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GM Speculation


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Talk is cheap. I see no difference in the on ice product. Buffalo gave up 39 SOGs last game. I would have at least expected a different style of play. It looks the same to me, the results are same to me. Nolan has been a non factor so far. All he has done is ship the kids out.


I do see a difference over four games. We've gone from what looks like it should be a 35 point team to what looks like a 65 point team.

Shots for and offensive zone time are up, shots against and defensive zone time are down.

Team is still inconsistent, but we've been averaging 45 minutes of decent hockey a game instead of 15.

We're not disgusting any more, but we're still bad.

Let's face it, the players aren't very good.

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Did you hear the press conference after the game?


I don't disagree that 1-3 isn't inspiring, but it's tough to undo 7 years in 10 days.


I'm still waiting for the money line from Nolan of "Get this F'n Hodgson off my team!" **Shoutout to daddy Hodggers.....


Not that I agree with you on Hodgson, but Ted has to feel like an engineer looking at Chernobyl right now wondering how anyone could have built this on purpose.

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LaFontaine talks about the GM search in this interview:





So, Joe Battista is riding shotgun with Patty on some things. That's fine as long as everybody plays nice and Patty doesn't need to worry about a mole. I'll trust it's more having a guy along to learn the NHL ropes and be a more direct report to Pegula so Patty doesn't have to spend as much time back and forth and can concentrate on actual hockey decisions.


I love how Patty shines that little smile. It's his tell. When asking about the GM search and names, he said he originally had a few names but it got a little longer....but he smiled sort of like a husband would say, "Yeah...I planned on sitting at the blackjack table tonight, but I had to take the wife to see Celine Dione." Patty's still going to play blackjack, just a little later.



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I do see a difference over four games. We've gone from what looks like it should be a 35 point team to what looks like a 65 point team.

Shots for and offensive zone time are up, shots against and defensive zone time are down.

Team is still inconsistent, but we've been averaging 45 minutes of decent hockey a game instead of 15.

We're not disgusting any more, but we're still bad.

Let's face it, the players aren't very good.

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Right now, they are learning what they have, and which pieces are worth keeping.

The job isn't going to be winning games so much as deciding who has a place moving forward.

I expect a lot of bodies moving around the lineup, a surprise "hockey" trade or two maybe for seemingly minor parts, and the UFAS to be gone by the deadline.


Teddy will slowly implement his system, but I will be surprised if half the team stays with him from start to finish.

I do expect installing a certain level of compete and accountability as job one, but it is part of a long-overdue rebuild. We've got a foreman checking out the site, but we still haven't even hired an architect. The debris has to be cleared and the building blocks chosen before the frame starts taking shape.


And that means I also expect the rest of this year to serve as a glorified exhibition season.

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So, Joe Battista is riding shotgun with Patty on some things. That's fine as long as everybody plays nice and Patty doesn't need to worry about a mole. I'll trust it's more having a guy along to learn the NHL ropes and be a more direct report to Pegula so Patty doesn't have to spend as much time back and forth and can concentrate on actual hockey decisions.


I love how Patty shines that little smile. It's his tell. When asking about the GM search and names, he said he originally had a few names but it got a little longer....but he smiled sort of like a husband would say, "Yeah...I planned on sitting at the blackjack table tonight, but I had to take the wife to see Celine Dione." Patty's still going to play blackjack, just a little later.


Once again, we're finally going to get honesty from the front office. It's a beautiful thing.


Is anyone else kinda intrigued by how much Fenton wants the GM job? That's some good attitude.

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I do see a difference over four games. We've gone from what looks like it should be a 35 point team to what looks like a 65 point team.

Shots for and offensive zone time are up, shots against and defensive zone time are down.

Team is still inconsistent, but we've been averaging 45 minutes of decent hockey a game instead of 15.

We're not disgusting any more, but we're still bad.

Let's face it, the players aren't very good.


You may end up being right, but people said the exact same thing when Rolston replaced Ruff. And look what happened there.


Also, the possession numbers are just as bad. They looked respectable against Toronto because they're the second worst possession team in the league.


Once again, we're finally going to get honesty from the front office. It's a beautiful thing.


Is anyone else kinda intrigued by how much Fenton wants the GM job? That's some good attitude.


He's smart enough to know we'll be in the McDavid sweeps, and if we win, he'll end up being the new "genius" GM in the league :P

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Talk is cheap. I see no difference in the on ice product. Buffalo gave up 39 SOGs last game. I would have at least expected a different style of play. It looks the same to me, the results are same to me. Nolan has been a non factor so far. All he has done is ship the kids out.

The on ice product, or rather its immediate improvement is irrelevant. That ship sailed when they stood pat over the off season. The plan was and is to purge the inventory and restock the shelves. Improvement in the short term is a bonus but not required. Nolan isnt a great game day coach nor a talent evaluator. He is keeping the seat warm. Lala and Ted are a pr move because the fanbase cant stomach what it will take to be elite. The team will eventually bail on the rebuild when it realizes all they need to do is ice some journeymen who hussle to fit the fans perception of what it takes to win.
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Once again, we're finally going to get honesty from the front office. It's a beautiful thing.


Is anyone else kinda intrigued by how much Fenton wants the GM job? That's some good attitude.


I can't see Fenton here, and I would be looking to get a gig if I were stuck behind someone who has Darcy-like tenure and mediocre results.


Patty could have hired 20 other coaches and made a solid case for them. He went with someone he trusted and who he knows will not stand for BS. I am pretty sure he goes that route here. If you try to look to clever at this point by finding the "next hot thing", while you yourself need some seasoning at certain aspects....it can be bad. They just need a culture of accountability and stability right now.


As far as the honesty part, yes.....a good man can't lie. He can say things out of loyalty or in a certain way as to not hurt feelings, but that Patty smile coming out....I love it. You saw it from Ted Nolan the other night when he took Scott off the ice and Orr was chirping. Teddy chirped right back with that million dollar smile. We finally have 2 guys here that not only are competent at a position, but understand people to such a high degree that they can analyze, respond decisively, and can be respected. It's such a simple formula in life.



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Patty could have hired 20 other coaches and made a solid case for them. He went with someone he trusted and who he knows will not stand for BS. I am pretty sure he goes that route here. If you try to look to clever at this point by finding the "next hot thing", while you yourself need some seasoning at certain aspects....it can be bad. They just need a culture of accountability and stability right now.



Uh...name 2 who would have taken an interim spot at best with a trainwreck of a roster and no proven leadership in place to improve it? Ted was probably the only person desparate enough and comfortable wit LF to hitch his wagon to this. Hell he was looking for tix to Cats and ended up with an opportunity to work with a top six 6 player he will be coaching in in Sochi. This is a pr move to appease the fanbase until true fo people can be brought on board. For that I will give lf credit.
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Uh...name 2 who would have taken an interim spot at best with a trainwreck of a roster and no proven leadership in place to improve it? Ted was probably the only person desparate enough and comfortable wit LF to hitch his wagon to this. Hell he was looking for tix to Cats and ended up with an opportunity to work with a top six 6 player he will be coaching in in Sochi. This is a pr move to appease the fanbase until true fo people can be brought on board. For that I will give lf credit.


It's only interim in name. I have no doubt Nolan was hired by Patty with the hopes he stays on. If it makes sense to go another way later on and the new GM has an idea, fine, but this is one screwed up culture from the same people being here so long. They still know it will be a fairly young team going forward and it is more important to cleanse and flush right now than having a guy here who may have more technical skills. The hope is that with bringing in some decent talented, gritty leaders, the crew can learn and grow together.


The last thing you want to do is jerk around the team by a quick flip at coach again. If Teddy was just keeping a seat warm, you wouldn't have all these roster moves going on. The Sabres are in doctor mode for the next month or two. Psychologist/Oncologist. Quickly identify what makes all these guys tick, search out the cancer. There is no better tandem that can be trusted. Sure, it looks good on the PR front, but you need guys that are trusted at this point.


I would think any GM that is brought in could have this relayed to him, and if he is a smart enough guy, he already understands this. It doesn't mean you don't look to "upgrade" in the future if warranted, but you don't worry about the patient's high cholesterol level and plantar faciaitis when they are in the ICU.

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DD, I respectfully disagree. You wont get the gm of any quality if his first big decision is taken away. Case in point, Dennis savard. Fan favorite, great locker room sedative, and out the door as soon as Tallon was bounced.


Winning cups is great for growing the fanbase is far more lasting than retreading fan faves.

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DD, I respectfully disagree. You wont get the gm of any quality if his first big decision is taken away. Case in point, Dennis savard. Fan favorite, great locker room sedative, and out the door as soon as Tallon was bounced.


Winning cups is great for growing the fanbase is far more lasting than retreading fan faves.


You don't take the decision away. Any "quality" GM probably knows that the Sabres have been a trainwreck and a passive mess for years. It's about saving the patient now....you rehab later.


This is why a guy like Dudley makes so much sense. If you bring in a "young guy", he may want to prove how "brilliant" he is right off the bat. GM's are going to be scared off by Lafontaine as well. The guy has the brains, charm, business acumen, and respect around the hockey world to do the job himself. That's why for now it's important Patty has guys he trusts inside and out.


And I like the Chicago guys....Savard is busy winning horseraces and Quineville loves the ponies too.....

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DD, I respectfully disagree. You wont get the gm of any quality if his first big decision is taken away. Case in point, Dennis savard. Fan favorite, great locker room sedative, and out the door as soon as Tallon was bounced.


Winning cups is great for growing the fanbase is far more lasting than retreading fan faves.


I think you're right. What if a great candidate really wants Laviolette?

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I think you're right. What if a great candidate really wants Laviolette?


The smart move then would have been to let Rolston stay on for 2 weeks until you got the guy in here. Now you have players going up, down and around, and if you bring someone else in on short notice, you are just adding to the mental mess.


If a great candidate wants someone in here, you don't make that a dealbreaker. I personally feel a great candidate knows this league inside and out, and was probably one of the "unnamed sources" who would tell Bucky he couldn't believe Darcy had a job. Like d4rk said, we need a HazMat crew in here the next few months.


I would think Nolan is here the rest of this season, and you go from there.

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The smart move then would have been to let Rolston stay on for 2 weeks until you got the guy in here. Now you have players going up, down and around, and if you bring someone else in on short notice, you are just adding to the mental mess.


If a great candidate wants someone in here, you don't make that a dealbreaker. I personally feel a great candidate knows this league inside and out, and was probably one of the "unnamed sources" who would tell Bucky he couldn't believe Darcy had a job. Like d4rk said, we need a HazMat crew in here the next few months.


I would think Nolan is here the rest of this season, and you go from there.


He is here for the rest of the season, that we know.

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The fact remains somebody has to be behind the bench. What I do not like is that we are letting a placeholder have any say in the roster. The plan set in motion was to go young. Real young. The job was to get them to play at the NHL level. Every other player was irrelevant. This isn't a 24 month plan. I think we all agree it could 4 to 5 years to be a contender. If that is the case, the Leinos, Staffords et al dont matter. The roster is the GM,s responsibility. Needless to say I would like to see this resolved asap. Then we can discuss whether the overall talent plan seems reasonable. And the eventual choice of coach looms large in that respect.

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The fact remains somebody has to be behind the bench. What I do not like is that we are letting a placeholder have any say in the roster. The plan set in motion was to go young. Real young. The job was to get them to play at the NHL level. Every other player was irrelevant. This isn't a 24 month plan. I think we all agree it could 4 to 5 years to be a contender. If that is the case, the Leinos, Staffords et al dont matter. The roster is the GM,s responsibility. Needless to say I would like to see this resolved asap. Then we can discuss whether the overall talent plan seems reasonable. And the eventual choice of coach looms large in that respect.

4-5 years to CONTEND???? have the Sabres become the Buffalo Bills?? Great Caesars Ghost!!!

We need to pick a superstar in the draft and then have Terry spend some of his big $$ in FA.. 1-2 yr rebuild.

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The fact remains somebody has to be behind the bench. What I do not like is that we are letting a placeholder have any say in the roster. The plan set in motion was to go young. Real young. The job was to get them to play at the NHL level. Every other player was irrelevant. This isn't a 24 month plan. I think we all agree it could 4 to 5 years to be a contender. If that is the case, the Leinos, Staffords et al dont matter. The roster is the GM,s responsibility. Needless to say I would like to see this resolved asap. Then we can discuss whether the overall talent plan seems reasonable. And the eventual choice of coach looms large in that respect.


No one liked that plan.

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Trudat. But it doesn't change the fact that it is where we are. I dont like working, but it makes eating possible.


4-5 years to CONTEND???? have the Sabres become the Buffalo Bills?? Great Caesars Ghost!!!

We need to pick a superstar in the draft and then have Terry spend some of his big $$ in FA.. 1-2 yr rebuild.

1 to 2 years is a pipedream. Assuming the best, Reinhardt 2014 and McDavid in 2015, the best case is a possible 2016 run. What superstar will want to come to Buffalo until the youngsters show a glimmer of cup potential? See Oilers, Edmonton. The cap will make multiple big money moves like Parise/Suter a historical footnote. Any way you cut it this is a long process with the only chance of accelerating it being a block of kids maturing at the same time. And when I say contender, I mean legitimate threats to win the cup, not just make the playoffs.
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4-5 years to CONTEND???? have the Sabres become the Buffalo Bills?? Great Caesars Ghost!!!

We need to pick a superstar in the draft and then have Terry spend some of his big $$ in FA.. 1-2 yr rebuild.


Patience. Pricey free agent quick fixes are part of the reason we're here in the first place.

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