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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. The drafting hasn’t been that good. Average. Hell, most say Allen was a huge reach and they have been extremely poor reaching for almost all their picks. Most of the difference makers came from trades/UFA. It’s the type of players drafted are all team players and mesh well together. The group is greater than the sum of individuals. And it shows. Leadership is actually a thing. People who think leadership is just a catch phrase or comes with talent don’t get it. The Bills have it.
  2. I’d trade him for a top cornerback or tight end. Not for a pick, though a 1st is silly talk and is enticing. Allen is too much of a hero to not have a backup for. Webb and Fromm suck
  3. Oil probably isn’t as hot or seasoned. Salt crisps the edges
  4. Decent Data scientists easily cost 150k+, but cut that in half because sports
  5. Is Borgen actually going to get waived? That helps a lot as sad as that may come off.
  6. The science never once said it wouldn’t spread in vaccinated. It’s not that kind of vaccine- keeps blood born transmission down but for most it stays respiratory. They tried to warn the opposite if anything.
  7. The science was clear from the get go. Taking the vaccine is for selfish reasons it will reduce he severity if you get it. It doesn’t stop you from spreading. It doesn’t stop you from getting it. Maybe you could say it’ll reduce how contagious you are when you get it but that’s not proven. What it does do is increase how quickly deadlier variants will arise, and now they have. Sucks to be the people who couldn’t get vaccinated or the children who weren’t really affected much until the more virulent strains came along. The guys who invented vaccines in the first place said this all along, but they got branded as anti vaxxers. Hilarious. It was never about the science. It was politics and money from the get go. Anyone saying otherwise is ignoring the facts. Oh, and the people pushing the politics and getting bought by that money are the same ones who funded the research to create the thing (let’s say by accident). Vaccine should have only been for the elderly and the compromised. Nobody else. Instead here we are, a divided society who is still not actually following the science. Don’t forget to get your tax payer paid booster shot. Don’t forget to buy Pfizer stock
  8. New assistant coaches new system. Not worried. Everything relying on Jack was too damn predictable our PP was too easy to stuff
  9. 3 years. Anyone question him being impossible to please on contract now?
  10. Trading for a ‘franchise’ goalie is a huge mistake every single time it’s done. Draft and get lucky is the only way.
  11. Any good manager knows it takes 2-3 years before the effects of a change in management actually takes place.
  12. Is josh wearing a tinted visor now?
  13. If we get 3 1sts, it’s a five year rebuild ^^
  14. Signing Ullmark to 7 years was going to be a mistake. Guy is perennial injured. There’s high hopes prospects in the system he’d tie up precious cap keeping long term. KA did the right thing. Could we have signed other UFA goalies? With our reputation probably not. I think KA didn’t believe in Krueger and didn’t want to waste assets getting a goalie when it wasn’t going to change the fundamental problem. also I disagree that goalies can be ruined too early. Either you have guys who step up to challenges or you have guys coasting on their size and technique. And the latter category never wins cups. It’s always a hot goalie. Need to find goalies with that potential no matter how it goes.
  15. Rebuild timeline is entirely Jack trade dependent.
  16. PPG in AHL under 20 is late first value
  17. I’m not sure why we would be passing up the opportunity to get William Carrier back 😎
  18. I think it’s fair for him to count as one of four firsts, but not the centerpiece
  19. If Hagg plays at all we’re losing Butcher-Pysyk is a bottom pairing. Jokiharju is good but can’t handle top minutes and match ups, at least yet. This is where someone like Samuelson comes in and shines.
  20. Did “the process” get trademarked? Can Sean allow for Granato to start using it? We went through years of people arguing against it for the Bills and it’s clear who won out. Some say it took some luck along the way, but they drafted “off the board” based on their own criteria and it no longer looks like luck anymore. I think KA’s comments about staying true to the plan and not letting emotions taking over the decisions is how we can translate lip service into reality. Every team says culture matters, but then goes out and ignores it decision after decision. I’d give it time before saying it’s not working yet. I literally couldn’t watch it. I’d fall asleep in ten minutes each game. It was baaaad
  21. Peca and St Louis we’re two of my favorite players. Peca played big. Could retrieve pucks. Not some euro perimeter player
  22. And both players are 3rd line ceilings.
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