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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I kind of miss the old shadow guy.
  2. It's almost like I was directly referencing that movie. :o
  3. They could always bring back either of Crawford or MacKenzie on AHL deals if either side was interested.
  4. I like it. I feel like we've tried it in the past several times though. People inevitably try to comment on something and it falls apart. This idea is probably 100% dependent on the moderators time. They would either have to keep a locked thread where they copied over information or if they went with an open thread instead, they'd have to delete all of the comments that would wind up being made. I can't blame them if they don't have the time for that.
  5. It's slightly off topic, but when I hopped in my car this morning I quickly turned to the NHL station on XM. Today is the first day where apparently their morning show goes on summer hiatus. I can't believe they wouldn't delay that by a day since this is free agency day. What poor planning.
  6. I hear he gets a lot of fancy buttons on his screen. Those should count as pieces of flair.
  7. There it is. So many people saying congrats, but I think you phrased it much more appropriately with this one. I think the next time FIRE LINDY RUFF NOW rejoins the board, freeman should be forced to deal with him. It'll be the true test.
  8. One other quick observation, which probably goes on a lot more over on TSW than it does here. When closing a thread due to it being a repeat, I think it would be helpful to include a link to the other thread. Usually it winds up being a so called automated post saying you should use the search feature. I realize it takes slightly more effort on the part of the moderator, but I think it could be very helpful, especially for the newer posters. The current method has always felt a bit snarky to me and I can see why it might chase people off.
  9. I'm exaggerating it a bit, but I remember an argument somewhere along the lines of how he scores less goals in games where he doesn't have multiple goals.
  10. Yes, and that previous comparison of him to Ellis actually sound pretty accurate based on his college days. He was very productive and entertaining at that level, but he was a little older than the most of the rest of his class, so his ceiling wasn't as high. I think that's a big part of why I'm always skeptical about some of the unsigned college seniors who get a lot of hype (Yip was drafted though). The ceiling tends to be very low with those guys (ie. Matt Gilroy). And the other part of my bias is that he once hit on a friend of mine in very hilarious fashion.
  11. I bet he scores multiple hat tricks this year too. This can then be followed up from the mind-blowing stat from someone on here that "In games where Drew Stafford does not score a goal, he has a total of 0 goals". I miss that attack of him that was actually thrown out there a few years ago.
  12. Will we get a KR sighting in this thread too? I've been wondering what you guys have been up to.
  13. If you're not careful, you might make an enemy with a certain BU alum around here. :death: ;)
  14. Was this really worthy of a new thread? ;) Is that how he usually phrases it? I forget.
  15. Just wait until they sign him up for a player-coach role with the next contract. Edit: And 26, I feel like I'm ruining the joke, but an extension doesn't hit the cap until NEXT YEAR when the new contract starts up.
  16. It's fine until a thread starts to resemble a transaction listing because there is nothing but tweet after tweet. I also don't think we need people posting the same information over and over from three different sources.
  17. Exactly, the list provided winds up having three guys competing for time in Rochester this year. On top of that, Neuvirth seems to have a fairly extensive injury history (or maybe my perception is off), so that is going to open up the playing time for each of these guys.
  18. I'm late to this party but I want to throw one comment out there when it comes to threads going off on crazy tangents. The easiest way to avoid that is the PM. I don't know how often people use them, but if you've got a comment for someone that is completely unrelated to the thread topic, just send them a PM. It drives me crazy anytime I see something like "Hey, you went to high school X, so did I. When did you graduate?" Then it is followed up with 5 or so more posts. Just do it over PM and you can get into far more detail privately in case it turns out that you do in fact know the poster (ie. less Hank stalking old man PA style posts). On that note, I just read Swamp's most recent post. Yes, the tangents can be entertaining from time to time. There is a right time and place for those though. The awesome thread or the complaint thursday thread have become really good places for stuff like that. The best of all is the thread with a completely ridiculous premise. I hope we never move away from the way we quickly derail those ones. And I'm completely with chz on the twitter thing. The place has felt very robotic to me for a while now with the constant cut and pasting of tweets. There's so little thinking going on most of the time, or at least it feels that way to me. Maybe that's why I'm flocking towards the random conversation threads lately. You really can't cut and paste a random story from your day.
  19. There is a lot of filming of movies and tv shows in the Vancouver area, isn't there? That's a place I hear mentioned all the time. It may actually be a very good fit for his wife if she still thinks she has a shot in that world.
  20. You can count on some of the kids (Reinhart, Ristolainen, and Zadorov) being on the NHL roster so that their bonuses count towards the cap.
  21. I saw the following name on the wall at a doctors office today: Sary Ouch RN
  22. I couldn't help but think of Adam Oates getting snubbed for a few years when I read that last sentence. He didn't have the europe or the citizenship thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if his undrafted college free agent pedigree may have hurt him for a while.
  23. Drouin Galchenyuk Huberdeau Gudbranson Duchene Bogosian Turris Toews Jack Johnson So yeah, post-lockout that's a pretty good list. They're not all franchise-type guys, but they sure as hell are top 6/4 kind of guys (and we'll have to wait and see on Drouin).
  24. The Pittsburgh job comes with the pressure of winning immediately or else you're fired. That won't happen in Vancouver. I can't imagine many first time nhl coaches wanted to step into that pressure cooker.
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