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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. Nice strawman. His skill and play style doesn’t overcome his size. He will score, but always be a negative overall
  2. Can’t handle the big boys, will put up points but will also be running around as other teams too lines feast and score goals. Career AHLer
  3. If Jack chooses his own surgery he probably voids his contract and the agent is SOL
  4. NFL hates Buffalo and would move us to Austin in a heartbeat. They’d probably move us to London if it wasn’t for COVID. Especially as the team is good and the city would embrace a good team out of the gate. Funding stadiums is also a total scam. Enjoy the Bills while we can
  5. The defense won’t be that bad. Just young.
  6. It’s not wrong in their approach. It’s just who is doing it and how KAs main point in his presser is stick to the plan. Don’t get emotional. Don’t speed things up. Stick to it. That 100% is someone telling the owner to stay out and don’t undermine the process. That owner saw what the Bills have done and is now listening. Jack isn’t the leader. He hasn’t faced adversity except by blaming others when it’s happened. Hey may never do so. Start over
  7. Pysyk and Burcher have always been analytic darlings, though they’re both coming off of poor years.
  8. KA continuing to sign players his current coach has experience with. better than the GM recalling players for the coach to just bench them, lol
  9. Assume 1C is Eichel or from Eichel trade Need a 2nd/3rd pair LD to step up or be signed. There’s plenty Plenty of middle-6 players out there still too Goalie is the gap. I wouldn’t freak out yet.
  10. No he didn’t. He outright said he won’t sign here. His reference was to what he wanted years ago probably when he was demanding 8 million/yr
  11. I don’t think they’ll be as bad as some think, assuming a few more gaps filled in
  12. No surprise. He lives in Chicago his girl is from Chicago. It was always going to happen.
  13. Any team wants Eichel before noon so they can fix the rest before there’s only scraps
  14. It’s been the ask. And there’s been leaks of GMs complaining about it. Then rumors of a whole compadre but not touching the top prospects. You’re getting Eichel pony up. That’s what this offer does - it’s not overpay, but it says a team in the West give it up to dominate for the next 5 years.
  15. Leaking a reasonable Krebs offer may help force Minn/Ana to pony up their top prospects
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