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Blast from the past ...


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Check it out ... from early in the 1974-75 season ...



Two things I loved ...

1. Mention of the old phantom sign maker at the Aud ... great stuff.


2. This quote: But, says Jim Schoenfeld, the 22-year-old captain and chief bodyguard for the French Connection, "we'd all like to forget last season. We had 20 guys playing 20 different ways for 20 different reasons. We also had a dozen cop-outs to explain why we played so lousy. To be honest, we didn't have any heart."


I think Lindy needs to bring Schony in the first day of camp and have him make that same speech.

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The French Connection receives further support from a sort of kamikaze line and the so-called ascetics. The line?Wingers Brian Spencer and Rick Dudley and Center Jim Lorentz?displays neither fear nor mercy in the corners. Spencer, who claims he killed and skinned a bear when he was 12, wears a leather hat that looks as though it came off the jacket of Arlo Guthrie's latest album, while Dudley wears an Indian headband on his search-and-destroy missions.


We need more guys like this.

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Great story... wow, I got chills and actually pumped my fist at this line... "Buffalo closed in to 4-3 on goals by Rick Dudley and Robert , and then, with slightly less than two minutes to play in the game, Perreault did his thing..."

and then read this and will be looking for this highlight on youtube later..."Perreault collected it near the right boards and started up ice. As always, his mouth was open, his head was bobbing and his body was a living, shimmering lure; Flames melted away as Perreault faked them out. A couple of hip twitches for Goalie Dan Bouchard, a few head bobs and shoulder movements?and there was the puck in the net. "I want to see that rush on instant replay," said Floyd Smith, the new Buffalo coach. "Not me," moaned Atlanta Coach Boom-Boom Geoffrion . "I saw enough already." "


so many good things about that article, from Shoney to Luce to Bert to Ramsay... also amazing that Craig Ramsay didn't get any penalty minutes the previous year... the whole year!!!

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also amazing that Craig Ramsay didn't get any penalty minutes the previous year... the whole year!!!

More amazing is the guy writes how he couldn't walk a quarter mile because his back hurt so bad ... eventually he did miss a game ... EIGHT YEARS LATER!


Another Perreault might be too much to ask, but 22-year old captains calling guys out, guys skinning bears, guys playing every game for 9+ years ... we definitely need more of that ...

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my favorite bits: the report of robert scrapping with pat quinn, and smith having decided to "forgo the team's former close-checking style and concentrate on the attack. 'Checking hockey basically is boring hockey[.]'" sounds a little like what lindy did (not what he said, mind you) in the halcyon days immediately following the lockout.

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Spencer, who claims he killed and skinned a bear when he was 12, wears a leather hat that looks as though it came off the jacket of Arlo Guthrie's latest album, while Dudley wears an Indian headband on his search-and-destroy missions.[/i]


We need more guys like this.


"He" posted here for a while... ;)

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Check it out ... from early in the 1974-75 season ...


2. This quote: But, says Jim Schoenfeld, the 22-year-old captain and chief bodyguard for the French Connection, "we'd all like to forget last season. We had 20 guys playing 20 different ways for 20 different reasons. We also had a dozen cop-outs to explain why we played so lousy. To be honest, we didn't have any heart."


I think Lindy needs to bring Schony in the first day of camp and have him make that same speech.

Thanks for the new signature for the summer! This thread is filled with lore & legends. :lol:

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The more things change...


How about:

At 24 Perreault is the sport's most exciting forward. In full flight he has more shifts than O. J. Simpson or Ernie D. His only fault is that he has not mastered the give-and-go passing concept; he tends to skate too long and too far with the puck before passing off to Martin or Robert .


"...tends to skate too long and too far with the puck before passing". Sounds like anyone else we know?

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How about:

"...tends to skate too long and too far with the puck before passing". Sounds like anyone else we know?

yeah and if that "someone else" averaged more than a point per game in the playoffs (8th all-time in the NHL), we would not be begging for them to trade him ... please do not ever insult Bert with that kind of comparison again. ;)

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You have got to be kidding? How old are you? Have you ever seen Perreault play?

One major differnce between the two is Bert wouldnt give the puck away at a point where it would result in umpteen odd man rushes per game. He had the ability to take it down low, his only if any fault he had was not shooting when he had a shot. He was very unselfish..

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One major differnce between the two is Bert wouldnt give the puck away at a point where it would result in umpteen odd man rushes per game. He had the ability to take it down low, his only if any fault he had was not shooting when he had a shot. He was very unselfish..

Absolutely. I remember being at the Aud and just going crazy when he would not shoot. Still, there is more than ONE major difference in their games.

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One major differnce between the two is Bert wouldnt give the puck away at a point where it would result in umpteen odd man rushes per game. He had the ability to take it down low, his only if any fault he had was not shooting when he had a shot. He was very unselfish..

Yep. Bert passed the puck, but 99% of the time he passed it to another guy with a "crossed swords under a charging buffalo" logo on his chest. He-who-shall-not-be-named fires the puck to anyone on the ice, scoring ops and turnovers be damned.

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Yep. Bert passed the puck, but 99% of the time he passed it to another guy with a "crossed swords under a charging buffalo" logo on his chest. He-who-shall-not-be-named fires the puck to anyone on the ice, scoring ops and turnovers be damned.

Thats the maddening thing about MAd Max, he has all this talent as far as stickhandling goes then once he crosses the blue line he lays this massive brain fart and bam the puck is down the ice in our zone in a millisecond and the rest of the team is like what just happened...LOL..He has so much wasted talent...If he could just not get so damn confused..Oh well hopefully its someone elses problem before the season starts..

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Yep. Bert passed the puck, but 99% of the time he passed it to another guy with a "crossed swords under a charging buffalo" logo on his chest. He-who-shall-not-be-named fires the puck to anyone on the ice, scoring ops and turnovers be damned.



All that is true, and I have always loved #11... but I have to admit that reading the SI articles from the 1970s (the one on Rick MacLeish from 1978 even more than the ones from 1975) reminded me of why the Sabres became such a perennial playoff disappointment. Like it or not, Bert was a big reason for that.

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