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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. None of those former core guys are all-stars. Expecting them to carry any team on a successful playoff run is just wrong. They're potentially nice complimentary pieces in the right situation, but not difference makers.
  2. Seen this happen so many times in beer league, will never take the cage off again. Had a good friend I played college with lose an eye in beer league... nasty nasty injury, permanently blind in one eye now, can't drive at night, has a family and whatnot.... not worth the risk, beer league just doesn't pay enough and the trainers are usually the zamboni drivers. Seriously tho, cocaine will numb any part of your mouth it comes in contact with. Great for broken noses, or unbroken noses, just ask Evander "Co" Kane :)
  3. putting him on the 4th line looked like a tank move IMO. He's clearly out skating and out chancing Moulson.
  4. Nice play by Grigorenko, steals the puck, leads the rush and makes a slick pass to Iginla for the go ahead goal late in the 3rd. https://www.nhl.com/video/iginlas-late-goal-gives-avs-lead/t-277996314/c-41508703
  5. Samsonov http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/pdisplay.php?pid=180628
  6. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    I thought our bet was where they would pick (post lottery)? Anyway, at 80 points, they have a 44% chance of finishing in the bottom 5.
  7. He probably didn't want to risk carrying it through customs, so relied on some contact in Toronto for his supply who probably shorted him, then didn't take any back over the border and went into a coma when he finally got back to his HarborCenter suite most likely.
  8. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    If they continue at their last 17 games pace (55.88% points per GP) they'll finish with 79 points (53 + (48 * 0.5588) = 79.82), round down as they'll come up just short of 80 points. Anyway, with 79 points they would have a 64% chance of finishing in the bottom 5, and a 3% chance of finishing in the bottom 3.
  9. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    if Buffalo finishes their last 24 games at the same pace (54.31% points lost in GP) they'll finish with 75 points, which gives them a 77% chance of finishing in the bottom 3.
  10. You folks have no idea how bad the cocaine problem is in hockey, not just the NHL. I understand you have no reason to believe me, I'm just words on a page here, so I'll leave it at that.
  11. I know about a dozen people here in southern california that look like that guy and they're all cocaine abusers. I play hockey with one of them and he's always pushing it on us and tells us stories about parties w/ Ducks/Kings players he knows well, stories backed up by another guy that works for the Ducks... I could name names, I won't, but players you wouldn't suspect are ravaging users. It's not just the big time stars with money to burn, it's the guys bouncing up and down from the "A" as well. Do I know for a fact this esilver guy does coke? No. But I wasn't born yesterday either.
  12. A second sounds about right.... to a playoff team , which is mid-low second.
  13. I meant that esilver guy is probably a supplier, not Kane.
  14. They're overworked and have the money. It leaves the system within 24hrs, curbs hunger, and suppresses the ability of the body to store fat. Just look at the instagram of Kane's buddy who gave him the tickets to the NBA All-Star game. https://www.instagram.com/esilver82/ That guy just looks like a big time user and looking at all the pro-atheletes he's hanging out with, I wouldn't be surprised if he's a big time supplier for these guys.
  15. You don't think there's a cocaine problem in the NHL? Don't be naive.
  16. apparently he didn't bring enough 8-balls to the all-star game Sunday and overslept. i like Kane, honestly, I do. it's just the lifestyle these days. people wonder why cocaine is the drug of choice for hockey players.... just look at how many hours they spend on the ice a week, no off days, twice on game days, trouble falling asleep after a game then getting up early for another skate, back-to-backs, etc.... they need to cut back on the number of practices and back-to-backs so these guys can clean up their noses.
  17. Look, I'm not saying he made the wrong decision. My point is that his decision is unique and it raises questions that need to be answered. 99.9% of hockey phenoms grow up in areas where they dream of playing major junior or college hockey. Did he choose Europe because of where he's from? Or is he just chasing the money? Those are questions that Jack didn't need to answer. What's his Mom and Dad like? What do they value? Does that influence his decision making?
  18. Yes, thank you. College isn't for everyone. My point is that if I'm the GM with #1 overall pick, I'm going to spend some extra time studying the reasoning behind his decision to play in Europe. Is he motivated by money? Does he have dreams of winning a Stanley Cup? Or is he just motivated by money? The decision to go play for money at such a young age raises those questions. Maybe he is motivated by money and doesn't have Stanley Cup dreams since he grew up in the desert. That's OK, I'm not saying he's a bad kid... although we don't know enough about him to make that judgement, his decision to chase the $$$ at a young age raises those questions. I would've liked to see him finish his studies and play one year of college. Why didn't he do that? Because of where he's from? Or because he values money more than anything else? Will his play drop off after his he signs a large contract? Or is he motivated by winning? His Mom is mexican.
  19. No, he did not accelerate his studies to met the requirements to attend college.
  20. Kane? He has his HSED. In order to attend college last fall, Matthews would've need to accelerate his studies to earn the academic requirements necessary to attend college. He choose to go play in Europe instead.
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