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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. In this era! I wonder what his rank would be properly adjusted. Above the numbers, he's just freaking fun to watch. Every time he's on the ice I expect a goal.
  2. Funny thing is, there were plenty of those same comments earlier in this very season. And I'd imagine many of those same people now think he walks on water. It's almost as if fans aren't entirely rational ?
  3. Is this the first time this has been said? If not, I missed it before. But I fully endorse it. This is pretty objectively false. Since he came into the league basically everyone on the roster has had better numbers with him than without him. He can't drive his own line the way Eichel does, but he absolutely makes his linemates better whether it's on the top line or 3rd line.
  4. Tre has had a rough second half of the year, I think.
  5. Eichel wouldn't have scored that goal with a longer stick. #eichelsticktruthersunite
  6. There are professional ways to do this, not just stop showing up with zero communication. He chose not to do so. And he's not some 18 year old rookie, he's a seasoned pro who knows better.
  7. Allow me to clarify my snark. It's not a shot at the culture of the group, it's a shot at the very notion we have any damn idea what a locker room is like, who is good/bad in it, and how that does/doesn't affect anything on the ice. By every single account Berglund was a great guy to have around. Barring mental health circumstances, the inferences about his character and value in the room were 100% wrong. In short, we shouldn't pretend we know what we don't.
  8. I can't believe someone beat me to this. I will never have a greater "culture snark" opportunity than this, and I was beaten to the punch. Did we hire Dean Lombardi?
  9. Death, taxes, and fans taking public comments at face value.
  10. But I think Flagg's point is we get concrete information in these situations all the time. He gave specific examples. Outside of those things we had specifics on Kane in Winnipeg, Hoffman in Ottawa, Richard's and Carter in Philly. Yet somehow the problems with O'Reilly were so severe that we had to move him, yet we know more about aliens landing in Roswell than what was going on in the locker room. I don't think it's crazy to be skeptical.
  11. And for whatever it's worth, hockey players talk about analytics all the time, they just don't use the explicit language. Generating more shots (shot share), getting to the dirty areas (high danger shot areas), etc.
  12. I think you're right, I'll just never understand it. It's okay to be terrible so long as you have a history of being terrible. Why is a rookie who is going to make mistakes so much worse than a veteran who is going to make just as many? Coaches, man, I tell ya.
  13. Update: we're staying for trivia. I may drink enough to do this. Prove it: bench all of your players on teams with bad defenses.
  14. I don't want to have your children. But I'm not saying I wouldn't. (I may be at an awkward happy hour for my partner's office and am drinking heavily to compensate for knowing none of her friends)
  15. Juju could draft for you and you'd still lose. You are the Ryan O'Reilly of Sabrespace fantasy football.
  16. It helps when you have the lowest points scored against you by like 200. You haven't faced any real competition yet. As soon as you face adversity, you'll crumble like the Sabres teams of yore. Some people named WildCard probably should try auto drafting.
  17. The whole thing reeks of "you can't win with Phil Kessel" to me. Mostly I just wish I'd stop letting myself get sucked back into a useless debate.
  18. I think Reinhart's lack of flash will generally leave him perpetually underappreciated.
  19. Colorado made the playoffs with him more recently than the Sabres franchise has seen the postseason. The Blues missed the playoffs last season and this year have among the worst goaltending performances in the league. It's a hard sell that O'Reilly morphed their goaltenders to poo.
  20. Don't be silly, being sad after losses negates all of that. All of it! ?
  21. Don't watch it for Bruce Willis, watch it for Alan Rickman. I'm not going to give you *****, I just feel bad for you.
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