my opinion of your views on Murray is from thin air. You have provided ample material to remove any doubt. GO SABRES!!!
  2. They were all selected before Murray got here. GO SABRES!!! Fair enough. Perhaps that was overstated on my end in this instance. But criticizing Murray is part and parcel to your agenda to convince everyone that he's out of his depth. GO SABRES!!!
  3. Sorry, Liger. All that matter are the remarks Murray made last night in the heat of the moment. Any quotes born out of careful consideration and/or reflection are no indication of his ability to successfully manage this franchise and oversee the rebuild. We should all put more weight into Murray's off the cuff remarks. GO SABRES!!! That's it's nothing more than an agenda-driven narrative by a media that would rather sensationalize than provide full context to a story. That style seems to appeal to a certain segment of consumers. I know you can relate to that aspect of this. I like how you choose to further castigate Murray after he had a chance to reflect on things from last night. But I'm not surprised given your belief that spontaneous, off the cuff remarks are more indicative of his ability to do his job. It's also indicative of my earlier assertion that there is nothing Murray can say to sway you from your predetermined viewpoint. GO SABRES!!!
  4. I rest my case. GO SABRES!!!
  5. I think that's unfair to the positive things he had to say. Like you said, it's about the narrative and those in the agenda-driven media that seek to frame that narrative for whatever agenda they are driving. I just don't agree that the sum total of all that Tim Murray is and hopes to be as a GM and architect of this rebuilding project, is contained in a few remarks in a 10 minute presser he had disdain for having to participate in in the first place. If the media is gonna parse his language, they should do a more honest job of retaining and presenting the entire context of his remarks. GO SABRES!!!
  6. If that's all you're saying then this has all been just a vociferous defense of that statement and nothing more? You'll have to pardon me if that wasn't crystal clear through all that verbiage. I'll remain skeptical about you not caring about what he says if what he does ends up helping us win. The entire tear down and rebuild is designed to do just that, but that hasn't stopped you from calling him out and criticizing what he's been saying anyway. You seem to care very much about what he says and how he says it. I look for you to continue that trend up until we indeed start winning. The phrase "fair weather fan" comes to mind. GO SABRES!!!
  7. You're agenda appears to be to convince us that Tim Murray is not fit to be our GM. That he is intellectually out of his depth, especially when it comes to dealing with the press and speaking spontaneously. That he made a grievous tactical error by not immediately gushing forth with high praise for Eichel and how happy we are to get him. And that you can tell far more about Tim Murray through his unprepared remarks rather than vice-versa. I'm sure I'll be able to additionally frame your agenda as you continue to spout on, but I think that's enough of a big picture overview of what your agenda seems to be. GO SABRES!!!
  8. This is inspired. I predict it will end up as somebody's signature. For some reason, I kept thinking of Jimmy in 'Seinfeld.' Now you're just being coy. Or is that koi? GO SABRES!!!
  9. And I'm glad you recognize that. It's unfortunate that you can't also see that Murray said some good things last night as well. I don't need to "have at it." You're doing a good enough job of that on your own here. It's obvious that you have an agenda. When one focuses on only one aspect of that press conference, it's the only conclusion I can draw. GO SABRES!!!
  10. That would be the hypocrite's box. Unless, of course, you're ok with having something you've said at a given point in your life serve to be what defines you from that point on. Nothing Murray can do or say moving forward can satisfy you at any point in the future. He had one chance to convince you and he blew it last night. I imagine you won't be conflicted at all if and when he turns us into contenders. He'll still be that babbling idiot from last night, no matter how many cups he may lead us to. GO SABRES!!! I'd put more weight in your remarks if they were more off the cuff rather than scripted, X. It's like everything you say comes out of a can. GO SABRES!!!
  11. There's still plenty of room in the box for you to add more stupid things Murray says that you can forever hold him to. Because, you know, his entire career in hockey can be confined to stupid comments made in a 10 minute presser. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Hated to see the Jets lose that heartbreaker last night. It was a microcosm of my frustration with Myers over the years as he got abused on that goal last night. He has got to be stronger than that. I think the home crowd will urge the Jets to tie this series before it goes back to SoCal.
  13. So Murray is boxed in and tied to his remarks last night no matter what he says about how great it will be to draft Eichel moving forward. Got it. How about we put you in the same box moving forward? GO SABRES!!!
  14. It's not about the media tricking people. It's about choosing to frame the narrative out of context. You shouldn't expect Murray to be more than what he is. We would all prefer he say the perfect things at the right time all the time. When he spends the next couple months heaping more praise on Eichel as the draft approaches and the media continue to contrast those comments with those from last night, will you appreciate the contrast or seek to hold what he said in the heat of an emotionally charged moment as the one and only true indication of his feelings? The media have already made up their minds. Have you? GO SABRES!!!
  15. Am I to believe Murray was being disingenuous in his effusive praise of Eichel in that presser? As usual, the media are framing a narrative out of context. I'm not surprised some have chosen to agree. Being disappointed in not landing McDavid does not mean being unhappy about getting Eichel. Not even close. GO SABRES!!!
  16. Nice take here. Thanks for trying to track down this quote. I think it was an embellishment of his presser comments. This will be a distant memory when Eichel is taking the opening face off of the season next October. He's at least our best C since Patty and my hunch is he'll end up being the best since Bert by the time it's over. GO SABRES!!!
  17. Well now, you really do have some respect for the process. I'm impressed with your dogged determination not to keep making an ass of yourself. Well done. I'm even less worried about the comment now that I've seen the context of the remark. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Tells who? And again, there is no context at all. None. Regardless of your seemingly agenda driven need to link it to the lottery results. I'm done with you until you can provide relevant information. In the meantime, we all get you are disappointed for the fans in the meantime. GO SABRES!!!
  19. At this point, there's nothing to suggest that Murray made this remark at all. GO SABRES!!!
  20. I've heard others make that comparison. I think it's a combination of his long skating strides, which make him deceptively fast (he's at full speed in two strides) and his longer hockey stick which conjures up images of Lemieux. GO SABRES!!!
  21. Well, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean "I'm disappointed for the fans" when he said weeks ago that he can't stop looking at McDavid when he watches him play. I can see how it makes perfect sense for you to just throw random quotes out there and insist they all mean the same thing. You know, for someone making so much fun of Murray's infatuation with McDavid, you sure seem like a jilted prom date since learning we won't be drafting him. GO SABRES!!!
  22. Thanks, Liger. I'b be interested to know if it's in there. The first time I listened, I didn't hear that. Murray seemed annoyed at the process, but had glowing remarks about Eichel. GO SABRES!!!
  23. He said that weeks ago. WHAT'S THE CONTEXT THOUGH, INDEED!!! GO SABRES!!!
  24. That comment could be about anything which is why context is important. Until I know what the context is, it's just your incessant need to keep projecting your personal disappointment about having to settle for Eichel. And most fans with a clue would be more disappointed about not having pizza logs until October than about drafting Jack Eichel. GO SABRES!!!
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