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Everything posted by pi2000

  1. They get an education while on their junior teams. They have their high school diplomas.
  2. Nobody remembers their names. He's Latvian.
  3. I don't, nobody does. What I'm saying is that I would not be surprised (based on his decision making thus far) if he was ultimately a bust. If I'm the GM of the Sabres and I land the # 1 pick in the draft, I'm going to exercise extreme caution and perform due diligence before selecting A. Matthews #1 overall. Jack could've chosen to go Europe to chase the $$$ after one season in the NTDP, but he choose to get his High School diploma and attended college. It's a sign of character. Sure he's not going to make a living based on what he "learned" in college, but it's a sign of character and what he values. It was a dream of his to play college hockey, and make it to the NHL, he didn't give up on that dream because it was too much work to met the academic requirements to attend BU. He put value on playing college hockey and succeeding in the NHL, not money. That said, I don't expect his effort to drop off once he gets his max contract. I don't know enough about Autson Matthews character to say what he values most, but the fact that he choose to earn a paycheck in EU (over juniors/college) makes me question his values. What will he do when he's a pending UFA? Is he a team first guy? Or will he follow the money? Does he care about winning as much as he does about money? What are his dreams? To win a Cup? Lead the NHL in scoring? Or become a multi-millionaire? What happens when he meets his financial goals? Will there be a huge drop off in his performance?
  4. They're the exception, not the rule.
  5. I've been around a while. It's the little things one does or doesn't do off the ice that determine whether you'll quickly flame out or have a lengthy successful career in the NHL. His decision not to finish High School and chase the money in Europe tells me what his values are.
  6. After tonight Buffalo could be in 30th or 25th or anywhere in-between.
  7. His is doing the same thing, just minus the college part because he hasn't even finished High School. You don't think he's partying like a rock star in Europe, getting paid, playing pro with no curfews or any academic responsibilities? At least if he were in college he would have a curfew, and need to make grades to stay eligible. He choose the easy way, that to me shows lack or character, lack of moral fiber. I see a lot of Alexandre Daigle in him. When I look this guys off ice decision making, its just full of red flags.
  8. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    OK, make that a 6 way tie for 30th. Who wants a top 3 pick?! Anyone? Anyone?!
  9. Great preview WC. Moulson will score tonight... confirmed.
  10. Studies show that skating tightens up muscles in and around the hips and lower back. As a result, we would see more soft tissue injuries in the upper leg (groins, hamstrings, adductor) if they all took up skating.
  11. you think he was trying? its a joke to those guys, they're just messing aournd. We finally have an elite talent who pulls off a sick wrap-around goal, then he tries it a couple more times and you're all over him? You should be ashamed.
  12. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    5 way tie for 29th? fasten your seatbelets!
  13. yeah cuz scoring 4 even strength goals in 2 games is really clicking for this team. good, he's been playing well.
  14. They're very young, consistently missing in shootouts can damage their confidence especially when there's so much pressure on them to perform. If I'm DB and those two are quietly sitting on the bench before the shootout I don't put them in. If they're begging to go in, then yeah put them in... but for now let the veterans take the fall. But seriously, Gionta over Eichel? That's just dumb.
  15. Myers only made the team once... when he was 19. Chychrun is 17, he won't be 19 for 2 more years.
  16. You don't think the fact he was born in the US had anything to do with Hockey Canada's decision? I do.
  17. Average age of NCAA players is 23, avg age of freshman is +20. Those aren't children. He dropped out of high school to make $$$$$$ in Europe. It shows you what he values most, and that's money. I see a lot of Johnny Manziel in him.
  18. Shows lack of character... when the going gets tough, he takes the path of least resistance.
  19. pi2000

    Tank 3.0

    Ha! I have to admit, I'm getting nervous... although I'm not cheering for losses (I swore I'd never do that again after last season). Sure, they're on a nice run, but let's see what the team looks like after the trade deadline.
  20. The one thing that really bothers me about Matthews is that he didn't complete his academic requirements to attend college.... namely finish High School (he was a junior in High School last year when he played for the NTDP and choose not to take additional classes so he could graduate and attend college in the fall). What does that say about what he's got between the ears? IMO, he's more likely to make other poor life decisions in the future.
  21. 17 year old defenseman rarely make Canada's world junior team. That, and he was born in Florida.
  22. He says that about all the UFA's... just a general yeah we'll offer them "something", and then proceed to give them a low ball offer and trade them if they don't sign.
  23. can't tell if that's a "HO HO!" or a "HOOOOO!"
  24. ROR is running on fumes. Hope he bounces back here soon. That said, Moulson with the hat trick!
  25. His "lack" of point production is no surprise considering he joined team who had one of the worst offensive seasons in NHL history (avg < 2 goals/gm). edit: OK, not "one of the worst" literally THE worst. The 2013-2014 Sabres are the lowest scoring team in NHL history at 151 goals (1.91 goals/gm). The 2014-15 Sabres are second lowest at 162 goals (1.96 goals/gm).
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