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Yes. I do. Hasn't shown me otherwise.


Exactly. I think his quote was something along the lines of sparing no expense on the organization and if he wants to make money, he'll drill another gas well.


The opportunity cost of not being able to sign new guys because we have too much cap space tied up into bad contracts could definitely cause issues though.

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I don't know what people are expecting. Other than the relatively inconsequential trade last week there has been no activity in the NHL on the trade front. You can't blast your GM for not making a trade when no one else is either. We aren't the only team with major problems. How would you feel if you were a fan of the Ducks? You have Perry, Ryan, Getzlaf, Selanne, Koivu, Fowler and you are only ahead of Columbus in the standings? You've already changed coaches and that amounted to nothing. I think if I were a Duck fan I would be completely insane right now saying DO SOMETHING!


There's some assumption that firing Ruff will suddenly make Roy finish a check or that Stafford will hit the net. The coach can't make that happen, ever. So, we all want a trade but there are currently no trades to be had at the moment. My advice is to wait and blast Regier when a trade occurs that you feel the Sabres should have been involved with and won.


I get really tired of people just complaining just to complain. I'll say it again. Regier, Ruff, Black, and everyone else who has anything to do with building the Sabres have a ton of more hockey experience than any one of us. They know things need to change and I am sure they are trying to change them. However, you can't force another team to accept a trade and so you have to find that fine line where you can offer value to get value. That line moves each day based upon inuries to your team, the other team, other teams NOT involved in the trade discussion, the way the players are playing, etc.


I'm not going to blast Regier based on rumor and innuendo. I will wait until a big trade is pulled off that involves players the Sabres should have been targeting and then I will see if what we could have provided in return is better than what the other team provided. If I think we failed, then I would blast Regier. Until then, why bother? We'll go around and around on this to no end but we have signs that Regier can make good acquisitions even when based under the OLD ownership. We were all crazy when we got Regehr and Ehrhoff and while we felt a little more reluctant about Leino it was still a sign that the Sabres could be a team that can even "overpay" for someone. Okay, so far it hasn't been the best season and there are certainly some maddening things on the ice. It's a bit unreasonable to point to one area and say change that and expect it to fix things.


Like I said earlier about the options:


- Fire Ruff? ( I don't see any coach making Roy, Stafford, Gragnani, etc. into the players we want them to be, so really what's the new coach going to do right now?)

- Fire Regier? (A new GM is going to need to evaluate things, he'll still need to find the right moves (and there've been no trades yet) so there's time before anything changes)

- Make a trade? (You need a partner to trade with and there've been no missed opportunities that we are aware of yet.)


I just want the Sabres to stop playing like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, relax, and play hockey. They look like they are up to triple guessing everything they do on the ice now.

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I don't know what people are expecting. Other than the relatively inconsequential trade last week there has been no activity in the NHL on the trade front. You can't blast your GM for not making a trade when no one else is either. We aren't the only team with major problems. How would you feel if you were a fan of the Ducks? You have Perry, Ryan, Getzlaf, Selanne, Koivu, Fowler and you are only ahead of Columbus in the standings? You've already changed coaches and that amounted to nothing. I think if I were a Duck fan I would be completely insane right now saying DO SOMETHING!


There's some assumption that firing Ruff will suddenly make Roy finish a check or that Stafford will hit the net. The coach can't make that happen, ever. So, we all want a trade but there are currently no trades to be had at the moment. My advice is to wait and blast Regier when a trade occurs that you feel the Sabres should have been involved with and won.


I get really tired of people just complaining just to complain. I'll say it again. Regier, Ruff, Black, and everyone else who has anything to do with building the Sabres have a ton of more hockey experience than any one of us. They know things need to change and I am sure they are trying to change them. However, you can't force another team to accept a trade and so you have to find that fine line where you can offer value to get value. That line moves each day based upon inuries to your team, the other team, other teams NOT involved in the trade discussion, the way the players are playing, etc.


I'm not going to blast Regier based on rumor and innuendo. I will wait until a big trade is pulled off that involves players the Sabres should have been targeting and then I will see if what we could have provided in return is better than what the other team provided. If I think we failed, then I would blast Regier. Until then, why bother? We'll go around and around on this to no end but we have signs that Regier can make good acquisitions even when based under the OLD ownership. We were all crazy when we got Regehr and Ehrhoff and while we felt a little more reluctant about Leino it was still a sign that the Sabres could be a team that can even "overpay" for someone. Okay, so far it hasn't been the best season and there are certainly some maddening things on the ice. It's a bit unreasonable to point to one area and say change that and expect it to fix things.


Like I said earlier about the options:


- Fire Ruff? ( I don't see any coach making Roy, Stafford, Gragnani, etc. into the players we want them to be, so really what's the new coach going to do right now?)

- Fire Regier? (A new GM is going to need to evaluate things, he'll still need to find the right moves (and there've been no trades yet) so there's time before anything changes)

- Make a trade? (You need a partner to trade with and there've been no missed opportunities that we are aware of yet.)


I just want the Sabres to stop playing like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, relax, and play hockey. They look like they are up to triple guessing everything they do on the ice now.


I want a trade and I still think this is a great post.

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I don't know what people are expecting. Other than the relatively inconsequential trade last week there has been no activity in the NHL on the trade front. You can't blast your GM for not making a trade when no one else is either. We aren't the only team with major problems. How would you feel if you were a fan of the Ducks? You have Perry, Ryan, Getzlaf, Selanne, Koivu, Fowler and you are only ahead of Columbus in the standings? You've already changed coaches and that amounted to nothing. I think if I were a Duck fan I would be completely insane right now saying DO SOMETHING!


There's some assumption that firing Ruff will suddenly make Roy finish a check or that Stafford will hit the net. The coach can't make that happen, ever. So, we all want a trade but there are currently no trades to be had at the moment. My advice is to wait and blast Regier when a trade occurs that you feel the Sabres should have been involved with and won.


I get really tired of people just complaining just to complain. I'll say it again. Regier, Ruff, Black, and everyone else who has anything to do with building the Sabres have a ton of more hockey experience than any one of us. They know things need to change and I am sure they are trying to change them. However, you can't force another team to accept a trade and so you have to find that fine line where you can offer value to get value. That line moves each day based upon inuries to your team, the other team, other teams NOT involved in the trade discussion, the way the players are playing, etc.


I'm not going to blast Regier based on rumor and innuendo. I will wait until a big trade is pulled off that involves players the Sabres should have been targeting and then I will see if what we could have provided in return is better than what the other team provided. If I think we failed, then I would blast Regier. Until then, why bother? We'll go around and around on this to no end but we have signs that Regier can make good acquisitions even when based under the OLD ownership. We were all crazy when we got Regehr and Ehrhoff and while we felt a little more reluctant about Leino it was still a sign that the Sabres could be a team that can even "overpay" for someone. Okay, so far it hasn't been the best season and there are certainly some maddening things on the ice. It's a bit unreasonable to point to one area and say change that and expect it to fix things.


Like I said earlier about the options:


- Fire Ruff? ( I don't see any coach making Roy, Stafford, Gragnani, etc. into the players we want them to be, so really what's the new coach going to do right now?)

- Fire Regier? (A new GM is going to need to evaluate things, he'll still need to find the right moves (and there've been no trades yet) so there's time before anything changes)

- Make a trade? (You need a partner to trade with and there've been no missed opportunities that we are aware of yet.)


I just want the Sabres to stop playing like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, relax, and play hockey. They look like they are up to triple guessing everything they do on the ice now.


Awesome post.

I dont think we can say for sure if a trade vs a coach/GM firing will make a bigger difference. Its all about having the right balance and mix. I think a trade is far more likely to happen, and my assumption is Regier will get a little more pressure from the top to make a move than he has in the past.

Unfortunately, i dont think this can wait unitl the trade deadlien, the way this team has been playing they may be well out of a playoff spot by then.

THey are coming up to a crucial part of the schedule, where they can make up some ground or be setting up residence in the basement of the league.


I know injuries have been a problem, but the players who are healthy arent producing, the slide cannot be attributed only to injuries. The team is somewhat healthier now, and it hasnt made much of a difference.

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I used to think the Sabres players on the roster were great players and adequate. Trading any of the top players was not the answer. I think back to the last rise of the team, though, and it was a combination of new leadership (Briere, Drury) with fresh faces from Rochester (the current core of the team). Since the Sabres lost Briere and Drury, they just haven't had that spark plug, that leadership.


I still think the C and A's are good guys and I want to see them succeed in Buffalo. However, if one, two or even all of them need to move on to bring in a new spark plug or two, I think it's time. It's kind of like hip replacement surgery: if it's needed, you might as well have it done and get it over with. Once it happens and you're on the mend, you'll wonder why you waited so long.

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Even a flush owner has a limit. The upfront money given to Ehrhoff and Leino is money not available for the next guy to come around. You don't really think Pegs is going to just throw cash around at every chance, do you?
Yes. I do. Hasn't shown me otherwise.


i am firmly of the mind that even pegula will have some limits. and, as weave notes, there are lost opportunity costs here.


also, as ghost points out, the real money that's been spent is a very important metric when it comes to evaluating the FO.


Except when it comes time to evaluate the GM who has a tool at his disposal in upfront cash that very few others do to lure top free agents, yet even in having that resource and spending #1/30 in player salary this year, has the team at #23/30 in the standings.


additionally, we ignore human nature if we think that neither leino nor ehrhoff feel the effects of the amount of the real money thrown their way.


finally, to my original point of rebuttal, the current CBA expires in september of this year. late last week, mr. fehr issued quite an opening salvo for those negotiations with the veto of realignment and the new playoff format. thus, even if we assume that mr. pegula has limitless capacity to spend, the fact is that the current cap rules are most likely not long for this world; in fact, the presumption of their limited shelf life is precisely why guys were front-loading the bejesus out of their deals during the 2011 off-season.


in sum, the real amount of money that guys are receiving is a relevant part of the conversation when discussing their performance, value, etc.

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LTS - If I were a Duck fan, I would sleep better at night under the security of my Stanley Cup Champions blankie in the top bunk of my bed.


People aren't complaining just to complain. Many here have said for 5 years that this team was soft, the core is faulty, Regier is passive, Lindy's system is #1, Golisano and Quinn were in it for the money, Miller had 1 great year in focusing on the Olympics (PS, Hamilton said the other day he hired a sports psychologist to prepare), and that there are no true leaders with skill and grit on this team...........and all along the way people say "BS, you aren't a real fan, have patience, getting a deal done is hard to do, Lindy would be hired tomorrow and nobody else is available, Golisano saved the franchise and is beloved, take the shackles off of Darcy, blah..blah...blah."


It's taken some time to reveal in all facets, but pretty much all of the "complaints" have been proven fact, or have strong roots in valid opinion. The most frustrating thing in the world is to know that something needs to be and is able to be fixed.....but you have no control over doing so. I've lived it in everyday life, and many here have lived it following the Sabres the past 5 years. It's even more frustrating to have wave after wave of company men or fanboys come in and defend status quo, because enough momentum is never built to actually get the change needed. The logical ones have all stepped back and admitted there are problems. Everyone here doesn't agree on the cause, but it's obvious there are a few giant holes in this franchise.....A#1 being where their collective heart should be. Darcy is the guy that brought all these guys in here and got to spend over the cap. Lindy is the guy who annointed the core his captains. The core has missed only a handful of games this year and has never won ANYTHING in the past 5 years on their own. It's all the same thing....they are ALL connected and a failure to one degree or another.


Also, I think I could name at least 5 posters on this board who I would trust to do Darcy Regier's job better than he is, given a full time contract guy in DiPofi and 13 scouts on board. It's identifying talent, being able to value talent, and knowing when to mix that cupboard of talent differently. It's not F'n Nuclear Physics......it's something anyone with hockey instincts, business instincts, and who knows human nature has a chance at pulling off. Theo Epstien was winning a World Series as GM at the age most baseball players haven't even hit their prime yet. And that franchise is 10x the economic and relevant machine that the Buffalo Sabres are. I'm sick of people using "hockey expert" as an excuse to marginalise solid opinions and people who know the game inside and out.

Brittaney Spears made $100 million at the top of the charts. Does that mean I can't go find someone at the local Baptist Church who could blow her head apart when it comes to singing, but is happy doing it for free in a place she loves because of passion?


I'm sick of this heartless group of merry-men from Darcy on down..........and I'm sick of the excuses. If Pegula and Black are oblivious to the failings of this group, year after year, then he can have $100 billion and nothing will get done.


Enjoy your day

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I'm sick of this heartless group of merry-men from Darcy on down..........and I'm sick of the excuses. If Pegula and Black are oblivious to the failings of this group, year after year, then he can have $100 billion and nothing will get done.


i'm not as fond of hyperbole and sprawling metaphor as ghost is, but this is substantially where i'm at.


Pulls trigger.


no need to go off the deep end -- the team is just a few players, and perhaps a new coach, away from making another run.

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no need to go off the deep end -- the team is just a few players, and perhaps a new coach, away from making another run.


Bingo. But to trust the same person who has lacked the common sense to find the type of players needed to make that push, and expect him to find Jesus all of a sudden, is folly.


We have the owner who says he wants to win and has spent the cash. A quality GM, fresh coach who can relate to a young group, and 2 or 3 grizzled vets who can show them how to do it...can be taken care of by July 1st. It could have been taken care of by last July 1st......and that's why this season has quickly turned into a travesty.


And I think Sprawling Metaphor would be a good name for a horse.

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i'm not as fond of hyperbole and sprawling metaphor as ghost is, but this is substantially where i'm at.




no need to go off the deep end -- the team is just a few players, and perhaps a new coach, away from making another run.


I just hope something gets done soon so that our little home here can go back to the nice way it is when this team is good.

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I see what you mean but it was an expensive risk but I think my point was that a lot of people thought he was the answer to our prayers so he gets (unnecessary imho) stick or underperforming. He should have been brought in to add depth up front but he was sold to us with the impression that he was a true, top line, centre. Ruff and Regier have to take some all of the blame on that one.

Last time I checked, he is the GM, he is the guy thats responsible for going out and acquiring players to make this team better, he was the one that said Leino could/would play centre. Ruff has to make due with what Regier gets him.


If you want to blame Ruff, You have to throw everyone in like Black, and Pegulia to share the blame too. Blacks the president and Pegulia is the owner, they could have said no to that contract

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i'm not as fond of hyperbole and sprawling metaphor as ghost is, but this is substantially where i'm at.




no need to go off the deep end -- the team is just a few players, and perhaps a new coach, away from making another run.


I'm not pulling the trigger because of the Sabres. I still believe in my team, for better or for worse.

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Like I said earlier about the options:


- Fire Ruff? ( I don't see any coach making Roy, Stafford, Gragnani, etc. into the players we want them to be, so really what's the new coach going to do right now?)

- Fire Regier? (A new GM is going to need to evaluate things, he'll still need to find the right moves (and there've been no trades yet) so there's time before anything changes)

- Make a trade? (You need a partner to trade with and there've been no missed opportunities that we are aware of yet.)


I just want the Sabres to stop playing like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, relax, and play hockey. They look like they are up to triple guessing everything they do on the ice now.

Just using these points for arguments sake


1. Fans want to see a scapegoat for the problems going on so Firing the coach is usually the first thing they think of cause its easier to do that then change a team. Everyone will always throw the Pens out as the example that just a coaching change can win you the cup, completly ignoring that they were already loaded with talent that had slumped. I agree with you that a coaching change isn't going to just make these players do what we think they can do


2. Firing Regier has to happen as the first step to fix this team. He is the one making the decisions on signings and trades and is the one who assembled this team. This team has changed very little over the last probably 5 years except for moving guys out to bring up the new group. The players brought in that are supposed to help improve this team have rarely succeeded in doing anything, and are usually less then 2nd line caliber players. The Sabres need someone whos not afraid to make moves to shakeup the team and trim some dead weight.


3. There are always trades available that can be made, maybe it might take more to make the trade happen now rather then later, but theres always deals that can be made. Problem with teams now is that alot of them don't want to overreact and make a move to sell off a player now, cause theres always hope they can turn it around. Thats been the Sabres problem the last little while, Regier always seems to be thinking that his guys will turn it around and magically get better and become superstars. They are just hurt/in a slump/about to break out and reach their potential, etc


The first move they need to make is for a new GM, someone who will step in and start making moves to save this season, unless they have decided to ride out this season and re-assess in the offseason hoping things turn around in their favour. Unfortunatly, I think this is what they are planning on doing and I don't think they make any big splashes to try and save this year

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LTS - If I were a Duck fan, I would sleep better at night under the security of my Stanley Cup Champions blankie in the top bunk of my bed.


I'm sick of this heartless group of merry-men from Darcy on down..........and I'm sick of the excuses. If Pegula and Black are oblivious to the failings of this group, year after year, then he can have $100 billion and nothing will get done.


Enjoy your day

Pulls trigger.
no need to go off the deep end -- the team is just a few players, and perhaps a new coach, away from making another run.
I'm not pulling the trigger because of the Sabres. I still believe in my team, for better or for worse.


of this, i was aware.


i am loyal to the team, come hell or high water. but i don't feel obliged to believe in the team as constituted (now or at any other time), on a better or worse basis -- especially when the team has become the sort of team that i just don't like very much.

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i am loyal to the team, come hell or high water. but i don't feel obliged to believe in the team as constituted (now or at any other time), on a better or worse basis -- especially when the team has become the sort of team that i just don't like very much.


There you go. Loyal vs. Believe


Some are loyal to the spirit of Christmas and the birth of a baby in the manger

Some believe in Santa Claus


Some are loyal to the principals of the US Constitution and the bedrock the country was founded on

Some believe in the President and Congress


Some are loyal to the Buffalo Sabres as they represent the city and people of Buffalo

Some believe in the Buffalo Sabres

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There you go. Loyal vs. Believe


Some are loyal to the spirit of Christmas and the birth of a baby in the manger

Some believe in Santa Claus


Some are loyal to the principals of the US Constitution and the bedrock the country was founded on

Some believe in the President and Congress


Some are loyal to the Buffalo Sabres as they represent the city and people of Buffalo

Some believe in the Buffalo Sabres


i agree with most of that.


at the risk of committing a heresy, my hockey-watching crew, to a person, (almost) immediately disliked ohhhh now do you believe?! so much so, in fact, that when we're at the arena (center) and things are going particularly badly, a couple of my pals (who do a fair RJ) will bust out with the believe call. they use that one, and a mock thank you, sabres! thank you, sabres!

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There you go. Loyal vs. Believe


Some are loyal to the spirit of Christmas and the birth of a baby in the manger

and believe in Santa Claus


Some are loyal to the principals of the US Constitution and the bedrock the country was founded on

and believe in the President and Congress


Some are loyal to the Buffalo Sabres as they represent the city and people of Buffalo

and believe in the Buffalo Sabres



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Nicely done. Loyalty and belief aren't necessarily mutually exclusive principles. In fact, as in the case of being a fan of a team, they often go hand in hand. Faith is the key to both and faith is a conscious choice that we choose to make. Just like deciding whether or not to be pessimistic or optimistic.



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Last time I checked, he is the GM, he is the guy thats responsible for going out and acquiring players to make this team better, he was the one that said Leino could/would play centre. Ruff has to make due with what Regier gets him.


If you want to blame Ruff, You have to throw everyone in like Black, and Pegulia to share the blame too. Blacks the president and Pegulia is the owner, they could have said no to that contract

Fair point. I didn't want to point everything on Regier but I think this one is on him. Still Leino has 5 1/2 years to prove him right.


There you go. Loyal vs. Believe


Some are loyal to the spirit of Christmas and the birth of a baby in the manger

Some believe in Santa Claus


Some are loyal to the principals of the US Constitution and the bedrock the country was founded on

Some believe in the President and Congress


Some are loyal to the Buffalo Sabres as they represent the city and people of Buffalo

Some believe in the Buffalo Sabres

Sorry, I know this isn't the place and you guys have a different religious culture but please don't talk about it like it's fact, it's not, it's a belief and deserves to be treated like any other belief.

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Fair point. I didn't want to point everything on Regier but I think this one is on him. Still Leino has 5 1/2 years to prove him right.



Sorry, I know this isn't the place and you guys have a different religious culture but please don't talk about it like it's fact, it's not, it's a belief and deserves to be treated like any other belief.


Then I better start yelling something else every time I hear Ted Black say they are perfectly happy with Darcy and Lindy.......

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I don't know what people are expecting. Other than the relatively inconsequential trade last week there has been no activity in the NHL on the trade front. You can't blast your GM for not making a trade when no one else is either. We aren't the only team with major problems. How would you feel if you were a fan of the Ducks? You have Perry, Ryan, Getzlaf, Selanne, Koivu, Fowler and you are only ahead of Columbus in the standings? You've already changed coaches and that amounted to nothing. I think if I were a Duck fan I would be completely insane right now saying DO SOMETHING!


There's some assumption that firing Ruff will suddenly make Roy finish a check or that Stafford will hit the net. The coach can't make that happen, ever. So, we all want a trade but there are currently no trades to be had at the moment. My advice is to wait and blast Regier when a trade occurs that you feel the Sabres should have been involved with and won.


I get really tired of people just complaining just to complain. I'll say it again. Regier, Ruff, Black, and everyone else who has anything to do with building the Sabres have a ton of more hockey experience than any one of us. They know things need to change and I am sure they are trying to change them. However, you can't force another team to accept a trade and so you have to find that fine line where you can offer value to get value. That line moves each day based upon inuries to your team, the other team, other teams NOT involved in the trade discussion, the way the players are playing, etc.


I'm not going to blast Regier based on rumor and innuendo. I will wait until a big trade is pulled off that involves players the Sabres should have been targeting and then I will see if what we could have provided in return is better than what the other team provided. If I think we failed, then I would blast Regier. Until then, why bother? We'll go around and around on this to no end but we have signs that Regier can make good acquisitions even when based under the OLD ownership. We were all crazy when we got Regehr and Ehrhoff and while we felt a little more reluctant about Leino it was still a sign that the Sabres could be a team that can even "overpay" for someone. Okay, so far it hasn't been the best season and there are certainly some maddening things on the ice. It's a bit unreasonable to point to one area and say change that and expect it to fix things.


Like I said earlier about the options:


- Fire Ruff? ( I don't see any coach making Roy, Stafford, Gragnani, etc. into the players we want them to be, so really what's the new coach going to do right now?)

- Fire Regier? (A new GM is going to need to evaluate things, he'll still need to find the right moves (and there've been no trades yet) so there's time before anything changes)

- Make a trade? (You need a partner to trade with and there've been no missed opportunities that we are aware of yet.)


I just want the Sabres to stop playing like the weight of the world is on their shoulders, relax, and play hockey. They look like they are up to triple guessing everything they do on the ice now.

:wallbash: Risk aversion :wallbash: .
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