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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. secret weapon when was the last time those two scored in the same game?
  2. The toy section was where I did all my Christmas shopping as a kid. Then fill out that form at the counter and wait to be called up.
  3. Dlo has drawn like 8 penalties this game. I say put him on the PP
  4. Eichel shoulda given that drop pass back to Kane cutting to the net.
  5. Thought Eichel was good last game, he just wasn't rewarded on the scoresheet. Need to see more from Bogosian. His carelessness with the puck led to McDavid's first goal, and he looked rattled ever since. Lehner has been great, just that one bad goal from McJesus, if it becomes a trend then it's a concern. Ristolainen has been quiet of late, he's due for a big game here. The problem with young players is they haven't figured out how to break of slumps yet. They press too much, a lot of times the best remedy is to just let the game come to them instead of trying to force plays.
  6. I'm not buying the idea that common core is simply training for college. I was encouraged to think creatively at the University I attended. Common core will help raise the overall performance of students in standardized testing, but at the expense of those who are naturally gifted with numbers.
  7. Well, he's getting paid like a 25 goal scorer, I think the expectations are the same. He should get more PP time next season, probably taking McGinn's spot in front of the net... I'm thinking a poor mans Andreychuk... assuming he can get his mind right.
  8. Yes! My 12yo son is in the advanced math group at his school. He's good at numbers and does it quickly in his head in his own way and comes up with the correct answers, however he loses a lot of credit because his explanations aren't always what the teacher is looking for. His explanations actually makes sense and he gets the right answer, but loses credit because it's not the way they were taught to do it. What this does is helps kids who are not naturally good at math by giving them a single path to the answer. However, this punishes kids who are naturally good with numbers because it forces them to think like everyone else. It drives me nuts to see my kid get so discouraged because he's losing points even though he has the correct answers. My younger boy isn't as proficient at math but is better at memorization so his math grade is likely better than it would be without common core.
  9. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    Hmmm. I understand they need help now, but at some point you have to invest wisely in your future. Sounds like the plan is for a top 5 pick this season, tank you very much.
  10. What a huge bonus that would be to get him back into 25-30g territory next year... and Ennis, with a better Eichel and Reinhart and a full season of Lehner. Let's not get carried away.
  11. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    So we're tanking again? Is that it?
  12. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    What does that even mean?
  13. He's a nice player but standing at only 5'07 I doubt he ever breaks into the national league. GMTM likes them big and athletic.
  14. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    This was assuming there wouldn't be any drop off from Ennis and Moulson. They were #1 and #2 in scoring last season. Add those two in at the level they played last year and everything changes... and having Lehner for a full season. Just getting those guys back to where they should be will make a huge difference next season.
  15. I'm slowly drifting into "I hope they lose" mode and I hate it. Just looking at that lineup... good lord. Can we call them the bottom-9 forwards now? Talk about an easy team to play against. Shut down the top line and you don't every have to worry about getting scored on.
  16. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    Win or lose, I just want them to play better than they are currently. They looked uninterested last night, just like the team did last year down the stretch. That's concerning.
  17. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    It doesn't matter what we want. Eichel and Reinhart will be fine no matter how they end the season. This is tanky lineup, not as bad as last season but much closer than anyone is willing to admit. If they go 7-11 I think is optimistic they'd finish at 72 points there's a 74% chance they finish in the bottom 3. I'm OK with that.
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