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Everything posted by triumph_communes

  1. This is pure misinformation. The CDC director literally came out last month contradicting your assertions here, particularly with regards to the Delta variant. They even said it seems odd given the intent of the method, but they can’t argue with the facts. Instead here you are with complete conspiracy heresay about the source and outbreaks. The irony is completely surpassing you.
  2. https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2021/07/is-sweden-vindicated-on-covid/
  3. The vaccine is just going to prevent deaths. It’s a respiratory disease — it’s not going to stop transmission. If this hasn’t been clear you’ve been wishful thinking and not listening to the unbiased scientists this whole time. There is a good argument we should have not done anything significant and let it run it’s course and we’d be better off. Just quarantine the elderly. Didn’t help standard medical protocol accelerated people’s deaths early on. There are countries like Sweden who followed this approach on and they’re doing fine.
  4. Nothing has ever said stopped. They stated ‘growing body of evidence’ and ‘reduce’. I then linked that growing body of evidence that is clearly all no better than wishful thinking but wi the huge fundamental flaws as far as data science goes. Go search for the CDC director who clearly says it doesn’t stop transmission and how the Delta variant is showing breakthrough which would undermine most of the wishful ‘reduction’ claims. If you think this is a non answer then stop replying here’s a link: https://www.rollcall.com/2021/07/30/cdc-report-shows-vaccinated-people-can-spread-covid-19/
  5. Well the one debate from the get go is vaccines that don’t kill only mitigate will accelerate the mutation of the strains and is why they’re getting strong enough now to get kids sick.
  6. I can’t help you if you can’t distinguish those statements. The nuance is what science is all about. It’s pretty clear.
  7. All they’ve done is a few very tiny studies show a lower viral load. Read the references. None of which have statistical power of any sort to them. The statement above is pure conjecture. Presenting otherwise is BAD science. There is much better data/science that ivermectin Dave’s patients than there is to back this claim. Jones NK, Rivett L, Seaman S, Samworth RJ, Warne B, Workman C, et al. Single-dose BNT162b2 vaccine protects against asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. Elife. 2021;10. Levine-Tiefenbrun M, Yelin I, Katz R, Herzel E, Golan Z, Schreiber L, et al. Initial report of decreased SARS-CoV-2 viral load after inoculation with the BNT162b2 vaccine. Nat Med. 2021;27(5):790-2. McEllistrem MC, Clancy CJ, Buehrle DJ, Lucas A, Decker BK. Single dose of a mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is associated with lower nasopharyngeal viral load among nursing home residents with asymptomatic COVID-19. Clin Infect Dis. 2021. Petter E MO, Zuckerman N, et al. Initial real world evidence for lower viral load of individuals who have been vaccinated by BNT162b2. medRxiv. 2021;https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.02.08.21251329v1external icon.
  8. Yes. Though I will argue for healthy individuals below 35 the risk reduction is very debateable. Granted that excludes all the obese people that’s 70% of the populace.. but I’ll digress Same with all the nonsense with kids now. The ones dying are the morbidly obese kids yet they’re making it out to be something else. It’s Darwinism finally catching up
  9. CDC outright has stated repeatedly it doesnt stop anyone from transmitting. They also have never shown any data on reductions of transmissions related to vaccine status. It’s been entirely lockdowns/masks and no controlled studies on the former. But you’re the oh so expert I’m sure. Government has never done any wrong. you’re doing a great job making enemies and dehumanizing people being critical of their government. Real freaking brave of you.
  10. The vaccine doesn’t stop the spread. Y’all claim to understand science yet keep stumbling over this same nonsense. A schoolteacher who is immunocompromised needs to find a new job. Seriously. I’m sure the government and school can figure something out. Blaming kids for not wearing masks or mask mandates is silly. Kids eat each other’s boogers that’s what they do. Masks don’t stop that. It just stunts their growth. Though I’m not surprised, schools approach to having one kid with peanut allergies is prevent everyone in the school from having peanuts at all. Not a lot of common sense.
  11. Professionals aren’t a cult of a single opinion, lol Self hating? The self awareness goes beyond you
  12. There were plenty of doctors who followed the science and not the WHO and CDC *****. Remember the WHO who specifically stated it’s not contagious or other nonsense? There were plenty of good doctors who looked at lack of deaths in asthmatics for a respiratory disease and put the corticosteroid link together really quick. The problem is we have a whole generation of doctors who don’t prognose anything anymore- they just spit out the recommendations the computer built by the insurance company says and then try to regurgitate the nonsense to you without you realizing they’re reading a script. And those standard protocols were just wrong. No conspiracy early on, they had to make a guess the first couple of months and did what they thought was conservative. The cover up and corruption was what came later. When they tried to change course. Or they refused to change course. Or the nonsense you see here where they were too busy telling everyone they were heroes and didnt want to admit they screwed up or were clueless. Again, I’m not against vaccines. I’m just not buying the narrative it’s been BS all along and you’re lapping it up. Y’all called us conspiracy when we said last February the level 4 lab in wuhan had an escape was the source. Faucis highest paid recipient of virus funding research then wrote an article published by Nature that purposefully misled everyone to believe that couldn’t have been the case, only for us to find out over a year later not only was it all true but the gain of function research itself was US funded. Seems like conspiracy was right all along. And yes those esteemed alphabets and journals got swindled. Oops.
  13. 100% true. But how many of those would’ve died with another regular flu surge like in 2018? As more and more boomers are getting to critical ages? Likely a good chunk
  14. Ooh nice straw man. Gr8 job m8 Lets see the points I was trying to make: scientists who all along we’re making judgement calls on risks: 1) were dead wrong on how to treat covid from the onset and got many more killed than necessary 2) argued against nearly harmless prophylactics because it differed from their approach in #1, 3) feds waited until there was an absurdly expensive option only the select few could approach, and otherwise held out until a vaccine was available. The vaccine does nothing to stop the spread and has clearly not gone through the normal rigor, but they pushed it anyway in historical fashion. Putting any fat person who comes in on dexamethasone is going to save more than it’ll hurt and could have been done on day 1 if they weren’t so arrogant. No centralized conspiracy here beyond what Fauci controlled. There were many moving players, many mistakes made, and many who admitted to their faults. But the narrative ignored all of that and doubled down on dividing people and pitting people against each other as if they are the reason normalcy can’t return. Your retort is somehow I’m being a hypocrite? I’m vaccinated I can weigh risks myself. No young female should touch the vaccine with a 10ft pole IMO, there are serious side effects in the ovaries that has been squashed and silenced thanks to useful idiots like you. They didn’t even test vaccines on women for decades because hormonal swings complicated the testing procedures. The methods essentially are written now to exclude all hormonal swings from the observations about vaccine studies to overcompensate for this and now we have a sham of a system that hurts women at the end of the day. And most scientists are little sheeplings like you and only understand their little nipple of knowledge and are unable to put the big picture all together. They just want to take this opportunity to lash back out at the people who made fun of them their whole lives. They just want to believe they’re smarter than the guy waving a flag. Science has turned into a religious cult and cults don’t discriminate based on IQ. The media has effectively emotionalized all issues and this nonsense you post is exactly the consequence of it- you’ve been trained to paint anyone who doesn’t pay your back with pointless straw man arguments to dehumanize me. Congrats dude, well played. Im not sitting in any corner that they are intentionally hurting people with a dangerous vaccine. But it’s fact there were plenty of alternatives with extremely well known side effects they actively discouraged and ignored. And the person leading that cause has been in bed with vaccine makers for decades. And once they had a solution he switched gears and accelerated the damn things in I prevented fashion. At Trumps request no doubt. It’s concerning you’d dare call that a conspiracy to point out that conflict of interest. I have nothing against vaccines, just transparency and action. And many people died because they got greedy. They wanted a sure fire solution only their friends had a monopoly on. And now real data is coming out about severe hormonal swings because the LNPs don’t stay in the arm like claimed. You have sham scientists making assumptions on studies that clearly showed non containment. They are sham scientists no matter their credentials. They threw out their abundance of caution to make a buck or make fame.
  15. Ahh yes, let’s go back to fantasy land where we believe that vaccines that are still years away from finishing Phase 3 trials are getting approved anyway is not a political move at all. Trust the scientists who were appointed 30 years ago by politicians and have been controlling the funding of research for decades. What I cited was in the original bill. That has lapsed since, yes
  16. Okposo will captain I’m not sure why it’s a debate.
  17. Ya don’t trust a damn covid number considering the feds since the outset agreed to pay $33k/patient to any hospital who took them in. Call me conspiracy all you want, but the ambulance workers I knew other than broken bones were told to be classifying anyone else as a covid case so they could bank. Don’t get me wrong I’m not disagreeing things with covid aren’t worse. But the sympathy ends there. The treatment doctors gave the first few months accelerated the decline of patients. And the good doctors admitted to this, it’s not conspiracy it’s just the hard pill to swallow facts. Ventilators were a big oopsies. It was all a cluster. And that leads to my greater point - the smugness that people know better than those who early on cling to things the science has only proven over time to be right is pure emotional midgetry
  18. Using your individual anecdote has even littler value that an AP news article with anecdotes from across the country, but okay go straight for the kill shot and show your true colors.
  19. For the flu- just search. Top search for 2017-2018 all the cases treated in tents all across the country: https://news.yahoo.com/hospitals-overwhelmed-flu-patients-treating-192834539.html
  20. I don’t have the TWIV podcast # off the top of my head that went through the specific studies. It’s searchable. But TWIV is about as far from tin foil as you’re going to get on the subject. They don’t outright say the tinfoil hat: oh look hydroxychloroquine works they were right after all, there’s too much cognitive dissonance there, but they do give it a good pause after listing off the genetics the mechanistic studies pointed to. You can say I give it a tinfoil hat bow on top, but the source is solid.
  21. Rural hospitals are hit hard half because traveling nurse jobs to the cities became so lucrative the locals all are leaving for 4x pay. Same going on here in rural Kentucky- the nurses are all making bank elsewhere.
  22. Hospitals were overflowing for the last few years just with the regular flu. Difference now is it’s publicized. They called them heroes to justify them working extra and risking their health for your lives. No pay, many furloughed, it was the rich who got subsidized through it all. As soon as we all got our pay, inflation immediately followed so the rich could outpace the handouts. Ivermectin actually works as a prophylactic . Hydroxychloroquine actually works as a prophylactic. Real science came to this, albeit some of it much later than how quickly some jumped to them. Any decent scientist will show you those medicines, including some more benign ones, do actually work. Mechanistic studies to back it all up. Studies that scraped all databases for theorized structures and came to them from an unbiased standpoint. Problem is they threaten the vaccine monopoly, so they are thrown aside. Or they prove that the policy setters are bought and sold- they can somehow approve vaccines that haven’t finished Phase 3 trials, but that can’t prescribe cheap generic prophylactics that all side effects are well known and documented because…. No good reason. Don’t tell me the 0.01% won’t be able to get it because it’s out of stock - they are cheap generics and can be produce mass scale quickly. But they don’t. all they want is to build a divide between us popes. The vaccinated and the non vaccinated. And pit us against each other. The people who live in yachts haven’t had to change their lives at all.
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