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Everything posted by K-9

  1. So then you don't know the context of Murray's remark regarding the fans being disappointed. Perhaps you could have just admitted that instead of projecting your own profound sense of disappointment at not winning the lottery. GO SABRES!!!
  2. Gee thanks, bud. Like that's obvious from a captured screen shot of a tweet. Some of us just aren't as "in the twitter know" like you. Very impressive. So did Murray say he's sorry for our fans because we didn't win the lottery or not? GO SABRES!!!
  3. The time stamp is two and a half hours before the lottery. What's the context? GO SABRES!!!
  4. YoloinOhio, from Off the Wall at TwoBillsDrive was kind enough to post this over there: Gotta love Aaron Williams. GO SABRES!!!
  5. But another generational talent did end up in the East. His name is Jack Eichel. GO SABRES!!!
  6. And just what is the talent difference between the two? GO SABRES!!!
  7. This is kind of fun. And depressing at the same time. Oddly enough, it came up Sabres 2 out of the 10 times I tried. Hmm. http://nhllotterysimulator.com/#/official
  8. Oh, I like the poetic justice angle, but for me, it's strictly a hockey decision; O'Reilly best serves our needs both in the short and long term given his more complete game. GO SABRES!!!
  9. That's because you can't fire all the players. From the times I watched Boston this year, Lucic seemed more like part of the problem vs. part of the solution for them. I just don't think we'd be getting the Lucic of old. ROR just brings more "hockey" to the equation. GO SABRES!!!
  10. O'Reilly is still ascending while Lucic seems to have plateaued if not regressed. ROR brings more of what this team needs overall. While we all can respect what Lucic brings in the toughness department, we have more grit now as well as some big bodies on the way up eventually. We just aren't the same group of cheap tents we were when Miller got run. I also think there's a chance we bring back Stewart as well. GO SABRES!!!
  11. I think it's Ted Black and that horseshoe up his ass. GO SABRES!!!
  12. Not a contradiction at all. Just the way the human psyche works. Little of what I've observed of Nolan's methodology served to encourage growth on the ice as it stifled any flow offensively. I see little reason to think he's any different off the ice. GO SABRES!!!
  13. Game over. GO SABRES!!!
  14. Then by all means, proceed with your lawsuit against the league. This is perhaps the most egregious example of false advertising in history. GO SABRES!!!
  15. You are quibbling. But since it reduces EVERY team's chances by the same minute amount, the Sabres' chances, relative to everyone else's remains constant. GO SABRES!!!
  16. His tactics were stifling to say the least and his mode of motivating players by relegating them to 4th line status and reduced minutes is questionable at best. Indeed, it can serve to tamper enthusiasm. You can't reach everybody with the same "message." Again, his lack of flexibility in this regard is obvious. You are missing my point about motivation. It is out of the hands of the motivator if the one he seeks to motivate is incapable of it. All the Lombardi speeches in the world don't mean a damned thing if they fall on deaf ears. Being motivated is a personal responsibility. It's nice that Nolan can try to teach it, but it's beyond him or anyone else to INSTILL it. That can only come from within. I'm just not as down on today's young people as you are. But let's not mistake young professional athletes, all of whom are elite by comparison, with normal trends in young society, either. GO SABRES!!!
  17. I'm not following. Buffalo gets 200 out of the possible 1,000 usable combinations. GO SABRES!!!
  18. With all due respect, this is a pollyanna concept of coaching. Youth tends to need more motivation? That kind of generalization is a copout and an insult to young people. Here's a shocker: NOBODY, not a coach, teammate, mentor, or even a parent, can INSTILL attitude and motivation. All we can do is set an example and offer our best advice; you can't MAKE somebody care enough about anything. Those character traits are a personal responsibility that some acquire earlier than others while others just never do. Conversely, this positive character trait CAN be drummed out of people if not nurtured and allowed to come to the forefront. I think Nolan unwittingly does this to younger players. Nolan's coaching psychology, much like his hockey strategy itself, tends to be one of circling the wagons and adopting an "us against the world" approach. That's all well and good in the short term, but sooner or later, you have to adopt new tactics. I honestly don't think Nolan possesses the necessary flexibility to allow this. And I think that would be detrimental to the development of players, especially superstar prospects. GO SABRES!!!
  19. Outshot and outpossessed. When you deliberately coach a system that doesn't seek to maximize puck possession, you're just not putting guys in the best position for scoring opportunities most of the time. It deliberately stifles offensive hockey and I can only imagine what Murray thought about one of McDeichel in that scenario. Nolan was out of his depth and it showed. GO SABRES!!!
  20. Is it not possible that teams improve with better coaching and that Murray honestly believes we can do better in the coaching department in order achieve that improvement? I'm not following the comment about Murray going behind PL's back at all. Are you now blaming Murray for PL's dismissal? That Murray intentionally set out to usurp the man who hired him? Seems you are taking your anti-Murray position to a whole new level with that accusation. GO SABRES!!!
  21. K-9

    Milan Lucic

    Only if we can bring back Miller and they become road roomies. GO SABRES!!!
  22. The one think I liked about Nolan as a coach was his not even entertaining the thought of tanking. Some of the players, on the other hand, were all about coasting in the tank until they had their pride hurt and decided to actually put forth an honest effort after 74 games or so. GO SABRES!!!
  23. Double hip surgery? What, is he a geriatric? Where's Ghost when you need a medical diagnosis and prognosis for a player based on a horse's anatomy? GO SABRES!!!
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