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Patrick Kane arrested


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How is assault not part of the charges? Or does robbery fold in that component? The old guy just had surgery on his neck apparently. Just makes you sick. I hope he tells the Kanes to shove their offer.


I do too! His father is (was until he sold his share of the dealership to finance his kid's path to stardom) a car dealer (Kane Doyle)... They will try and wheel and deal. Honestly, I hope the Kanes see jail time for this hideous act.


Go figure... The one great talent that comes out of the local area and is tainted in so many ways to start and now this. :wallbash: :wallbash:


"Hey dad, we did it!"


Something tells me the cousin will take the fall. If I was the cab driver, I would go after the bar too.

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The guy donates money to build a rink and celebrates by beating the crap out of some dumb cab driver. Almost feel bad for his cousin who probably isn't a millionaire with a secure job. BuffalOhio is right atleast he didn't decide to drive himself and kill someone.[/i] I'd like to hear his side of the story before I really rip the guy.


Ya assaulting somebody is not deciding to "kill" them... What happens if the guy died? The guy was in his 60's... Give me break!


I don't even want to hear his side of the story... It will be be so filled with spin. I want to hear the story from the eyewitness that called the cops... If that is possible. They will tell you the truth.


Strange... Before when you Googled: Pat Kane... "Pat Kane Arrested" came up first... Now it doesn't happen... ??? NHL spinning already??


EA Sports has to be sh*tting the bed.


"Was alcohol involved in the 20-year old's Saturday night activities? Kane was arrested at approximately 5 a. m. this morning on a street in Buffalo known for it's nightlife. What the hell else would he have been doing there?


EA Sports has to be thrilled they selected the American born star to grace the cover of the upcoming NHL '10 due in stores next month. As of yesterday, Kane appeared to be the perfect coverboy. Allegedly, he's not anymore.


If the allegations prove true, what type of action does the Blackhawk organization or the NHL take? Will the Hawks look to face the beginning of the season without Kane and Marian Hossa?"



And WTF is up with his speech at the Caz rink:


"I'll tell you one thing: It's a lot of fun playing in the NHL and playing on the ice and playoffs and certain things, and being part of an Original Six organization with the Blackhawks," Kane told the crowd. "But to come back home and drive in the driveway for the first time for summer, and realize that you have a long time to hang out back home in Buffalo [is a great feeling].


"The best thing about it is my friends treat me like I'm a regular kid. They don't treat me like a celebrity or whatever they might treat me like in Chicago."


Ah... Pat you douche... There were a ton of teams before the "Original Six." Except they couldn't make it through the Great Depression and WWII.


IMO, he is brainwashed in Chicago... They can have him! Old man Wirtzy is rolling over in his grave. Even know I thought he was too conservative. Old Bill is rolling how Rocky grabbed the throttle and hit it full... Now the train is running off the track! :lol:


ChicagoNow Blogs

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This doesn't add up. I agree with whomever said it, but there is more to this than initially reported.


Clearly, alcohol was involved. You don't make a decision to assualt over change from a cab fare without being impaired. My father use to have a saying, there are only drunks and cops out at 4a.


Kane will survive this embarrassment. He has been added to the Buffalo hall of shame. Can't hurt too long though. Afterall, Bruce was found guilty of DUI and elected into the Hall of Fame within a few weeks of each other.

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This doesn't add up. I agree with whomever said it, but there is more to this than initially reported.


Clearly, alcohol was involved. You don't make a decision to assualt over change from a cab fare without being impaired. My father use to have a saying, there are only drunks and cops out at 4a.


Kane will survive this embarrassment. He has been added to the Buffalo hall of shame. Can't hurt too long though. Afterall, Bruce was found guilty of DUI and elected into the Hall of Fame within a few weeks of each other.


Don't get me wrong, I do too! What I want to hear is from the actual witnesses... Somebody outside the three called the cops.


Then there is the thing that they may have stolen the rest of the cabbies' money (100 bucks)... If that is true, WTF is up with that?


I am under the impression that the this happened in South BFLO? Kane's stomping ground?? Some don't get offended, strange things happen to S. BFLO boyz back in their "hood"... It is like a whole 'nother dimension there IMO.


I don't know how true the other stuff is... But the cabbie a vet? Supposedly just had neck surgery recently?


He supposedly did lock them in the car and demanded his money before attempting to release them... Maybe that is what set them off... Still you don't attack the guy...


Would have been too bad for somebody (most likely the Kanes) if they were in a state that has a right to carry. :blink:


I mean WTF!!! This is more than a simple embarrasement... Anyone of us, if the stuff is true, would be doing jail time.


This isn't playing too well in Chicago... Not many are taking Kane's side.

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Well, at least he punched someone. Our sissies would have made out with each other then asked the cabbie to take a glam shot of them embracing one another.


Lol, post of the thread right there!
Close the thread, shut off the lights and lock the door. Inkman for the win.

wow. just wow.

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Just read the police report. Said they had the cabbie take them to 56 Eastwood Place. WTF where they doing there? Isn't that off campus housing for Canisus College? Back in the late 1980's I had friends that lived right there and went to school at Canisus... Some serious partying went on! :pirate: :pirate: Supposedly the cabbie in his interview said he got stiffed by students in that area.


Do you blame him for not trusting his fare?

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Obviously, there are three stories here....the cabbie's, the Kanes' and the truth. Setting aside the alleged assault and robbery for the moment (don't worry, we'll get back to that), it may be that this underage person (or people, I don't know the age of the cousin) was out at 4AM, likely drinking. We all know that many establishments on and around Chippewa "bend" the 21 and over rule (especially for attractive young women). That doesn't absolve them from any complicity in this case. IF it can be proven that either or both of the Kanes are underage and were served alcohol (and I hope that they were given Breathalyzer tests or had blood drawn for alcohol levels), some establishment(s) are going to get sued and/or fined.

Next, if the cabbie's story is at all supported by facts, there should be charges filed. Oh, and there WILL be a lawsuit. It may be settled quickly and swept under the rug, but money will change hands.

Aside from the cab driver's injuries and the drama that he will be going through for the next year or so, the thing that stands out in my mind is that fact that you have a kid making millions of bucks that wouldn't even give a 60+ year old cabbie a lousy $1.20 for a tip. I've taken many cabs, sober and not so sober and for a $15.00 cab ride at 4 AM, I would have no issue throwing the cabbie a $20 and telling him to keep the change.

(I recall an radio interview with a struggling actor on NPR a few years back - the actor was working as a waiter in a health food restaurant near the theater district in NYC. The interviewer asked if he had waited on any well-known celebrities. He replied that he had - one of them was Natalie Merchant, formerly lead singer of 10,000 Maniacs. The interviewer asked how she was as a customer and the actor/waiter replied that for someone who was as involved in charitable causes as she was, she was a lousy tipper.)

If EA Sports had a creative marketing department, they could contact Labatt's and put some coupons for $1.20 off a six-pack of Blue in every NHL '10 package....

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The non-life-threatening assault is what makes it 2nd degree robbery rather than 3rd. Although it's a class C felony which is punishable with up to 15 years, he wont get any time because you can be charged with less than 1 if prior record and personal history is taken into account. It's not even worth it for the cabbie to take him to court. They'll settle out of court and save everyone the hassle.


Probably. Justice is different for young millionaires. :beer:

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The non-life-threatening assault is what makes it 2nd degree robbery rather than 3rd. Although it's a class C felony which is punishable with up to 15 years, he wont get any time because you can be charged with less than 1 if prior record and personal history is taken into account. It's not even worth it for the cabbie to take him to court. They'll settle out of court and save everyone the hassle.

How is punching a 62 year old man in the back of the head not "life-Threatening?" Did they check him for a medical ID bracelet before pummeling him?

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From what I was just told by a friend out in that area, the cousin is probably the one who did it. The description I got made the guy sound like a thug. A quote in what Eleven linked to below looks to back that up. It was something to the effect of "one guy paid and the other punched me in the face". So you have Kane and his cousin, hmmm... I wonder which one would be paying. Obviously none of this gives Kane a free pass though. If the description I got of the cousin is accurate, these are the kind of people that others should be keeping him away from. I'm sure the Blackhawks will push for that now.


The cabbie claims they were both wailing on him. Anyway, there was a witness.

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Obviously, there are three stories here....the cabbie's, the Kanes' and the truth.

i dunno, man -- i watched the cabbie's interview, and his story (rambling though it was) came off as accurate, credible, and very unflattering to the kanes.


what seemed to enrage the kanes was the cabbie's insistence that they pay before exiting the vehicle. one of the kanes said he needed to get out the cab in order to get his wallet out. the cabbie would not relent, and explained that he insists on that sequence when taking college kids as a fare.


Aside from the cab driver's injuries and the drama that he will be going through for the next year or so, the thing that stands out in my mind is that fact that you have a kid making millions of bucks that wouldn't even give a 60+ year old cabbie a lousy $1.20 for a tip. I've taken many cabs, sober and not so sober and for a $15.00 cab ride at 4 AM, I would have no issue throwing the cabbie a $20 and telling him to keep the change.

i mean, seriously. back when i was a bloated, pasty, cash-strapped undergrad in college, my crews of revelers would routinely pay a $16 fare (that was about how much it cost to get from our campus to one of our favored watering holes) with a 20-spot and likely a single or two thrown in the mix from someone.


but just because the kid has come into a boatload of money doesn't mean he will change his stripes when it comes to being tight-fisted with the ki-gash.


If EA Sports had a creative marketing department, they could contact Labatt's and put some coupons for $1.20 off a six-pack of Blue in every NHL '10 package....


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i will also add this: back in my youth, i was involved in a late-night melee exactly three times (never willingly), and each time i had my effete ass handed to me. two of those incidents involved getting a beat down from a gang of knuckle-heads from south buffalo; the other involved a beat-down from a gang of knucklheads from south boston.

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Wook! Twisha Cwooz hath the sthtory!



My guess is that the cabbie is paid off to drop the charges and make this go away.


They'll call it "an out of court settlement". Kane will say "This was a misunderstanding and I'm sorry that JR, the cabbie, had to be involved."


Twisha, it's "Kane", not "can". You know like the Candy Canes you suck on after the show. Geez. So in addition to PK getting busted and going nationally, we've got this broad f'ing up his name going national too. And it's only Monday.

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How is punching a 62 year old man in the back of the head not "life-Threatening?" Did they check him for a medical ID bracelet before pummeling him?


It depends on the severity when it's looked at after the fact, specifically after medical examination. If they had assaulted him with a weapon or caused injuries that might have put his life in danger, then it would be 1st degree. The cabbie seemed more concerned about his broken glasses than his actual injuries, so I think it's safe to say that the beating he took was not life threatening.


Could they have possibly killed him with a properly placed blow to the head? Of course. But you can't assume that if he only walks away with a few bruises. A concussion might get you 1st because then it's severe head trauma. It's basically a matter of getting together with the doctors and determining how to use the law. The must have only roughed him up a bit.

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How is punching a 62 year old man in the back of the head not "life-Threatening?" Did they check him for a medical ID bracelet before pummeling him?


Its non-life threatening because the degree to which he was beaten didn't endanger his life. Doesn't matter how old someone is its how badly they are injured. Anyway, this guy is going to milk Kane for all he's worth and get a big pay day. After hearing how bad the guy got beaten and how they described all big about how messed up his face got, he looked pretty fine atleast facially in the on-camera interview. I was expecting armageddon on his face like Rihanna had, not a barely blackened eye.

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Twisha, it's "Kane", not "can". You know like the Candy Canes you suck on after the show. Geez. So in addition to PK getting busted and going nationally, we've got this broad f'ing up his name going national too. And it's only Monday.

Geez. How 'bout a little appreciation for another working sister trying to make it in a man's world?

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Ya assaulting somebody is not deciding to "kill" them... What happens if the guy died? The guy was in his 60's... Give me break!


I don't even want to hear his side of the story... It will be be so filled with spin. I want to hear the story from the eyewitness that called the cops... If that is possible. They will tell you the truth.



I think I see where you want to go with this but getting hammered and driving into another car and killing occupants in your mind is the same thing as punching someone in the face? I'm sure at no point did they ever have the intention of killing this guy but then "decided" not to. They just roughed the guy up a little. Unless something freak happened there was no way this guy was going to die. He seems more pissed off that his glasses were broken. I think we have to hear Kane's side of the story, we don't know what went on in the cab for sure before the fists started flying but I agree that the eyewitness will probably know best, I'm hoping that the street was well lit otherwise it'll be impossible to identify who was who of the boys. Unless of course they could see that one clearly needs a haircut and the other one doesn't.


In any case, like you said sucks for EA. I wonder if being involved in a beating on an old man will send his NHL 10 "toughness rating" skyrocketing.

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