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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Did you see the way Bogo was playing Crosby the other night? No way Myers brings anything close to that. For what both teams needed most on their back end, this is a great trade for both teams. Kane will be icing on the cake. Staph most likely doesn't re-sign and goes to Minny, Armia hasn't been heard from, Lemieux is not even at Armia's level, and the first rounder (most likely from St Loius) isn't even a gleam in anyone's eye at this point. Rooting like hell for the Jets in the playoffs!
  2. Kid skates like Gilbert. If he can put the puck on a string like Bert, watch out. GO SABRES!!!
  3. Seconded. Let's take this thread out back and shoot the phucker. Hope we never see the likes of this again. GO SABRS!!!
  4. A heartfelt tip of the toque to Tank, Taro, and all the other contributors to this thread all season. Thanks! GO SABRES!!!
  5. After what Meszaros said, I don't see how anyone CAN'T question his and others desire to be victorious. GO SABRES!!!
  6. I think the Meszaros, Strachans, Webers, Benoits, and other part-timers need to apologize to the likes of Deslaurier, Kaleta, and others who gave 100% from the first puck drop of the season. Meszaros admitted it himself when he said that he just needed to "work harder" vs. change anything in his game. I don't buy for a second that Nolan is miraculously instilling some type of "character" and commitment, either. His record, regardless of the talent at his disposal, is abysmal. Teams don't just suddenly "get it" after 74 games. The simple fact is that a few losers who gave less than their all the entire season got their egos hurt by their home fans and then, and ONLY then, they decided to nut up and play to their full abilities. They won't have ANY problem playing like schmucks again when their egos heal. This group of losers can't leave fast enough. GO SABRES!!!
  7. That. too. And let's not forget that owners, own. They need to go back to no lottery system and having teams draft in the inverse order of their records, with the worst teams picking first. What, are teams gonna tank? How? By not playing hard? Or by calling up ECHL goalies? Maybe. And so what? I think this "integrity of the game" crap is just that. Sucking bad enough to even be in contention for the worst record is bad enough so why penalize bad teams further? It makes no sense. Besides, lottery systems don't deter tanking, anyway. GO SABRES!!!
  8. I would suggest the entire debate has been about the relative value of adding McDeichel vs. any other players available in this draft. GO SABRES!!!
  9. It's a lot more than just "playing the odds." Adding unique talent like McDeichel forces teams to alter their defensive game plans and opens up everything else for your other lines. And they will do that for 15 years. Nobody else in the draft comes close to that kind of promise at this point. It's beyond just reassuring to the fans. It is the best option for the team moving forward, regardless. GO SABRES!!!
  10. I can't help it if you insist on projecting your own particular Freudian sexual fantasies into my preferred spelling. I prefer "McDeichel" because it adds more of McDavids name (after all, he's not just a mick, he's a mick-"D") while retaining all of Eichels. And it's just more phonetically pleasing as well. Perhaps not as pleasing as an Irish lesbian, but to each his own. GO SABRES!!!
  11. Moral imperatives? Regarding cheering or booing the home team? Really? I've reached the end of this hypocritical, sanctimonious, self-righteous, holier than thou bullschit. GO SABRES!!!
  12. WGR had someone from NHL.com on this morning and he said that having either of McDeichel would be better than having any TWO of anyone else after them in the rankings. Better than having Hanifan and Strome, Strome and Marner, etc. Perhaps the highest praise I've heard yet. GO SABRES!!!
  13. Sucks that we get CHI on the second of back to backs after they play a huge game vs. Vancouver tonight. But I suspect there's a reason they are 46 points up on us to this point. GO SABRES!!!
  14. Are fans entitled to honest effort every game? I don't think our license to sit in the arena entitles us to anything except that. GO SABRES!!!
  15. I don't think they will beat Carolina, either. They aren't exactly a tired Arizona or Toronto team. GO SABRES!!!
  16. I didn't vilify them all year for losing. I was OK with honest effort, which was sorely lacking by many on that squad for most of the year. I'm vilifying them now because of their recent rhetoric and classless behavior in the locker room after beating nobody of consequence LONG after it mattered. Mindphuck indeed. GO BILLS!!!
  17. Building something special? Is it "special" when Meszaros says that he didn't have to change his game, it was just time for him to "work harder." After 72 games, he decided to "work harder?" That is a far bigger phuck you to the great fans of this city than ANYTHING the fans said to the players by cheering when the opposing team scored. Hootin' and hollerin' like they just won game 7 of the Cup finals after beating Arizona? You find that "special?" Really? They find their pride after 75 games and all of a sudden we are witnessing the makings of something "special" for the future? I doubt the Sabres will win another game this year with this bunch. Phuck McDeichel? LOL! When we land one of them, I'm sure you'll never watch another game. You know, because they just aren't worth it now that Mess and the boys have found their special groove. Yes, Mess, Strachan, Dalpe, and Ellis will lead us to the promised land. There is just no room for McDeichel with them around. GO SABRES!!!
  18. Absolutely. We will be the team that parks the tank when its all over. I am not worried in the least. We won't win another game this year. GO SABRES!!!
  19. Tells me all I need to know about the "character" in that room. This group of losers doesn't deserve the good fans of this city.
  20. With all due respect, this makes me want to barf in light of the comments by Meszaros and hearing that they were celebrating like they one the Cup after beating the 'Yotes. Yes, we have some nice pieces to move forward with, but I'm not buying any of this newly minted "character" and dedication to going 7-0 to finishing the season. Meszaros and Co. insulted the intelligence of every fan. But it's nice to know we have Ellis and Dalpe to kick in some timely "no quit in this team" goals when needed. Yahoo! Hardwork and character. After 70 games. Yep, I'm excited by this group. GO SABRES!!!
  21. Me, too. We saw the last Sabre win tonight. They will lose five straight to end the year. But we'll feel better when AZ goes up four after the weekend, anyway. GO SABRES!!!
  22. I don't think there should be any lottery at all. Team that finishes last, picks first. The false outrage at tanking is comical. "But, but the integrity of the game...yada, yada, yada." Players will play, coaches will coach and let the chips fall where they may. The reason teams are in contention to finish last is because they suck. Period. GO SABRES!!!
  23. Yep. I honestly think this is the last two points we get this year. The wins against AZ and TO were completely predictable. We'll be feeling better when AZ wins Friday or Saturday and we lose both the CHI and NYI. GO SABRES!!!
  24. A strange calm has come over me. I think this is the last two points we garner this year. Now that the team has "challenged" itself to win the last 7 games and players like Meszaros and Co. have decided that all they need to do is "work harder", I am more convinced than ever that the newly found deep character of this team will promptly go out and screw it up by losing 5 in a row to end the year. The wins over Arizona and TO were completely predictable. As are the next five straight losses. For all intents and purposes, we are three points behind the 'Yotes given the tie breaker we have. This team of losers will go out the same way they came in. GO SABRES!!!
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