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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. Mandating on 12 year olds seems excessive and not backed in science. Not surprised at all otherwise.
  2. Bills were always a first half team. They didn’t do anything in the first half.
  3. Peyton only won the years his defense stepped up. Some of his best years they lost out early. Defense stop him on two drives and they’d find out the clock is all gone and it’s too late to make up.
  4. People underestimate coaching. Not sure how after years of what we’ve watched but they do. Going to see improvement. Hey maybe even Eichel will see improvement and join in halfway through.
  5. I don’t understand the smugness, we’ve heralded a blue collar third line for a decade. It’s no different.
  6. They’re not disputing other pay for abortions just the third one’s price. This guy deserves what he gets and so does she. Stop being coy. Only victim here is the children. They’re not disputing other pay for abortions just the third one’s price. This guy deserves what he gets and so does she. Stop being coy. Only victim here is the children.
  7. If the team gets good it might. He is competitive at the end of the day
  8. I speculate Fish was trying to tank his value to force Sabres to offload him to a team that would allow for the preferred surgery. Sabres never wavered and Jack switches to the agent that pulled off the Duchene deal. Colorado has done well for itself after getting rid of ROR and Duchene - it’s not the end of the world.
  9. This is what offer sheets was supposed to be all about
  10. Looks like Eichel’s old agent overplayed the injury card and thought Buffalo would have gotten desperate and dumped him for nothing. Well played Kevyn. Eichel blinked first.
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/intelligence-community-releases-covid-origin-report-without-conclusion-on-where-virus-originated Fed intelligence just gave full merit to the lab leak theory that Eleven would have banned me for for over a year for purporting. Funny how that works.
  12. That’s how leftists work. If they can’t get their way they burn it all down. Sorry not sorry for ignoring the hilarious identity fallacy Eleven purports, lol
  13. Lamar has been figured out. Honeymoon over.
  14. Yes, so I will admit here this is where it starts to get into poor information territory. However, this vice video goes into a good background as to why there is bad vaccine data around women and menstrual cycles (symptoms related to menstrual cycles have a history of being purposefully ignored in research and they have a really hard time distinguishing levels of it) https://m.facebook.com/vicenews/videos/the-unstudied-link-between-the-covid-vaccine-and-periods/587895985550914/ I couple this with personal anecdotes of clotting type effects that had never been observed in females lives until the two weeks following the second jab of a Pfizer puts it all too close to home for me Another trustable source going through some background on women: https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/health/coronavirus/menstrual-changes-to-be-expected-after-covid-19-vaccine-during-pandemic-experts-1.5391236 also in response to any claims about LNO getting to ovaries etc they simply cite data of ‘only 35 confirmed cases out of million if jabs’, when good scientists know this is junk way to report things. 90+% of people don’t report anything to VAERS or minor symptoms are immediately ignored as not related. I believe just recently a top BBC reporter just died to brain clots immediately after a jab so it’s getting harder for them to publicly ignore.
  15. Double standards. I show the source references CDC uses and they’re glossed over by the ones jumping to conclusions based on poor statistics. Why are you getting high and mighty about quotes and paraphrases when nobody here is willing to talk p values and n=14 studies with controls having no clue about vaccination status being junk science?
  16. I’m vaccinated myself. My focus of caution has been for younger females. Y’all need to stop putting words in people’s mouths and thinking they’re extremists.
  17. The opposite was never proven to be true. Only theorized. I linked the four ‘studies’ the CDC used to justify those statements earlier and they’re all questionable and hopeful at best. Y’all must not science much to be working in such ultimatums.
  18. The absurd claims that the vaccine is perfectly safe and anyone who dares question this should be banished. Fact is the innocent marker protein isn’t so innocent. And even the original rat study for LNP localization showed liver and ovary build up. Any scientist claiming that the high dose somehow is proof it can’t spread in humans is selling snake oil. There’s no shortage of breakthrough medicines discovered every year and they all fall apart in human trials because drug delivery is so damn difficult. mRNA was no exception until politicians had motive to throw all caution to the side to get a cure all.
  19. Mods are apparently unable to go back a few posts and read links to now? Walensky said CDC investigations have found that the amount of virus present in vaccinated people infected with Delta is similar to the levels found in unvaccinated people with Delta infections. That's an indication that vaccinated people can easily transmit the virus — even though they're less likely to get sick on the whole. https://www.businessinsider.com/cdc-fully-vaccinated-people-can-spread-delta-variant-2021-7?op=1
  20. https://news.northeastern.edu/2021/02/08/covid-19-can-affect-the-blood-its-spike-protein-may-be-the-culprit/
  21. You’re the one who made those claims. The Director literally said the vaccine isn’t lowering the spread of delta variant. You’re blaming on unvaccinated to create a divide the very person you hold holy disagrees with.
  22. Link to director is a few posts ago Sweden being in the clear and the US going through a second wave is callous? Empathy isn’t what policy should be made from. If they wanted to end a million deaths per year tomorrow they’d enforce speed limits. Policy draws a line everywhere.
  23. The all knowing eleven who fully understands how vaccines with respiratory viruses and mutations work. The spike protein is a coagulant on its own. Fact. If the spike protein or generation of it leaves the injection site it can cause blood clots, fact. The novel mRNA treatment with a novel delivery mechanism is not thoroughly studied is also a fact. The one rat model isn’t proof of anything. Silencing people because you don’t understand the science well enough? How Democratic of you. It’s not screaming fire in a threater to be hesitant.
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