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Sabres "Fantasy Gambling" Contest

Ghost of Dwight Drane

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What can I do with my $60?


Can I put it all on the Sabres and what do I get?


It's sort of like Chuck'E'Cheese skeeball tickets. You get the equivalent of a crazy straw.


You can put it on them. $60 would win you $84...so you'd be up to $144, which I am willing to round up to $150.


Stayin Alive.......

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It's sort of like Chuck'E'Cheese skeeball tickets. You get the equivalent of a crazy straw.


You can put it on them. $60 would win you $84...so you'd be up to $144, which I am willing to round up to $150.


Stayin Alive.......

I'm all in then.

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Buffalo 3 Team Points in 9 games (.33) Colorado 12 team points in 7 games (roughly 1.7)

Buffalo -13 goal differential (roughly -1.45) Colorado 13 goal differential (almost 2)


After game 5, in the past 15 years, the home team, when Team PPG + 1 < Opp Team PPG --- 10 wins - 20 losses

After game 5, in the past 15 years, the home team, when Team Goal differential per game + 3 < Opp Team goal differential per game ---- 1 win - 10 losses


Previous balance 850

Current bet Colorado 160

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I'm at 1530 and standing pat.


If I went one way tonight, it would be on Buffalo. If they can get a win here, they start to level off the slope and could actually go on a positive stretch. I can see them getting 12-13 out of the next 20 points with a win today. If they lose, it's still a freefall and I wouldn't touch them again for a bit. That's how technically important tonight is.

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