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GDT Sabres at Boston 7PM 2/10/18 MSG GR


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Meh. At twenty, nothing I did mattered.

Apples and oranges eh? You can't tell me that diet, sleep, substance abuse and so on don't have an effect on world class athletes.


I have the Boston feed. Their play-by-play guy gets really, really, really upset when a delayed penalty is whistled and he deems the opposing team didn't really have possession. Like, it's his cause or something.

Not sure what the controversy would have been, as Falk clearly sent the puck back toward the point to get the whistle. You don't have to maintain control, just gain it.

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It looks like Jack caught both blades and they both wouldn't kick out as he fell straight backwards. It really looked like that could have affected both legs. Hope he's all right.

And I agree Swamp there should have been a call there.

I don't even get mad anymore. It's just what it is.


Cue nfreeman in 3-2-1...

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He's probably flexible enough to where that is okay though. Painful, but hopefully not serious?

It's not like his knee got violently caved the wrong way

If Eichel is actually injured, really want to see the rat faced git decapitated. (Don't care that he isn't the one w/ the cheap stick work, he's the poster boy of their entire cheap as f### team. They never retaliated when Vanek was cheap shotted. They never retaliated when Miller was cheap shotted. 3rd time better not be the charm.)

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