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I'm not willing to throw in the towel due to last night's performance.


50 games left. Break it down into ten five-game stretches. If we average 6 points every 5 games, we've got a shot.


I still believe.


And then what? A shot at what? Another first round exit? A conference final?


I know they say "anything can happen in the playoffs", but I feel quite confident whoever said that is itching to add "unless you're the current Buffalo Sabres".


If this team makes the playoffs, it's another one and done. When Miller isn't standing on his head, this is what the rest of the deadbeats are capable of - 11th in the conference.


The fact is this team wouldn't benefit from another playoff appearance. If Status Quo is still calling the shots come May, a playoff appearance would be all the reason Darcy needed to resign Stafford and Connolly, and doing jack-all about upgrading the rest of the roster.


Tank the freakin' season already, the only way this roster ever wins anything is if the moon falls on the rest of the league, and even then I wouldn't like their chances much.

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And then what? A shot at what? Another first round exit? A conference final?


I know they say "anything can happen in the playoffs", but I feel quite confident whoever said that is itching to add "unless you're the current Buffalo Sabres".


If this team makes the playoffs, it's another one and done. When Miller isn't standing on his head, this is what the rest of the deadbeats are capable of - 11th in the conference.


The fact is this team wouldn't benefit from another playoff appearance. If Status Quo is still calling the shots come May, a playoff appearance would be all the reason Darcy needed to resign Stafford and Connolly, and doing jack-all about upgrading the rest of the roster.


Tank the freakin' season already, the only way this roster ever wins anything is if the moon falls on the rest of the league, and even then I wouldn't like their chances much.


I disagree. You get to the playoffs, you have a shot. No exceptions.

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The key to winning this game will be shots on goal. Tampa Bay rolls a great offense these days but they have zero goaltending. Get pucks on net and the Sabres win. Get fancy and lose battles and Tampa will walk all over us. I'll watch the start of this game, but if it's awful, I'll go out and do Christmas shopping while everyone else is eating dinner.

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And that's exactly what management is hoping everyone else will say too.


Lmao, so what do you want us to do? Stop watching the games? Stop rooting for our team like the rest of you sorry ###### on here? Playoffs are the goal right now. You guys can sit here and say the season is over and blah blah blah, then why do you continue to sit and watch the games? Just go away til the off-season if that's all you care about. Yeah, it's starting to become a bit of a long shot right now, but there's still hope and reason enough for me to watch and root for my team.

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Lmao, so what do you want us to do? Stop watching the games? Stop rooting for our team like the rest of you sorry ###### on here? Playoffs are the goal right now. You guys can sit here and say the season is over and blah blah blah, then why do you continue to sit and watch the games? Just go away til the off-season if that's all you care about. Yeah, it's starting to become a bit of a long shot right now, but there's still hope and reason enough for me to watch and root for my team.


Settle down. I'm still going to watch the game, just like, I'd guess, 90% of the posters here. That doesn't mean that I'm not very disappointed in them not trying to improve the parts of the team that clearly needed improvement last summer.

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Settle down. I'm still going to watch the game, just like, I'd guess, 90% of the posters here. That doesn't mean that I'm not very disappointed in them not trying to improve the parts of the team that clearly needed improvement last summer.


And that's fine. We're all disappointed. But we're not to the point where we have to call out every poster who says something positive and reply with a "LOL DUDE U THINK THIS TEAM IS GONNA MAKE PLAYOFFS?? UR SO DUMB" type of remark that everyone here seems so willing to make.

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