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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. I think the argument is not wether or not scoring will increase with smaller goalie gear... it will. The question is will the style of play change to a more exciting up tempo game? If all you want to do is increase scoring, then yeah make the goalies take up less net. However, I don't think that alone will change the way the game is played. Teams will still try to get pucks back to the point and hope pucks find their way in through crowds, etc... If you want to change the style of play, then you need to make the ice surface wider. Just add another 5ft of width (200x90)... http://www.tsn.ca/burke-on-a-mission-to-increase-size-of-nhl-ice-surfaces-1.425938 NHL: 200x85 hybrid: 200x94 OLY: 200x100 The new arena going up in Detroit will support the proposed 200x90 rink size. IMO that will make the most difference in game play.
  2. Nope. I played competitively when the butterfly style was becoming popular. The butterfly goalies I've played with (and still play with) always complained of knee, hip and back issue because of dropping on their knees all game long. In fact, when their knees were aching they were less likely to drop down and would play a stand-up style to relive the pressure on their lower body. Show me some evidence that butterfly style is the healthier alternative to stand-up.
  3. I agree with Hirsch on the chest protector, arm and pants. The leg pad height needs to be reduced as well. I don't agree on changes to stick , blocker or glove. How many saves do you see goalies make with the cheater portion of their glove that would've otherwise been a goal? Maybe 1 every 6 or 7 games? Something he didn't mention was jersey size. It needs to be more form fitting. So many saves are made just by the puck catching a lose part of the jersey.... many saves per game. Even if nothing else was changed, making the jersey form fitting would have the most impact IMO.
  4. This is flat out false. Butterfly goalies have long term knee, back and hip problems from dropping down and popping up.... pushing side to side on one knee, etc... Stand-up is much easier on the lower body.
  5. They play for a local club team and we know some people. A couple years ago when my older boy played for the Jr Kings, he got to skate the flag around the ice before a playoff game and high five the players as they came out... https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share/upTzp4VTPTHQlIpqQsZ8M8JgLpOcZQmG7WZFhVb7BHx?v=grid&ref_=cd_ph_share_link_copy https://www.amazon.com/clouddrive/share/hnbEK4neJLJ2NXBCmtTeO89vuUoYMRGI7yNZFicbKC9?v=grid&ref_=cd_ph_share_link_copy ...the Kings always put on a good show, they sent him a personalized DVD. They're really trying to grow the sport our here by getting kids involved in game activities.
  6. Both my kids will be on the ice for the anthem tonight. They're gonna ask if they can stand with the Sabres players.
  7. Finally!! THis was overdue by about 4 seasons....but does he even break into the Caps lineup at any point? 3rd rounder (likely very late) is excellent return.
  8. ...and add a healthy Lehner for a full season, and Ennis possibly back to being Ennis.... should be much improved. Moulson tho.
  9. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    ..the tertiary (and quarternary) players on championship teams are not necessarily young or cheap. Those are spots you can normally fill through FA or trade once you have your top six filled out with your elite core.
  10. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    yes, but it's much more lengthy process and involves plenty of luck...
  11. I hope BUF doesn't end up with Matthews. He's going to be a very good player, but IMO will fall well short of expectations, especially come playoff time. I'd rather have Reinhart in the stable for a Cup run... he has the intangibles.
  12. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    I see your point, however losing ROR for a month is not a minor absence. BUF doesn't have enough elite talent to make up for it. It's not an intentional "tank" in the traditional sense, but w/o ROR I don't see how they finish out of the bottom 3.... call it a tank or not, it is what it is.
  13. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    Depends what your definition of "tank" is.
  14. Gonna be a tough few weeks. I don't want them to tank again, but this is a huge loss. Wonder if this changes anything for trade deadline... prolly not.
  15. i'd question the hooking call on Zemgus, and I didn't think that was a major on Hartnell.... i'm OK with the other calls.
  16. you lost me at "Craig Button"
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