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Game's at 7:30PM.


If that road trip is to mean anything, point(s) in tonight's game is/are a must.


This is the time to push it into high gear with some absolutely winnable games:


Flyers, Canes, @Isles, Habs, @Bruins, Isles, @Isles, and @ Ottawa.


12 of 14 points ARE required in this stretch.

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Game's at 7:30PM on VERSUS.


7:38 to be exact according to VS, sorry I don't get many opportunities to correct a broad ;) board moderator.



Well the second half of the season begins tonight. The players are saying all the right things in the press about their situation. I am a little old school in that talk is cheap and want them to show me they get it and know what to do.


Time to get it started, Let's Go B'lo.

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With a great schedule coming up, THIS game will be the one which will show where these guys are heading.I would be happy with a point tonight but two would be a great statement. I think today would be great timing to announce new ownership as the crowd gets into a frenzy when the camera pans over to Pegula in the box....

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7:38 to be exact according to VS, sorry I don't get many opportunities to correct a broad ;) board moderator.



Well the second half of the season begins tonight. The players are saying all the right things in the press about their situation. I am a little old school in that talk is cheap and want them to show me they get it and know what to do.


Time to get it started, Let's Go B'lo.


I like the talk is cheap line. Halfway point, back from a successful road trip, several key players on nice rolls. I wish they had all gotten together on the flight home and agreed to say "No comment" to all those questions. Man, how many times has this group been right here before?

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I didn't spring for the upgraded sports programming so it's back to watching a stream tonight.


I truly hope those nimrods in the league office pick a real network for their next TV contract.

What about the playoffs? You really need VS.

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Glad to hear it. I thought he was our best skater following his breakout game against Edmonton. Does this mean Rivet takes a seat?



I have a feeling that BUTLER will be the one sitting, LINDY doesn't like being asked questions about his captain sitting.

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ok time to break this game down bigtime.


the flyers will score 5 minutes in to the game. then they score again later into the period. first goal is scored by mike richards second goal is scored by jeff carter. the flyers take a 2-0 lead after the first. the flyers score again very early in the 2nd period, this time its danny briere, im thinkin it goes off a dmans skate. the flyers then take a 3-0 lead into the third. the sabres come out stale in the third but manage to get a goal about 8 minutes into it by tyler ennis. then boom less than a minute later, on the powerplay, drew stafford tips a shot by tyler myers. it is now 3-2. the sabres get many chances and even pull the goalie towards the end of the game, but philly prevails cause they are the better team. 3-2 flyers.

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Philly already has their one win at HSBC this year. Miller continues his stellar play, of-late. Either Myers or Ennis gets one early on the PP. Then Philly takes the play in second, but Miller keeps them off board. Vanek or Stafford scores in third, to put us up 2-0. Flyers get goal to make it 2-1, and Miller-time makes the 2-1 lead stand up.


Would be first time since game #1 that Sabres stand one game over .500...




We NEED the positive vibes to continue!

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