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Has your opinion of Darcy changed?


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"Let's see what happens" is for p*ssies! You're part of the problem! You and the rest of the apathetic fanbase that is HAPPY with yesterday. You're such a moron! How could you POSSIBLY be happy with the FILTH that occurred yesterday? The Sabres are smaller and their vaginas are as poundable as ever! DARCY REGIER IS RUINING THE SABRES.


Excuse me, good sir. Your TSC application is missing the words "Lindy Ruff' and is therefore summarily rejected.

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"Let's see what happens" is for p*ssies! You're part of the problem! You and the rest of the apathetic fanbase that is HAPPY with yesterday. You're such a moron! How could you POSSIBLY be happy with the FILTH that occurred yesterday? The Sabres are smaller and their vaginas are as poundable as ever! DARCY REGIER IS RUINING THE SABRES.


LTS's post was right on, and your response was hilarious.

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Excuse me, good sir. Your TSC application is missing the words "Lindy Ruff' and is therefore summarily rejected.


Dammit you got me. I guess I'm just not cut out to be an insatiable prick.


LTS's post was right on, and your response was hilarious.


Thank you, thank you.

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Me too.


The Sabres need to clear cap space and remake their top 6. DR's moves yesterday were good moves but they didn't go far enough towards accomplishing that goal. Unloading Roy, Stafford and Leopold would have cleared $11MM in cap space, unloaded 2 career underachievers, opened 2 spots in the top 6, opened 2 spots in the "leadership group", sent a clear message to the team that this year's "effort" has been unacceptable, brought back more good draft picks that could have been used this summer to acquire other assets, and made room for McNabb next year.


I will admit that I can see Roy delivering a good year next year in his contract year. But he still should have been sent packing yesterday.

Absolutely. Great post.

If you lump Gaustad into the core from before the lockout, the weeding out process has begun...










Hopefully I can strike out two more names in the offseason!

This would be oh so very nice. Fingers crossed (I still don't trust Darcy to get rid of these guys)

After watching them get a first in the Gaustad deal, I'd think it's a safe bet that they want at least that, as well as someone who can immediately step into the roster in return for Roy. That's a hard thing to find at the deadline. Teams just don't want to move too much as they're making a push for the playoffs/cup. You're far more likely to find that return in the summer.


I guess the real question is whether or not it is greedy to want that NHL ready guy in return for Roy.

Good point. The fact that there weren't many desireable players available at the deadline is often being ignored.

My thinking on Roy.


If he's your #1 center - you might have a bad team.

If he's your #2 center- you might have a good team.

If he's your #3 center - you might have a great team.


Any center that can put up 60 pts and play all units is worth a ton in this era.

I don't think he'll be going anywhere without a center coming back.

What I want to see is the trading of Roy for a more traditional kind of third line center, like Stoll. I would trade Roy for a player like that and a second round draft pick in a heartbeat. I have no problem with Ennis and Hodgson being our top 2 centers next year, as long as a physical top six player (similar to Clowe) is acquired in the offseason. This is a tall order, but I expect Darcy to find a way.

"Let's see what happens" is for p*ssies! You're part of the problem! You and the rest of the apathetic fanbase that is HAPPY with yesterday. You're such a moron! How could you POSSIBLY be happy with the FILTH that occurred yesterday? The Sabres are smaller and their vaginas are as poundable as ever! DARCY REGIER IS RUINING THE SABRES.

This made me laugh very hard.

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I don't think Darcy believes in "rebuild mode". I think he prefers to attempt to swap pieces out and while attempting to maintain a competitive team.


There is an inherent danger associated with entering full rebuild mode. Some teams never escape it. And those that do sometimes spend a very long time there.


Darcy's approach is frustrating. He's made some poor decisions in the past, but also some very good ones. I'm not an apologist for him. but it appears I simply have more patience with his methods.


Based on how he's drafted, and the moves he's made recently, I recognize it as a desire to move slow and steady rather than fast and furious.


Writing off this season as a lost cause, I'm looking forward to the summer. I was surprised by his work today, and I hope he surprises me again. But don't think I wont be frustrated if Roy and Stafford are still here in the fall. I expect them to be moved before then. You can write that down.

Ooooh where's that crayon?! ;)
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"Let's see what happens" is for p*ssies! You're part of the problem! You and the rest of the apathetic fanbase that is HAPPY with yesterday. You're such a moron! How could you POSSIBLY be happy with the FILTH that occurred yesterday? The Sabres are smaller and their vaginas are as poundable as ever! DARCY REGIER IS RUINING THE SABRES.


Yep....pretty much.


I would be willing to open up the wager I made with Eleven to you as well. The Sabres do not win a playoff series next season. If possible I would like to commission a work by your girlfriend of a horse and some friends if you lose and the Sabres don't win a playoff series. If they do manage to win one, I will donate to a charity of your choice what you think is a fair value. If there is something else you can think of in return I would be willing to listen. If you don't want to do anything that is fine as well.


If NFree wants in on this I would be willing to go double or nothing on the 30 I owe. I'm tainted now anyway so no need to worry about rooting interests. If some of the other regulars here want in and I trust them, I would do so as well.


It looks like Darcy and Lindy are here next year and building the team in their image yet again. I wouldn't have made this wager a few months ago figuring one or both would be gone. I am confident that after yesterday they cannot make up enough ground over the summer to contend next year.

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Yep....pretty much.


I would be willing to open up the wager I made with Eleven to you as well. The Sabres do not win a playoff series next season. If possible I would like to commission a work by your girlfriend of a horse and some friends if you lose and the Sabres don't win a playoff series. If they do manage to win one, I will donate to a charity of your choice what you think is a fair value. If there is something else you can think of in return I would be willing to listen. If you don't want to do anything that is fine as well.


If NFree wants in on this I would be willing to go double or nothing on the 30 I owe. I'm tainted now anyway so no need to worry about rooting interests. If some of the other regulars here want in and I trust them, I would do so as well.


It looks like Darcy and Lindy are here next year and building the team in their image yet again. I wouldn't have made this wager a few months ago figuring one or both would be gone. I am confident that after yesterday they cannot make up enough ground over the summer to contend next year.


GoDD I was actually thinking about this the other day. I would love to be able to make an equivalent wager with you similar to Eleven's but I'm not in a place financially where I can do that. As it stands, I believe the Sabres will win a playoff round next year.


As much as I like your idea of betting a piece of commissioned work, I would rather not use my lovely girlfriend's talents as a bargaining chip. If you'd like to commission the piece anyway you're welcome to PM me about it or contact via email her directly through her website, http://joanna-eberts.com/.



I appreciate the sentiment though. I'm a betting man with nothing to bet. :P

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GoDD I was actually thinking about this the other day. I would love to be able to make an equivalent wager with you similar to Eleven's but I'm not in a place financially where I can do that. As it stands, I believe the Sabres will win a playoff round next year.


As much as I like your idea of betting a piece of commissioned work, I would rather not use my lovely girlfriend's talents as a bargaining chip. If you'd like to commission the piece anyway you're welcome to PM me about it or contact via email her directly through her website, http://joanna-eberts.com/.



I appreciate the sentiment though. I'm a betting man with nothing to bet. :P


Cool. At some point I will probably get a hold of her. If everything goes well over the summer I could be looking for a neat Christmas gift for them.


If you can think of something off the wall to wager, I'm up for it. I'm not excited to bet against the Sabres as I didn't expect to feel this way about them at this point of the Pegula Era. Right now I just see a euphoric frenzy of opportunity from many here.

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Here's what I know right now...


Yesterday Darcy made two trades that every NHL analyst was sure wasn't going to happen. No one thought anyone would give up a first round pick for Gaustad and it happened (you can say whatever you want about giving the 4th pick in 2013). He also had the courage to move Kassian.


First, Kassian is NEVER going to be the answer to Lucic.. the answer to Lucic is Lucic. I don't know how many players you find that are going to take him on consistently. Pure fighters are doing to get schooled by skating and big skaters are going to get pounded. Lucic is a great player to have on your roster. He's also not unstoppable. The last two games against the Bruins I've barely even noticed him on the ice other than when he was being annoyed by the Sabres mosquitoes. Whatever the reason, he was a non-factor. We'll see if it continues.


Second, after Kassian's initial call up where he started red hot, he cooled fast. Personally I think the verdict went out on him when the Sabres had a 3-1 and he froze with the puck and they didn't even get a shot. This led to a goal the other way IIRC. This goes along with the perception that he's not ready to work his butt off (even though he said he would not get sent back down). I think he will be a good player and I think the Canucks will keep him for awhile but the Sabres needed a C and they got one that comes with a lot of reported upside. What happens from there is anyone's guess.


My perception of Darcy is changing. Given what moved yesterday it appears that more GM's are holding fast to their teams and are not looking to make those deadline deals. It happens, but not in spades. I thought Leopold would move but apparently not. His name never came up. I'll be sold on Darcy when we have a team that is riding at the top of the standings, is scoring well, defending well, and doesn't look like a team holding on for dear life. It may end up being that Ruff is the problem, it may end up being that changes make things better. All I know is that I'm not trashing DR today.


Now.. let's see what happens for the rest of the season and in the off season.

"Let's see what happens" is for p*ssies! You're part of the problem! You and the rest of the apathetic fanbase that is HAPPY with yesterday. You're such a moron! How could you POSSIBLY be happy with the FILTH that occurred yesterday? The Sabres are smaller and their vaginas are as poundable as ever! DARCY REGIER IS RUINING THE SABRES.


In all seriousness: do you 2 guys want DR running the show this summer? Let's say the Sabres miss the playoffs by 3 or 4 points. Do you want DR to be in charge of the draft, free agency and generally getting the roster ready for next season? Did Monday buy him another offseason in your opinions?


(And that question is of course for everyone, not just LTS and D4rk.)


Personally, I've seen enough and would like a new GM. I have zero confidence that he will remake the forward group to the degree that is necessary for this team to be a real contender.


Obviously, since it looks like he's not going to get canned this summer, I hope I'm wrong.


Yep....pretty much.


I would be willing to open up the wager I made with Eleven to you as well. The Sabres do not win a playoff series next season. If possible I would like to commission a work by your girlfriend of a horse and some friends if you lose and the Sabres don't win a playoff series. If they do manage to win one, I will donate to a charity of your choice what you think is a fair value. If there is something else you can think of in return I would be willing to listen. If you don't want to do anything that is fine as well.


If NFree wants in on this I would be willing to go double or nothing on the 30 I owe. I'm tainted now anyway so no need to worry about rooting interests. If some of the other regulars here want in and I trust them, I would do so as well.


It looks like Darcy and Lindy are here next year and building the team in their image yet again. I wouldn't have made this wager a few months ago figuring one or both would be gone. I am confident that after yesterday they cannot make up enough ground over the summer to contend next year.


I appreciate that. Despite our ongoing disagreements, I'm probably closer to your pessimism about the state of the team than to my usual optimism (so it's likely that I'm just argumentative). So I'm not sure about betting that they will win a series next year, although I'd probably do it just for sport and for team support.


I am more confident about Hodgson vs Kassian though. Would you want to go double or nothing that Hodgson has a better season next year than Kassian? We could pick some stats as barometers or we could just say that we both have to agree that one or the other clearly had a better season (and if either guy gets hurt for any material portion of the season it's a push). NB I realize this bet favors me a bit in that Hodgson has played more NHL games (I think 55 more), so no problem if you want to stick with the playoff series as the bet.

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In all seriousness: do you 2 guys want DR running the show this summer? Let's say the Sabres miss the playoffs by 3 or 4 points. Do you want DR to be in charge of the draft, free agency and generally getting the roster ready for next season? Did Monday buy him another offseason in your opinions?


(And that question is of course for everyone, not just LTS and D4rk.)


Personally, I've seen enough and would like a new GM. I have zero confidence that he will remake the forward group to the degree that is necessary for this team to be a real contender.


Obviously, since it looks like he's not going to get canned this summer, I hope I'm wrong.


Right on. I agree, 15 years of Darcy has been more than enough. But I think there's zero chance that he is canned this summer unless the team completely bottoms out the rest of the way. An owner doesn't let a GM without solid job security make the Kassian/Hodgson deal.

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I guess I'm just not cut out to be an insatiable prick.


Don't sell your self short - I think you are one HELL of a prick!


In all seriousness: do you 2 guys want DR running the show this summer? Let's say the Sabres miss the playoffs by 3 or 4 points. Do you want DR to be in charge of the draft, free agency and generally getting the roster ready for next season? Did Monday buy him another offseason in your opinions?


(And that question is of course for everyone, not just LTS and D4rk.)


Personally, I've seen enough and would like a new GM. I have zero confidence that he will remake the forward group to the degree that is necessary for this team to be a real contender.


Obviously, since it looks like he's not going to get canned this summer, I hope I'm wrong.




I appreciate that. Despite our ongoing disagreements, I'm probably closer to your pessimism about the state of the team than to my usual optimism (so it's likely that I'm just argumentative). So I'm not sure about betting that they will win a series next year, although I'd probably do it just for sport and for team support.


I am more confident about Hodgson vs Kassian though. Would you want to go double or nothing that Hodgson has a better season next year than Kassian? We could pick some stats as barometers or we could just say that we both have to agree that one or the other clearly had a better season (and if either guy gets hurt for any material portion of the season it's a push). NB I realize this bet favors me a bit in that Hodgson has played more NHL games (I think 55 more), so no problem if you want to stick with the playoff series as the bet.

I think there is a much greater chance the blow hard Burke gets fired this summer than Darcy. I think Darcy has bought himself the offseason - whether he makes it to the deadline depends on what he does this summer and how the team performs in the first half of next season.


And I am OK with it, for now. But I wouldn't be upset in the least if they canned him tomorrow.

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Yep....pretty much.


I would be willing to open up the wager I made with Eleven to you as well. The Sabres do not win a playoff series next season. If possible I would like to commission a work by your girlfriend of a horse and some friends if you lose and the Sabres don't win a playoff series. If they do manage to win one, I will donate to a charity of your choice what you think is a fair value. If there is something else you can think of in return I would be willing to listen. If you don't want to do anything that is fine as well.


If NFree wants in on this I would be willing to go double or nothing on the 30 I owe. I'm tainted now anyway so no need to worry about rooting interests. If some of the other regulars here want in and I trust them, I would do so as well.


It looks like Darcy and Lindy are here next year and building the team in their image yet again. I wouldn't have made this wager a few months ago figuring one or both would be gone. I am confident that after yesterday they cannot make up enough ground over the summer to contend next year.


That certainly seems to imply you think the team got worse yesterday, despite your repeated claims that you were fine with what happened. Which is it? Did they lose ground on being a playoff team, or did they get better?



In all seriousness: do you 2 guys want DR running the show this summer? Let's say the Sabres miss the playoffs by 3 or 4 points. Do you want DR to be in charge of the draft, free agency and generally getting the roster ready for next season? Did Monday buy him another offseason in your opinions?


Does anybody actually WANT Regier running the show this summer? Some have evaluated his moves since Pegula took over, noticed a change in style and approach, and are willing to at least give him a chance. But wanting him to be here? I don't see anybody really advocating for him.


For me personally, it's a matter of realism. It's completely irrelevant what I want, or what I think about the guy, because he's going to be here. So rather than preface everything with "I want him gone" or have the same tired "nothing matters as long as he's here" I try to have conversations about what I'd like to see the team do with the roster, what I think will get done with the roster, etc. I just don't feel "Regier needs to go!" needs to be injected into every conversation about hypothetical player moves. To me, it's tiresome.

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Does anybody actually WANT Regier running the show this summer? Some have evaluated his moves since Pegula took over, noticed a change in style and approach, and are willing to at least give him a chance. But wanting him to be here? I don't see anybody really advocating for him.


For me personally, it's a matter of realism. It's completely irrelevant what I want, or what I think about the guy, because he's going to be here. So rather than preface everything with "I want him gone" or have the same tired "nothing matters as long as he's here" I try to have conversations about what I'd like to see the team do with the roster, what I think will get done with the roster, etc. I just don't feel "Regier needs to go!" needs to be injected into every conversation about hypothetical player moves. To me, it's tiresome.


Well, I agree that what we want is irrelevant. But I also think that based on Monday, quite a few posters have swung from "Darcy must go" to "I'm willing to give him another offseason." I kinda think asking where people stand on this is a valid question -- no less valid than asking which line they'd like to see Hodger on -- which is also something that none of us can control.

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Yep....pretty much.


I would be willing to open up the wager I made with Eleven to you as well. The Sabres do not win a playoff series next season. If possible I would like to commission a work by your girlfriend of a horse and some friends if you lose and the Sabres don't win a playoff series. If they do manage to win one, I will donate to a charity of your choice what you think is a fair value. If there is something else you can think of in return I would be willing to listen. If you don't want to do anything that is fine as well.


If NFree wants in on this I would be willing to go double or nothing on the 30 I owe. I'm tainted now anyway so no need to worry about rooting interests. If some of the other regulars here want in and I trust them, I would do so as well.


It looks like Darcy and Lindy are here next year and building the team in their image yet again. I wouldn't have made this wager a few months ago figuring one or both would be gone. I am confident that after yesterday they cannot make up enough ground over the summer to contend next year.


If I had the stomach to bet on teams that I love, I'd take your bet, but I'm enough of a nervous wreck without having additional weight hanging over the results.


I am curious if your position on this prediction has changed:


I know many think I am negative just to be negative, but I really feel this team is set up to be stagnant again for the next few years. Not horrible, just not really good. I am interested to see the reactions of everybody as this occurs, because I am not sure what they will be. Sadly, I can see the Bills winning more playoff games than the Sabres do playoff series over the next 3-4 years. They at least admitted they had screwed the pooch and cleaned house, loading up on younger hungry guys. Modrak being neutered and leaving was the key signal to me they are on the right track.

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"Let's see what happens" is for p*ssies! You're part of the problem! You and the rest of the apathetic fanbase that is HAPPY with yesterday. You're such a moron! How could you POSSIBLY be happy with the FILTH that occurred yesterday? The Sabres are smaller and their vaginas are as poundable as ever! DARCY REGIER IS RUINING THE SABRES.


Well... that... was... awesome. :)


In all seriousness: do you 2 guys want DR running the show this summer? Let's say the Sabres miss the playoffs by 3 or 4 points. Do you want DR to be in charge of the draft, free agency and generally getting the roster ready for next season? Did Monday buy him another offseason in your opinions?


(And that question is of course for everyone, not just LTS and D4rk.)


Personally, I've seen enough and would like a new GM. I have zero confidence that he will remake the forward group to the degree that is necessary for this team to be a real contender.


Obviously, since it looks like he's not going to get canned this summer, I hope I'm wrong.




I appreciate that. Despite our ongoing disagreements, I'm probably closer to your pessimism about the state of the team than to my usual optimism (so it's likely that I'm just argumentative). So I'm not sure about betting that they will win a series next year, although I'd probably do it just for sport and for team support.


I am more confident about Hodgson vs Kassian though. Would you want to go double or nothing that Hodgson has a better season next year than Kassian? We could pick some stats as barometers or we could just say that we both have to agree that one or the other clearly had a better season (and if either guy gets hurt for any material portion of the season it's a push). NB I realize this bet favors me a bit in that Hodgson has played more NHL games (I think 55 more), so no problem if you want to stick with the playoff series as the bet.


I want a GM who is going to build the Sabres into a Stanley Cup winning team. I want a coach who can make those players into Stanley Cup winners. I want an owner and other staff who are committed to making that happen. Do I want that to be Darcy right now? I can honestly say he's not killing me yet. I haven't seen anything over the offseason or trade deadline that makes me think he's not working some plan. His acquisition of picks leads me to believe that some other players will be moved in the offseason. So, if that happens and things appear to improve again then I will continue on this path. If he bottoms out.. then replace him.


I think with a few replacements for next year there are opportunities for the Sabres to be a 2nd round playoff team. If that doesn't change then I'm on the ship him out platform.

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In all seriousness: do you 2 guys want DR running the show this summer? Let's say the Sabres miss the playoffs by 3 or 4 points. Do you want DR to be in charge of the draft, free agency and generally getting the roster ready for next season? Did Monday buy him another offseason in your opinions?


(And that question is of course for everyone, not just LTS and D4rk.)



I'll just be up front. Yes, he bought himself an offseason. He didn't make minor deadline moves like I anticipated he would do, and if his assessment of Kassian turns out true we'll be praising him.


I expect him to unload Roy and Stafford during the offseason. If he can't manage that, fire him. It's the least he could do.


I still want Lindy fired.


Darcy made the rest of the GMs look like him this time.

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I'll just be up front. Yes, he bought himself an offseason. He didn't make minor deadline moves like I anticipated he would do, and if his assessment of Kassian turns out true we'll be praising him.


I expect him to unload Roy and Stafford during the offseason. If he can't manage that, fire him. It's the least he could do.


I still want Lindy fired.


Darcy made the rest of the GMs look like him this time.


Even if Kassian turns out to be a great player I'm not going to be upset if Hodgson also turns into a great player. I would say that without a doubt Roy is gone. Stafford might be harder to offload but I don't doubt he'll try.

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He has had, generally, a fairly good year. Nice job on Ehrhoff, Regehr, Gaustad; certainly too soon to tell on Hodgson and any of the 2011 draft picks; I can't quite tell on Leino, either, but I'm breaking towards negative; could care less about whoever it is that the Sabres got for MAG; and certainly a complete error on Stafford. Just outside of that year is the Boyes trade, which is only a problem because of Boyes's salary (i.e., I have no problem giving up a second-round pick for him).


All that said, I'm pretty much where korab is.

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He has had, generally, a fairly good year. Nice job on Ehrhoff, Regehr, Gaustad; certainly too soon to tell on Hodgson and any of the 2011 draft picks; I can't quite tell on Leino, either, but I'm breaking towards negative; could care less about whoever it is that the Sabres got for MAG; and certainly a complete error on Stafford. Just outside of that year is the Boyes trade, which is only a problem because of Boyes's salary (i.e., I have no problem giving up a second-round pick for him).


All that said, I'm pretty much where korab is.

You think D4rk is a hell of a prick, too?

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Well, I agree that what we want is irrelevant. But I also think that based on Monday, quite a few posters have swung from "Darcy must go" to "I'm willing to give him another offseason." I kinda think asking where people stand on this is a valid question -- no less valid than asking which line they'd like to see Hodger on -- which is also something that none of us can control.


Fair enough. Personally I don't think it has to be either you're with him or against him. I'm in a spot where I still want a new guy in charge, a fresh set of eyes evaluating the roster and turning things over. Having said that, Regier has shown me enough since Pegula took over where I no longer believe him making the moves for another year will result in unmitigated disaster and set the franchise back years. Since Pegula got here, I think he's hit on 4/7 moves. Hits: Regehr, Ehrhoff, 1st for Gaustad, Hodgson. Misses: Stafford, Leino, Boyes. Obviously the jury is still out on Hodgson/Kassian, but I like the move so I'll put it in my hit category. It's possible that Leino still works out long-term, and I suspect he ends up at least better than he's shown this year, but judging so far it's definitely been a miss.

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I was happy when he landed Robyn Regher and Erhoff. I have been wanting to get rid of Darcy for a long time and those moves didn't change my feelings. But I think it's obvious he isn't going to be let go and he operated like it on deadline day.

Something a lot of people bitch about is him waiting for the market to be set. You sure as hell cant say that anymore after making it known that he wont take less than a 1st for Goose. The shocking thing is he got it. Of course he only got it by adding a 4th and personally I dont care about that. He got the 1st.


I am willing to say that with the combined mooves of the new kid filling our most glaring need for probably the next ten years and what he will now be able to do come draft day well, I want to say I think Darcy just had his best day as our GM.

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Damn I hate having to work for a living which has left me very little time for keeping up with you all here. Maybe late but I'll throw in my $.01.


My opinion of him and Ruff have not changed. I want someone new making decisions for this team and behind the bench. Don't get me wrong I am good with the moves he made finally trying to upgrade the center position however did it need to take 15 years for him to figure that out. ( I know over exageration but just making a point). The other unknown for me with the Hodgson for Kassian swap is how much of this did DR really drive or was it Vancouver feeling like they needed the next Lucic and knowing how bad we were in need of something they had extra. I mean even a blind squirrel walking the forest finds an acorn every now and then.


I am not sold they have a master plan for the kind of team and players needed to win a cup. Other than 2006-07 where I believe they got lucky coming out of the lock out I feel he has regularly flunked team chemistry 501 which is needed for playoff caliber hockey. He does okay with the undergraduate 101-201 team chemistry but after 15 years I want someone with an advanced degree or at least the drive and vision to earn one. I don't see it happening ever with the DR-LR equation


Yikes here comes the principal got to run.

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Fair enough. Personally I don't think it has to be either you're with him or against him. I'm in a spot where I still want a new guy in charge, a fresh set of eyes evaluating the roster and turning things over. Having said that, Regier has shown me enough since Pegula took over where I no longer believe him making the moves for another year will result in unmitigated disaster and set the franchise back years. Since Pegula got here, I think he's hit on 4/7 moves. Hits: Regehr, Ehrhoff, 1st for Gaustad, Hodgson. Misses: Stafford, Leino, Boyes. Obviously the jury is still out on Hodgson/Kassian, but I like the move so I'll put it in my hit category. It's possible that Leino still works out long-term, and I suspect he ends up at least better than he's shown this year, but judging so far it's definitely been a miss.

I'd put the Boyes move into the push column. Brand spanking new owner wanting to make the playoffs rather than retool and Boyes did help them get to the playoffs. He's not worth his current contract but I don't expect to see him back next year. By taking on a player with a contract stretching into this season it showed that the financial constraints were truly off. So, it did what it was supposed to in the very short term but hasn't / won't help long term.


If Stafford ends up a 20 goal scorer again next year, the signing was a bust. If he goes back to 30 goals (or even 28), it was good. Right now it's not looking like a good deal.


Regehr & Ehrhoff were very good deals IMHO.


It remains to be seen whether Armia and the other picks will work out. It also remains to be seen how much harder they should have tried to move up into the top 10 to land Couturier. Had the Carter deal not happened, odds are that Couturier would have been Sabres property. Too soon to tell how to rate that, though I wanted Couturier.


If the Leino signing is strictly looked at through the prism of whether he's a center, then it's an epic failure. If it's looked at over the life of the deal, it might turn out to be a good signing. It's leaning towards poor now, but I'd put it in the too soon to tell category for now.


The Gaustad deal was a homerun.


The Hodgson deal looks like a good deal at present. How it ends up long term won't be known for a few years.


MAGs didn't fit into the picture LT, so it really was a push. The Sabres dropped a player that isn't in their plans in return for a player that isn't in their plans.


The team definitely needs to add some more size. Foligno and McNabb will help in that area. I'd like to see more. It also needs additional centers, ideally 1 of those will be a true #1.


All told, disregarding minor items (such as re-signing McCormick) since TP took over:


In: Boyes, Regehr, Ehrhoff, Leino, Hodgson, #1, #2.


Out: Connolly, Montador, Gaustad, Kassian, MAGs, #4.


Reupped: Stafford.


Buried but still under contract: Morrisonn, Kotalik.


Unless something goes horribly wrong at either the draft or on July 1, I fully expect to see DR as GM on 3/1/13.

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I appreciate that. Despite our ongoing disagreements, I'm probably closer to your pessimism about the state of the team than to my usual optimism (so it's likely that I'm just argumentative). So I'm not sure about betting that they will win a series next year, although I'd probably do it just for sport and for team support.


I am more confident about Hodgson vs Kassian though. Would you want to go double or nothing that Hodgson has a better season next year than Kassian? We could pick some stats as barometers or we could just say that we both have to agree that one or the other clearly had a better season (and if either guy gets hurt for any material portion of the season it's a push). NB I realize this bet favors me a bit in that Hodgson has played more NHL games (I think 55 more), so no problem if you want to stick with the playoff series as the bet.


I would be willing to say Kassian has more goals next year than Hodgson. It's a tough trade to quantify when skillsets are different. I think their longterm plan is to play him with Kesler. That could be a fun line to watch. But on straight goals......sure. Let's just say they both have to play 60 games so a catstrophic injury is no action. Given team histories....I'm probably doing you a favor!


That certainly seems to imply you think the team got worse yesterday, despite your repeated claims that you were fine with what happened. Which is it? Did they lose ground on being a playoff team, or did they get better?



They lost ground on their goal of winning the Stanley Cup. It is such a tragic combo in my opinion....Regier-Ruff-Roster.....and the trade just magnified it. On talent alone, the trade is fine. For people that say a center is more important than toughness......you could have all the riches and trinkets in the world in your possession........but if you don't have the defense measures in place to protect them...the bad guys just come and take your stuff.


Darcy did nothing for an entire season and let it go to waste. He made a good trade with Gaustad. Should Pegula forgive him for spending $80 million on what looks to be a 10th-15th place team, just because he squeezed and extra 15 draft slots out of someone for Gaustad on a guy who won't be here for 3-4 years? I have been vocal for 5 years that they are not physical enough and lack leaders. The year they drafted Kassian a certain faction went all BOOYAH!, Darcy is making the team tough. Now here we are 2 years later in the middle of the most embarassing season ever, with one of the most embarassing single moments in franchise history taking place....and now Kassian is gone for a guy who IN DARCY'S OWN WORDS, is "Part of the new young core".


Yes...yes he is. Darcy always sticks to his guns with his core. He convinced himself Connolly and Roy would take over for Drury and Briere. Now 5 years later...5 failure-filled years later, Hodgson will be Roy's replacement in a year or two. It's the same flawed model, and even if Hodgson turns out to be a leader down the road who can put up 70+ points....as always it is too little too late. It shocks me the amount of people that let Regier off the hook because "he actually did SOMETHING!" It's like you were going to fire the drunk at work who didn't show up for 2 weeks without calling in, and the day you were going to fire him, he shows up to work...so you let him off the hook.When I say Darcy is a survivor......this is what I mean. Do just enough when the boat is sinking to get everyone on a sugar high for a few weeks and buy yourself another year of job security. If it's working on the fans, it's working on Pegula.


If I had the stomach to bet on teams that I love, I'd take your bet, but I'm enough of a nervous wreck without having additional weight hanging over the results.


I am curious if your position on this prediction has changed:


I am VERY bullish on the Bills. It is all about the people in charge and the work ethic and honesty that comes from top down. Poor Ralph is in rough shape, but every now and then when he thinks he is on the verge...he goes for it. The Bills finally have football guys in the position of GM and Coach and Scouting. Donahoe/Modrak/Mularkey is what set that franchise back so far, and Levy Jauron was just a way to try and gain some credibility back ON THE INSIDE by Ralph. When you get screwed over by people who you were told had more talent....you take a step back and only surround yourself with people you trust. Now Nix and Gailey and Whaley are just the perfect combo of no-nonsense old school, with enough underlying upside to take a giant step forward. They have built the team on that same idea.


I look for the Bills to complete a 2 year plan to win in the playoffs. I feel they are a .500 or better team next year knowing what I think they are targeting to do. If the Bills do not win a playoff game or have a bye week by 2013, I will be extremely disappointed and consider my faith and outlook as a failure. Please....if this site is still up then and the Bills fail to be in the top 1/3 of the league in 2 years....rub it in my face, because I am that confident and will deserve it.


I'm a lot higher on the Bills chances than the Sabres.

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