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Patrick Kane arrested


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Ok, after what Kane did, I am embarrased w/ the fact he is from Buffalo. The special puck drop in his first game in Buffalo as an NHL player now means nothing to me. I know a lot of players like to go to their "home town" team at the end of the careers, but I really hope Kane has either has no desire to return to Buffalo or the inability to to return to Buffalo.

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Ok, after what Kane did, I am embarrased w/ the fact he is from Buffalo.

can't disagree with that sentiment.


I really hope Kane has either has no desire to return to Buffalo or the inability to to return to Buffalo.

i still think that could be a lot of fun.


heck, by that time the cabbie and paddy will have patched everything up -- the sabres could run promotional events featuring them in all sorts of situations, including a re-match in those funny sumo suits.


no, in all seriousness -- seems to me that by the time kane would be available at the right price, his skills will have diminished to the point where it wouldn't make a lot of sense to bring him back to buffalo.


and, as my reply implies, i'm willing to give the kid a second chance; a third chance? not so much.

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Don't get me wrong, I do too! What I want to hear is from the actual witnesses... Somebody outside the three called the cops.


Then there is the thing that they may have stolen the rest of the cabbies' money (100 bucks)... If that is true, WTF is up with that?


I am under the impression that the this happened in South BFLO? Kane's stomping ground?? Some don't get offended, strange things happen to S. BFLO boyz back in their "hood"... It is like a whole 'nother dimension there IMO.

I don't know how true the other stuff is... But the cabbie a vet? Supposedly just had neck surgery recently?


He supposedly did lock them in the car and demanded his money before attempting to release them... Maybe that is what set them off... Still you don't attack the guy...


Would have been too bad for somebody (most likely the Kanes) if they were in a state that has a right to carry. :blink:


I mean WTF!!! This is more than a simple embarrasement... Anyone of us, if the stuff is true, would be doing jail time.


This isn't playing too well in Chicago... Not many are taking Kane's side.



i will also add this: back in my youth, i was involved in a late-night melee exactly three times (never willingly), and each time i had my effete ass handed to me. two of those incidents involved getting a beat down from a gang of knuckle-heads from south buffalo; the other involved a beat-down from a gang of knucklheads from south boston.


Oh yeah been there seen that, done that... It was like that in South Buffalo in the seventies, and I worked with a guy from there in the eighties and went out/hung out at some of the bars back in the day, definitely a place you could get in a rumble w/o really trying, they have this attitude thing, I still call someone who deliberatly fudges their pool shot so as not to leave you a good shot at your own pool balls, playing south Bflo pool.

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The kid can play hockey, that is for sure, but after watching him in the playoffs against Vancouver, it became clear to me he's an arrogant little bast*&%d. The comment the cabbie made about "don't you know who I am" speaks volumes.


They were obviously tanked and made bad judgement, but wanting change at 4am should be the least of Kane's concerns. He's an embarrassment to himself, his family and his profession.


I don't think this is a case of some old man wanting to bring a pro athlete down. I hope Kane pays for this and I hope the NHL makes him pay too.

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one of the kanes said he needed to get out the cab in order to get his wallet out.



Would anyone be surprised to learn that it was the cousin who was paying? PK probably didn't even have a wallet with him as I'm sure he got all his drinks free.

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Geez. How 'bout a little appreciation for another working sister trying to make it in a man's world?


You'd give appreciation to someone calling Gilbert, Gill-Burt? And, have you seen the morning news in B-lo lately? It's mostly a woman's world.

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Ok, after what Kane did, I am embarrased w/ the fact he is from Buffalo. The special puck drop in his first game in Buffalo as an NHL player now means nothing to me. I know a lot of players like to go to their "home town" team at the end of the careers, but I really hope Kane has either has no desire to return to Buffalo or the inability to to return to Buffalo.


I see Mair getting a hold on him during a tussle saying "That one's for J.R." :w00t:

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what seemed to enrage the kanes was the cabbie's insistence that they pay before exiting the vehicle. one of the kanes said he needed to get out the cab in order to get his wallet out. the cabbie would not relent, and explained that he insists on that sequence when taking college kids as a fare.



If this really is the case, and the cabbie wouldn't let these guys out of the cab, then I definitely understand punching the guy in the head. I don't know how many people have experience with cab drivers, but they can be extremely unreasonable and confrontational. I once had a cabbie tell me he was going to kill me and my cab driver because I didn't go to the first cab in the line (I was quite hung-over from New Years and didn't feel like walking 8 cabs down the line). That driver was no spring chicken either, he was at least 50.


Of course none of us know what really happened, and may never know, but this cab driver could have been over doing it by forcing these guys to stay in his cab (which could result in charges against him forcibly holding someone against their will). It’s a control and respect thing. Nobody likes being told what to do, talked down too (i.e. the college kid comment), or locked in a cab by a possibly overzealous cabbie. If this scenario is accurate, then I think it is a case were everyone went a little overboard, and everyone should just shake hands and sue each other in civil court.


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If this really is the case, and the cabbie wouldn't let these guys out of the cab, then I definitely understand punching the guy in the head. I don't know how many people have experience with cab drivers, but they can be extremely unreasonable and confrontational. I once had a cabbie tell me he was going to kill me and my cab driver because I didn't go to the first cab in the line (I was quite hung-over from New Years and didn't feel like walking 8 cabs down the line). That driver was no spring chicken either, he was at least 50.


Of course none of us know what really happened, and may never know, but this cab driver could have been over doing it by forcing these guys to stay in his cab (which could result in charges against him forcibly holding someone against their will). It’s a control and respect thing. Nobody likes being told what to do, talked down too (i.e. the college kid comment), or locked in a cab by a possibly overzealous cabbie. If this scenario is accurate, then I think it is a case were everyone went a little overboard, and everyone should just shake hands and sue each other in civil court.


driving a cab for a living is a brutal way to make a living - especially in a market like buffalo where the demand for your services can be spotty. it doesn't strike me as overboard or out of line for a cab driver to tell a couple of drunk (coked up?) yahoos to settle up before getting out of the vehicle. how many fares have skipped out on that driver in the exact same situation?


i agree that no one knows exactly what happened other than the people involved (although only one (at most) was sober), but i verily suspect the exchange went something like this:


Cabbie: That's $13.80, fellas.

Kanes: [inaudible] Hey, come on, open the f***ing doors, di*k.

Cabbie: Hey, watch your f***ing mouth, pal -- pay up and I'll unlock the godd***ed doors.

Kanes: Come on, man, I'm sitting on my f***ing wallet; let me get out of the f***ing car and I'll f***ing pay you. Di*k.

Cabbie: F*** you, I'm not opening the doors until you pay.

Kanes: [Opening can of whoop ass]


in that scenario, my sympathies are entirely with the cabbie.

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what seemed to enrage the kanes was the cabbie's insistence that they pay before exiting the vehicle. one of the kanes said he needed to get out the cab in order to get his wallet out. the cabbie would not relent, and explained that he insists on that sequence when taking college kids as a fare.



If they were pissed off about the change then they already paid right? Not sticking up for the Kane's at all, but if the cabbie doesn't give U change, get his #, call the cops, have 'em taser him down.

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If they were pissed off about the change then they already paid right? Not sticking up for the Kane's at all, but if the cabbie doesn't give U change, get his #, call the cops, have 'em taser him down.

That's a good point. I think at this point, with the info that I have right now,... I still don't care.


I love the part in that video where Cwooz does a walk and talk and puts twenty cents in right front of the lens...just in case we didn't know what twenty cents looked like.

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Well, at least he punched someone. Our sissies would have made out with each other then asked the cabbie to take a glam shot of them embracing one another.



Ink you down right rock!!!! I am sorry for the late post but I cannot go on any further after seeing the post of the year...



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Some guy called WGR Schopp Bulldog show a few minutes ago. Prior to Shopp ripping him for not wanting to say who his source was; the guy said Kane tried paying with a $100 bill that the cabbie said he wouldn't take or couldn't make change for or somesuch.


If that is the case you could really see how a situation with a couple drunk guys and a possibly sterotypical cabbie could go downhill very quickly.

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Some guy called WGR Schopp Bulldog show a few minutes ago. Prior to Shopp ripping him for not wanting to say who his source was; the guy said Kane tried paying with a $100 bill that the cabbie said he wouldn't take or couldn't make change for or somesuch.


If that is the case you could really see how a situation with a couple drunk guys and a possibly sterotypical cabbie could go downhill very quickly.



i've modified my imagined dialogue accordingly.


Cabbie: That's $13.80, fellas.

J. Kane: [inaudible] Hey, come on, open the f***ing doors, di*k.

Cabbie: Hey, watch your f***ing mouth, pal -- pay up and I'll unlock the godd***ed doors.

P. Kane: Come on, man, I'm sitting on my f***ing wallet; let me get out of the f***ing car and I'll f***ing pay you. Di*k.

Cabbie: F*** you, I'm not opening the doors until you pay.

P. Kane: [Offering C-Note recovered at random from shirt pocket] Alright. Here ya go, buddy.

Cabbie: Nah, nah - no way, pal - I don't make change for that on a $13 fare.

Kanes: [Opening can of whoop ass]


once again, my sympathies are entirely with the cabbie.

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Some guy called WGR Schopp Bulldog show a few minutes ago. Prior to Shopp ripping him for not wanting to say who his source was; the guy said Kane tried paying with a $100 bill that the cabbie said he wouldn't take or couldn't make change for or somesuch.


If that is the case you could really see how a situation with a couple drunk guys and a possibly sterotypical cabbie could go downhill very quickly.

Sounds like Kane's family and friends are trying to do some damage control. What is a "sterotypical cabbie?" There is no possible justification for beating a 60 year old man, drunk or not.

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I'm going to amend my prediction based on the comments by the cabbie's attorney, and based on the fact two high-profile attorneys are involved:


My guess at what happened is that the cabbie was dropping these guys off near the college, and his MO is that he LOCKS the door until they pay up. Well, cabbie did this to the Kanes, who were drunk and didn't like being forced to pay a tip AND were being locked in the cab. The attack happens.


The Kanes' attorney tells the cabbie's attorney that he will counter by having the cabbie brought up on charges of unlawful imprisonment. The cabbie obviously doesn't want that, so will settle for a low amount - enough to pay off the attorney and a little extra for his troubles. Then he will drop the charges.


All will call it an amicable settlement based on a misunderstanding. The cabbie will say it's just "kids being kids". Kane will apologize for the incident but say it was "grossly blown out of proportion".

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I'm going to amend my prediction based on the comments by the cabbie's attorney, and based on the fact two high-profile attorneys are involved:


My guess at what happened is that the cabbie was dropping these guys off near the college, and his MO is that he LOCKS the door until they pay up. Well, cabbie did this to the Kanes, who were drunk and didn't like being forced to pay a tip AND were being locked in the cab. The attack happens.


The Kanes' attorney tells the cabbie's attorney that he will counter by having the cabbie brought up on charges of unlawful imprisonment. The cabbie obviously doesn't want that, so will settle for a low amount - enough to pay off the attorney and a little extra for his troubles. Then he will drop the charges.


All will call it an amicable settlement based on a misunderstanding. The cabbie will say it's just "kids being kids". Kane will apologize for the incident but say it was "grossly blown out of proportion".


This all sounds about right.


And I think it's safe to say that this whole thing was, in fact, blown out of proportion. It happens in most criminal cases until everyone calms down and looks at the real facts.


And for the record, who thinks it's a good idea to make drunk people angry? Cabbie, although desiring to be paid, must not be too bright. Any drunk a-hole could have done this, it just happened to be Kane and co. I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened before.

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