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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Hey look, we got some puck movement instead of shooting at Andersen completely clean, and we scored! Wooooo!
  2. If we keep flinging pucks into Andersen's chest I'm going to lose it. We need to get some movement going on.
  3. And maybe he is, but he's also not entirely wrong. The numbers support his premise. The Leafs, on the other hand, have two Eichel-caliber lines. Hopefully that's what we have next year with Mittelstadt, but right now, it's top line or bust. Absolutely. Teams have fallen backwards into wins for an entire season before. Also, to be clear, it wasn't purely luck. An average team is going to win some games. But weren't 7 out of 10 1-goal games? And a bunch in OT as well? Winning all 10 definitely had a significant luck factor.
  4. And the Eichel line has our only goal. And had our only goal last night. It's not like the line is being blanked.
  5. It's just balance returning to the world for a team that was lucky enough to win 10 in a row. And we're playing way better tonight than we did the past 3, against one of the best 4 teams in the league. I don't get the angst.
  6. That's a tough way to watch sports, man. Ahem. Sir. Ahem. Honestly, if you let the streak fool you into thinking we were a top team in the league, that's on you for irrationally shifting expectations.
  7. Observation: we're not sniping Andersen tonight. We need to get traffic or lateral movement.
  8. Freeman should have to send Sam a Christmas card. Please tell me this was intentional.
  9. We shall never speak poorly of Beaulieu again. Okay, fine, we will....but let him have this game.
  10. I'm not sure whether we should be happy that interference was finally called, or terrified that we're about to be on the power play.
  11. So, my monitor has developed a dead pixel, and it honestly made me think Hyman had scored there. Almost had a heart attack.
  12. Didn't like how the period progressed, but the Leafs are gonna get their chances. Come out strong in the second!
  13. Shush, you. I'd almost rather go unbeaten against the Leafs than make the playoffs. Almost.
  14. Guilty pleasure: I hate Pierre, but I won't lie, I'm going to enjoy hearing him say how great Dahlin is all night.
  15. Aside from not scoring, about as good if a start as you could have hoped for.
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