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Trading up for McDavid if we end up at #2


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Assume that the Sabres finish in last place and lose the lottery to lock up the #2 pick. 

We currently have:

1 extra 1st 2015
2 extra 2nd 2015

2 extra 2nd 2016

1 extra 2nd 2017 

Multiple extra picks in 3rd round next two years

What do you guys think the chances are that Tim Murray would try to trade up from the #2 selection to select McDavid? The sabres have the assets to do so, and the team trading down would get picks plus Eichel.

Murray has shown with Evander Kane that he's willing to do what it takes to get the apple of his eye. Considering the fact he was scouting McDavid last night instead of watching the game, do you think he'll pay the price to get #1?

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I don't think any team near the bottom has the assets to make the move from two to one. Teams will most likely want to just sit on the pick and go forward with McDavid.

I disagree.  Risto, Girgs and our second #1 and either Baptiste or Compher gets it done.  Do you want to pay that? That is the question.

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I was simply pointing out that everything has a price.  The question is: are you willing to pay it?

Did you see the bomb RIsto shot yesterday? There is no way on earth I am trading my stud #1 D man to move up in the draft. What Im having trouble understanding is the talent gap between McDavid and Eichel so large that these are the assetts that you would have to get up in order to obtain him?

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Did you see the bomb RIsto shot yesterday? There is no way on earth I am trading my stud #1 D man to move up in the draft. What Im having trouble understanding is the talent gap between McDavid and Eichel so large that these are the assetts that you would have to get up in order to obtain him?

The gap is narrow enough that no one will trade up from 2 and wide enough that no one will trade down from 1. 

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Are we that sure Eichel is that much of a drop from McDavid?

Yes and no.  McDavid does things at full speed that Jack simply can't.  Also McDavid has another level above what you normally see.  I think Eichel may have that but there is something to McDavid.  That said, either player is better than everyone in our system but a mile including Sam Reinhart... who will be fine.

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I disagree. Risto, Girgs and our second #1 and either Baptiste or Compher gets it done. Do you want to pay that? That is the question.

I disagree that this deal even gets it done...


They could get a package together that gets the deal done, sure, but that's not what I mean by not having the assets. The entire point of this process was to gather as many solid players to put around the star draftee... Not gathering as many assets as you can in case you don't get the specific draftee you wanted.


They don't have the assets to make the move because they can't afford to sell off every young asset they have to make the move. That would basically put this rebuild on hold for a few years while we regain the strong prospect pool and assets to acquire vets. It's like saying "I don't have the money to buy a $1000 television" when you've got $1500 in the bank.

Edited by Tank
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Yes and no.  McDavid does things at full speed that Jack simply can't.  Also McDavid has another level above what you normally see.  I think Eichel may have that but there is something to McDavid.  That said, either player is better than everyone in our system but a mile including Sam Reinhart... who will be fine.


With as much video as you can watch, it just seems that McDavid has an extra gear.  Not to fault Eichel who is more of a natural north south skater, he has more power to his shot.  They're both talented and different players.  They create scoring chances, see the open ice well and finish emphatically.  I don't think you're disappointed in one or the other.  It all depends on what you prefer.  McDavid does something once or twice in a game that few can.  He's so special.  I went to Erie to see him play and was blown away.  His speed and ability to change mid stride while creating are unparalleled.

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