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NHL 1st ROUND PLAYOFF DISCUSSION(including broadcast info)


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Am I the only one that feels the idea of a "white out" (all home fans wearing white) makes no sense when the away team wears white? I've watched several games, including Pens/Sens and Yotes/Red Wings, and it always seems like the barn is supporting the away team. If Jobing.com was washed in brick red (maybe extra dark to differentiate it from Detroit's basic red), it would seem far more supportive. Of course, if the home team just wore white again, all would be fine.

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Am I the only one that feels the idea of a "white out" (all home fans wearing white) makes no sense when the away team wears white? I've watched several games, including Pens/Sens and Yotes/Red Wings, and it always seems like the barn is supporting the away team. If Jobing.com was washed in brick red (maybe extra dark to differentiate it from Detroit's basic red), it would seem far more supportive. Of course, if the home team just wore white again, all would be fine.


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Figured it might have been somewhere in those nine pages.

I guess white tees are just cheaper than blue or maroon. Plus, with all the Detroit fans in Phoenix, white makes them all look like Coyote fans.

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Looks like a lot of long series in the works. All four Wednesday night losers came back to even their series, and Nashville going one-up on Chicago was a surprise.


Colorado blew a golden opportunity to tighten the Sharks' sphincters.

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Why wouldn't you want the defending champs and the best player in the game out of the playoffs?


I know, I know... But I really, really dislike Ottawa.


That is exactly Chris Neal on Drury. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine never through such a elbow. That wasn't a hockey play, that was assault.


I was routing for Ottawa to take out the Pens. Now I hope the Pens steam role them.


Not for the Sutton hit alone, but for Alfie and Spezza too. Who by the way have done nothing yet.


I felt the same way. It's just way easier routing for Crosby than it is Ruutu, Neil, and Sutton. Although I still hope it goes to 7.

What's amazing me about Ottawa so far is that Kelly, Ruutu, Regin, etc are scoring their goals, not their snipers.

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Newbie correcting Newbie. This is hilarious.


I've noticed a increase of Newbie on Newbie crime this season. Any thoughts on what the cause is?


You should check the "join date" before you go tossing that word around.


Just because I don't feel the need to post the same trite opinion on every thread I read does not make my posts carry less weight than yours. In fact, I would guess the opposite to be true.

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I don't know about everyone else, but those were some fabulous games last night. My DVR stopped recording before the end of Detroit-Phoenix, but all you needed to watch was the second period...WOW.


Devils-Flyers was good, Pens-Sens was excellent (despite my hatred for both of those teams), even Hawks-Predators was good. I only could watch highlights of the Sharks & Avs, but that had to be a ###### of a game to watch. Wings & Coyotes blew everyone else out of the water.


Every series that has completed 2 games is tied at 1-1. The other three series have their Game 2s today/tonight. I really hope America is watching...this is playoff hockey at its best so far - and what it's all about. :thumbsup: :worthy:

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Are you an expert?


That's classic.


I find it interesting that there's rarely any agreement about what happens during these hits. Everyone sees it differently.


So this isn't a lateral hit?


Anyway, lots of goals scored last night. Probably won't hear Lindy mentioning it, since it doesn't fit his dark, depressing vision of the game. Get a bunch of 2-1 games and he's salivating. Tyrannosaurus Ruff.

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Crosby with the save!!! I don't get all the hate for him. He's what I would want in a superstar player.

I'm with you. He's a helluva player.


I feel dirty. I was openly rooting for Pit over Sens.

Crosby made a great play on the GWG as well. He is amazing. Until Ovechkin steps up in crunch time and leads the Caps to a Cup, Crosby is still better.


This is why the NHL needs a "zero tolerance" rule on hits to the head. Leopold is shorter than Sutton, and he was skating with his head down. Sutton would've needed to consciously try to avoid Leopold's head. If the rules don't prohibit Sutton from hitting Leopold's head REGARDLESS of those circumstances -- which they currently don't -- those hits will continue. IMHO, those hits are just too dangerous.

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Crosby was unreal last night:


1. He scores the first goal by charging the net and getting a tip.

2. He saves a goal by diving into the crease and swatting the puck away

3. He reverses three times behind the net abusing Spezza. Comes out on his knees and sends the puck to the blue line where it was promptly deposited on a one-timer by Letang.



Love or hate him, he is an amazing hockey player.

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I don't know about everyone else, but those were some fabulous games last night. My DVR stopped recording before the end of Detroit-Phoenix, but all you needed to watch was the second period...WOW.


Devils-Flyers was good, Pens-Sens was excellent (despite my hatred for both of those teams), even Hawks-Predators was good. I only could watch highlights of the Sharks & Avs, but that had to be a ###### of a game to watch. Wings & Coyotes blew everyone else out of the water.


Every series that has completed 2 games is tied at 1-1. The other three series have their Game 2s today/tonight. I really hope America is watching...this is playoff hockey at its best so far - and what it's all about. :thumbsup: :worthy:

I need to stay awake for the Phoenix series, seems like a good one. I have not picked up many replay games early morning yet, but NHL network has been good for good highlights so far.


Not surprising, everyone tied their series..... <_<

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Crosby was unreal last night:


1. He scores the first goal by charging the net and getting a tip.

2. He saves a goal by diving into the crease and swatting the puck away

3. He reverses three times behind the net abusing Spezza. Comes out on his knees and sends the puck to the blue line where it was promptly deposited on a one-time by Letang.



Love or hate him, he is an amazing hockey player.

That was pretty silly sick....

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This is why the NHL needs a "zero tolerance" rule on hits to the head. Leopold is shorter than Sutton, and he was skating with his head down. Sutton would've needed to consciously try to avoid Leopold's head. If the rules don't prohibit Sutton from hitting Leopold's head REGARDLESS of those circumstances -- which they currently don't -- those hits will continue. IMHO, those hits are just too dangerous.

I always challenge the "head down" business. Hockey players don't skate with their head "up." Leopold's head isn't down. Is "head down" NHL code for a player who has his eyes down, isn't looking at the checker and thus puts himself at risk? That is, a moron? The NHL needs to decide if it's OK to enforce the code on such players. My guess is this is the kind of hit the league wants to keep in the game.

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I've watched the replay countless times and Suttons elbow clearly makes contact with the head.That makes it elbowing and a head shot.Does'nt matter who is shorter or if the players head was down,the hitter has to take some responsibility if the recieving player is in a vulnerable position.Thats how the league explained the situation in the weeks leading up to the playoffs.The problem is that this league could'nt enforce the rules in a game of jenga.And the rules seem to change in the playoffs which has always been laughable.

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on eighth look, i'm starting to believe that there was no intent to injure, as well as no intentional elbow. it almost looks as though sutton wanted to just lay a completely innocuous hard hit on leopold, but had absolutely nothing to make contact with, other than the head since he had it down and was leading with it going full bore. the elbow was indeed pinned in to his body, and it was just an awkward hit that was made worse with a rambunctious collapse to the ice.



Most of this post I agree except the intent to injure part. To me, thats part of Suttons game. He will try to hurt or at least knock you out, like most Senator goons.


This particular collision, it struck me as he was trying to line him up, but was alittle off. I thought it couldve been worse. Seems to me that the elbow came up after contact, perhaps as his balance was slipping.


But, Leopold was already engaged with the other Senator at this side, so I dont agree with Sutton's contact.

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You should check the "join date" before you go tossing that word around.


Just because I don't feel the need to post the same trite opinion on every thread I read does not make my posts carry less weight than yours. In fact, I would guess the opposite to be true.

Would you prefer Part Time Sabre Fan? Seems a lot of you show up this time of year. Pretty much the only negative that comes from the Sabres making the playoffs.

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Holy ######!


Even you've gone ###### now??


The guy is 6'6" and Leopold is coming at him with his head down.


Next time Sutton should crouch down and take out the ######'s ACL.

When did taking a 30 foot run while aiming your elbow at a guys head become a good hockey play? Is it because it was a Penguin player? Skating with your head down doesn't make a elbow to the head legal. This incident will prove once again that supplemental discipline in the NHL is a myth.

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When did taking a 30 foot run while aiming your elbow at a guys head become a good hockey play? Is it because it was a Penguin player? Skating with your head down doesn't make a elbow to the head legal. This incident will prove once again that supplemental discipline in the NHL is a myth.


Just the fact that a guy took the puck 30 feet with his head down and didn't pass it makes him deserving of the hit.


Once again....Sutton is 8 inches taller. He actually dips his shoulder of you look.


I can't wait for all the whiners here to get going for the 1PM game.


"Ooh...poor Patty.....why did Lucic hit him?.....doesn't he know he has stitches?....that's a suspension!"


I am fully convinced this board is made up of 85% white collar paper pushers that are too used to going to their daughters' soccer games.

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I don't like the hit. 100% of the blow is to the head. It is not a body check. Why not just get low and hipcheck him?


As for Sutton in the interview. He made himself look like a complete fool. Just once it would be nice to have a reporter go back at the guy. It would have been great to see the scrub ask Sutton if he was having trouble answering a yes or no question? What's Sutton gonna do, body check the reporter in the face with his elbow?

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