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Well, apparently waiting doesn't suck. My wife complained of some mild cramps last night, and it turns out that she was 4 cm dilated and having pain free contractions 5 minutes apart. Needless to say, it wasn't an entirely pain free evening and morning, but at 9:17am, my son was born. Mother and child are perfectly healthy. He looks forward to a disastrous Bills season starting at exactly 1 week of age and continuing on a great tradition of living, breathing, and dying for Buffalo sports. Now the burning question... What's his first jersey going to be?

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first child. I got some sleep during the labor process since she was in no discomfort. I'm running on fumes tonight though. Will be ok when visitors leave and i can sleep for a couple hours.

Yeah, the visitors staying at the hospital and stopping by does throw a kink into things. Best thing I can tell you is don't be shy about asking those who come calling to help out a little - even if it gets you out of the room for 15, 20 minutes or helps you grab a half-hour of shuteye - it really helps.


Best of luck, and enjoy it - it really goes fast.

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And Congrats. :thumbsup:


That is hilarious. Pure genius.


Congrats, Corp. It's a great feeling, this fatherhood thing.

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Congrats Corp! Try and burn everything into your head so you remember when you have an evening like we just had telling our boys about the days they were born. It goes fast!


And, my vote is for a Sabres jersey.

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Fatherhood is the greatest part of life, enjoy it...


Jersey wise, it's simple really; pick a day, and his first "number 2" will tell you which one. Solid means Sabres Jersey. Not so solid, Bills Jersey.


You may want to wait a few weeks though, otherwise just skip the experiment and get him a bills Jersey, if you know what I mean...


Good luck!!

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Congrats Corp!


Don't forget to grab a paper from today. You can show him the headlines from the day he was born. It'll be cool later.


Now get some sleep :lol:


Alex Van Pelt as the Bills new offensive coordinator. Now that's a headline that could really go either way. :D

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Yesssssss!! Good man. And congrats to your wife. You're in for a rough 10-12 weeks or so, but it's well worth it.


As for the jersey, I'd vote for Miller.



10-12 weeks? Damn, a lot of people with kids I know were pretty lucky - neither of my kids slept the night for nearly 2 years. Hope you don't get that, Corp.

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Congratualtions Corp and Family, oh and I second the get something nice for your wife idea.


Now welcome to the rest of your life, a truly life changing event. Time to start some traditions that can be passed on for generations... :thumbsup: .

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first child. I got some sleep during the labor process since she was in no discomfort. I'm running on fumes tonight though. Will be ok when visitors leave and i can sleep for a couple hours.


Make sure you muscle in and do that first diaper change. :w00t:


Congrats, Corp! Make sure she nurses. You'll sleep better for it... :lol:

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