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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Apples and oranges. "Wilson is valuable because he's good at playing the game" is a lot different than "every team needs a Wilson to protect against other teams Wilson."
  2. Know what's weird? We got out of the game without Wilson decapitating anyone. I was told you need a Wilson-type to prevent that from happening. We don't have one. Yet, it didn't happen. Very odd indeed.
  3. I think that's certainly fair when considering a long term #2. But I think we can probably upgrade our current #2 for that price and shift them to #3 within a year or two when Mitts is more ready. Whether the price is worth it to do so is another conversation entirely, of course.
  4. On the flip side, 2023 would be a great time for some exciting young talent on an ELC to enter the team. Dahlin and Mittelstadt on (certainly and possibly, respectively) big contracts, Reinhart and Skinner having raises, etc. It's also worth noting that if you're willing to trade Guhle and a 1st, there's likely a better trade out there than Carter. And I realize getting rid of Okposo has significant value, but I think the sweeteners have to be a lot better than your proposal to get LA to bite.
  5. I humbly request evidence that teams are less likely to come back in today's game.
  6. Um. It started in March of this year, so not really. I don't think I said anything here, though, so you didn't miss it.
  7. I think you're in the realm of delusional on this point.
  8. I'm fairness, it's sort of like saying you want to re-sign Skinner but only at $5Mx5. It really means you don't want to sign him. Saying you want Carter but only if the take Okposo really means you don't want Carter.
  9. I like him more than a career AHLer, but I think he's probably only a Beaulieu type in the NHL.
  10. So this is the first time I've been in a relationship that involved actual holiday travel. To Cincinnati for 3 days, 1 day break at home, then to Buffalo for 3 days. And just like that, holidays are over with zero actual relaxation. Bleh.
  11. Oh, I think they're being honest in that they genuinely believe it. I just think it's a giant placebo effect.
  12. Well heavens knows former players would never repeat an age old trope without thinking critically about it.
  13. Still waiting on evidence that any of this is real.
  14. I'm comfortable saying our resident Bona fans are representative.
  15. Quick, someone get Okposo to quit on the team and our cap situation will morph into spectacular.
  16. Just go back in this thread like 2 pages.
  17. Let the record show, Pi doesn't know the difference between a meme and a gif.
  18. Oh, I was. Still celebrating. I can't believe that in the same season I get to talk smack to two of the most insufferable fanbases: Bona and Cuse.
  19. Well, yea. I'm just not sure what the problem with that is. Are you taking issue with how a state like Alabama is called, or the fact it can be so easily called?
  20. Each of the major media outlets will have a little different methodology, of which exit polls are but one relatively small part. The bulk of the models rely on a sample of precinct and county votes, including early voting and absentee ballots. Yes, that's right, election night "calls" rely on actual votes that have been cast.
  21. Yea I honestly don't know. But me being me, more production for a couple of weeks would mean more hottest line than best line. And I still wouldn't complain ❤️ I'll close the Bunker before I'm nice to Skinner.
  22. I'm too lazy to try to find the article, but a few years ago Tyler Dellow did some research that pointed to the league's Norris winners all showing signs of being great before the traditional counting numbers caught up. Karlsson, Doughty, Keith, etc. all had terrific underlying numbers early in their careers before anyone considered them among the league's best. Dahlin has the underlying numbers AND the counting numbers. It's hard to overstate how great he's going to be.
  23. Has it been out-producing Landeskog-MacKinnon-Rantanen? I'm not complaining if it's not, I'm okay with the second best line in all of hockey and best in the conference ?
  24. Have you gone mad? I'm not going to say something so nice about Skinner. I was talking about Eichel.
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