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  1. My view is the power play sucked because Granato and Ellis had just one play... Which as we know was to pass it to Tage on the half-wall for a one-timer. Teams adjusted to that by mid 22-33, but our coaching staff didn't seem to care.
  2. First column is advanced stats. Next four columns are old fashioned stats. You can't outthink the fact that he produced better than everyone but Tage. He'd have been a good guy to have next year... Then buy him out after that. They could have kept Skinner for another year.
  3. I'm saying the stats say he produced on the PP better than everyone on the team not named Tage. Eye test wise, he seemed to be better at the scrambly type goals than anyone else on the team. Also, I seem to recall him being pretty good at picking corners.
  4. Skinner was 3rd on the team among forwards in 5 on 5 GF% at 55%. His lack of defense was more than made up for by his offense. Worse yet, he was 2nd on the team on pts/60 on the power play. Despite popular belief, we are worse without him... in the short term anyways.
  5. I think they vastly improved over what they had. Jost, Robinson, and Girgensons were downright terrible. If we're good next year, being stronger in the bottom 6 is definitely going to be a reason why (that and health of the top 6). But all that said, speed is not a substitute for hockey IQ. Having a line of guys who can blast down the ice, only to skate it into corner and ultimately lose it does not lead to goals. Hockey IQ is the biggest indicator of success on the ice, but it's also the one that can't be measured. I'm just thankful all these fast guys we brought can seemingly play good defense (on paper anyways, I haven't really watched them play).
  6. As a frequent radio listener, RJ was really good right up until the end. Sure he'd slipped a bit and didn't quite get a name right in time, but that's a completely different level than Dunleavy where sometimes you don't know a goal was scored or what team scored it.
  7. But as I said before, if the number of secondary assists per goal is not constant, it's an inferior metric to goals themselves.
  8. 1. No major injuries. 2. Thompson, Cozens, and Tuch play in 22-23 form. 3. Nobody else regresses, especially UPL. 4. MacLeod and Zucker come close to replacing Mitts and Skinner. 5. Ruff improves the power play. Most likely not all that happens and they're a mid to high 80 pt team.
  9. But points don't win games. Goals do.
  10. Is pt/60 really the best measuring tool? That expects the number of secondary assists per goal is constant amongst all teams. It might be close, but do we know this? I think GF is a better measure.
  11. Tears his Achilles in off season training incident... Comes back in garbage time and looks real good, giving us hope for next year.
  12. I think this is the main problem. Especially by some definitions, they're not really prospect pool players anyone. It's too bad Kulich didn't have a Quinn / Peterka like 2nd season in Rochester. It looked like he was heading in that direction after year 1. Hopefully he'll bump up this year.
  13. A lot of this depends on what you make of the sliding definition of a prospect. I put it as someone who hasn't dressed regularly in the NHL yet. For that I don't consider Benson and Power to be prospects anymore. In my post above, I didn't consider Levi to be one either... but a case could be made to say he is. I know some people are still high on Östlund, but my research a few weeks back showed that of 8 guys who played SHL in their U20 year with a similar scoring pace as him, only 2 are top 6 NHL'ers. The 2 were William Karlsson and Joel Ericksen Ek who are both bigger. Larsson and Eller are/were both NHL players too but I'm guessing the better Swedes may be coming over here earlier nowadays. 19-20: Filip Hallender 0.52ppg U20 SHL. 18-19: Emil Bemstrom 0.74ppg U20 SHL. 18-19: Samuel Fagemo 0.60ppg U20 SHL. 16-17: Joel Eriksen Ek 0.62ppg U20 SHL. 15-16: Oskar Lindblom 0.52ppg U20 SHL. 12-13: William Karlsson 0.58ppg U20 SHL. 11-12: Johan Larsson 0.73ppg U20 SHL. 08-09: Lars Eller 0.60ppg U20 SHL.
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