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But now he has to worry about the baby eating if more sabre fans are around.

Not if the baby is wearing a Sabres jersey (so long as it has the original logo and not the slug).


If Corp puts the baby in a Canes jersey, then all bets are off.

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Not if the baby is wearing a Sabres jersey (so long as it has the original logo and not the slug).


If Corp puts the baby in a Canes jersey, then all bets are off.



There's a snowball's chance in hell that he'll ever wear a Canes jersey. The only exception would be if he were wearing the jersey, ripped it off to reveal a Sabres jersey, threw it on the ground and gave it a Cleveland Steamer.

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There's a snowball's chance in hell that he'll ever wear a Canes jersey. The only exception would be if he were wearing the jersey, ripped it off to reveal a Sabres jersey, threw it on the ground and gave it a Cleveland Steamer.

Yeah you say that now, but the Canes are the team he'll grow up with. My kid, who I've done my utmost to bleed Buffalo Blue, is a Pittsburgh fan. Stab me in the freakin back please. My buddy at work, a die hard Pittsburgh fan, told me during our fantasy draft yesterday that his son is rooting for the Chargers these days... At least my son hasn't started rooting for the Ravens yet. But since he was born and raised in Baltimore, I presume it is inevitable.


Learn to love the Canes... Do it for the children... :rolleyes:


Or... stop the cycle of abuse... you can't help it, you were born a Buffalo fan... He has a chance to get out... Do the right thing, let it stop at this generation... Save your son even if you can't save yourself..

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Now this is the kind of out of the box thinking that keeps me coming back for more! :D



You're either with us or against us. ;)


Or... stop the cycle of abuse... you can't help it, you were born a Buffalo fan... He has a chance to get out... Do the right thing, let it stop at this generation... Save your son even if you can't save yourself..

It's something I've wrestled with. I looked at the pics of Hunter at 2 1/2, clad in his Bills jersey, and thought "what have I done to him? He's going to suffer so much pain, frustration and heartache at the hands of Buffalo sports teams." At least it will toughen him up.

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Or... stop the cycle of abuse... you can't help it, you were born a Buffalo fan... He has a chance to get out... Do the right thing, let it stop at this generation... Save your son even if you can't save yourself..



But do we really hate being fans of the Sabres and Bills? Sure, we all hate losing, but at the end of the day, even after the worst loss you could imagine, we all still love being fans and we wouldn't even consider not bleeding for them. I'm not going to brainwash him, but for as long as I pay the bill, there'll be a buffalo team on TV. One of me fatherhood dreams is to move our love for the Bills and Sabres down a generation.

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