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Everything posted by SABRES 0311

  1. Nope you are wrong. As usual. Deal with it. Move on. Again I never supported the idea of disputing the election. I only said that a dispute exists. Read that again. Now go back, read it again slowly. Take a day, think about and read it again.
  2. The reason I’m pretty sure Biden won and why I’m saying the results are in dispute. You seem to think it makes me a part of the problem in this country. I think I’ve done a decent job explaining what I mean. I didn’t see you call anyone else that said it’s in dispute as a part of the problem.
  3. Appreciate that. I’m saying the same thing @Curtis. I don’t think a sane person really thinks it gets overturned. I’m not sure Trump believes it gets overturned. But the fact is one side is disputing the legitimacy of the vote. Right or wrong it is a dispute.
  4. And I’ve said that I don’t think it gets overturned. Simply acknowledging reality and a possible outcome is not wrong. Accusing people of doing something they did not do because you refuse to understand what they are saying is wrong.
  5. Harming America? Get a grip. All I did was acknowledge the fact the election results are in dispute by Trump and that it’s delaying the process. With any dispute the final outcome is to be determined until the dispute is over. Never did I say I agree with the dispute or perpetuate the claimed basis of the dispute. Biden has more votes. I don’t see the current results being overturned. That doesn’t mean we bury our heads and pretend that something crazy couldn’t happen. I can’t tell if you guys are screwing with me or seriously believe I am pushing something I’m not.
  6. So Trump is not disputing the election? That dispute is not delaying the process?
  7. I don’t know how to make what I am saying any more clear. I have not taken a position for or against the election dispute. I have simply acknowledged it is happening. Biden won and it is being disputed. That dispute means this may take longer than normal. It’s extremely unlikely the results are overturned but right or wrong it could happen. Hey another post where you offer nothing.
  8. Yes I see the numbers like everyone else. As I said nobody knows for sure how this ends. There is a level of uncertainty even if it is unlikely the current results change. How am I casting doubt by saying the election is disputed and the final result of that dispute is unknown? It’s literally what is happening.
  9. Biden won’t be a unifier because some on the right will continue to dispute the election and some will not agree with his policies. Some on the left may think his policies are not progressive enough to counter Trump’s. From Obama to Trump the pendulum swung pretty far. I think there are those on the left who will expect Biden to have an equal but opposite reaction to Trump which may not happen. Essentially the state of polarization on so many fronts is going to make it insurmountable for him IMO. Never once did I say he did not win. However I think the process with the courts is going to make this take longer than normal. Nobody knows for sure how that ends but I think he still gets sworn in. The discussion I had above turned into armed conflict because of the election which is why I said my advice is to let it play out (as opposed to people killing each other). I hope this clears up any miscommunication with what I was trying to say. But since you came at me like that for no reason let me respond. There is a segment of this country which is emotionally frail. They lash out when others don’t agree or don’t say things exactly how they want. If you are looking for what contributes to division look in the mirror. Before you attempt to lecture me, which honestly means nothing at this point, remember you fired the first shot.
  10. Relax. I’m pretty sure Biden gets the Oval Office. I don’t think he’ll be a unifier of the country but it is what it is.
  11. Well, the results haven’t been certified yet and it doesn’t look like they will be any time soon. I didn’t say anything about Republicans. All I said was I don’t think this thing ends any time soon and if it’s Biden I think we have a peaceful transition.
  12. PA Department of Health @PAHealthDept Strengthening masking order. Masks are still required. Indoors: masks now required anytime you’re with people outside of your household, even if you’re socially distant. Applies to all indoor facilities + if you have people in your home not part of your household 10:33 AM · Nov 17, 2020
  13. It’s something everyone has to wait and see. A lot can happen between now and January. If the FEC certifies Biden as they winner I think we will have a peaceful transition. I don’t know how much you watch cable news but I’ve limited myself to watching for entertainment purposes only. Too much hype. I try to read articles more now and watch videos from people at these events.
  14. The value of 2A is that it identifies the right to bear arms and organize well regulated militias. The idea being if the government crossed a certain line the citizens would be able to organize and fight back. I don’t think we are at that point but I believe other people on both sides do think we are. My advice is to let this play out between now and January. IMO anyone who advocates for violent removal/installation of a political figure at this point is emotionally unstable or does not possess the right experience to make that call. Then again my vision is limited like everyone else.
  15. Representative from New York and Chairmen of the House Judiciary Committee. AntiFa or any other group (left or right) will not be responsible or capable of physically removing a political official from a seat they refuse to vacate. Do you really think DC Police and Secret Service would let armed citizens bust in the door? That’s kind of what those guys with guns are there to prevent. Ive been thinking of starting a thread to discuss extremist groups on both sides. I have a feeling more are on the way and those that exist will continue making life interesting.
  16. So you say there is no they and then say “they” are no different from extremist groups on the right. Ok lol. Trying to pull a Jerry Nadler doesn’t make AntiFa non existent.
  17. You answered your inquiry of what AntiFa is in the first sentence of the second paragraph. If you would like I can put a nice long post together comparing them to past and present organizations along with all kinds of videos of what they do.
  18. Bills going the wrong way on this drive.
  19. Correct me if I’m wrong but the concern here is the condoning of violence in the streets by the POTUS. I'll give you that one. That said ANTIFA is garbage both as a collective and as individuals.
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