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Everything posted by shrader

  1. I would expect the opposite. If you have a crappy logo and return to a good one, it looks that much better after being forced to see that slug.
  2. Even with the so called upgrades, they have a lot of climbing to do in that division to make the playoffs. I'd call Pittsburgh and the rags locks. So with that, they need to beat out at least two of Washington, New Jersey, Columbus, and philly. That's a pretty tall order.
  3. And even a after this entire process, the league still has to approve the new owner, right?
  4. The top ones are all going to be about as close to circular as possible. There will be a few exceptions (Chicago), but the circles always win out.
  5. Only when you share an ethnic background with someone
  6. Looking at cars yesterday, it turned out that the salesman we were working with at Nissan was from Lackawanna. That made for a fun test drive.
  7. I really miss taro's interaction with him. Those were some of the most entertaining threads we've ever had.
  8. I'm not sure who elected arbitration here. But in general, if the team elects arbitration they cannot walk away. If the player elects arbitration, the team can walk away from the contract. That said, you do not let a talent like Subban go for nothing, especially while he is still under your control. That right there would be GM suicide.
  9. I think you answered your own question with the conference thing, at least when it comes to hockey. There's too much flux there right now and they're not going to land in a worthwhile spot anytime soon.
  10. My wife's new school is an absolute palace
  11. Oh that was the end. I did see all that. Relatively tame to cause a walk away. Oh well, you know what is awesome? Movers who give you an 8-10 am window but still aren't here. Oh wait, that's not awesome. I could go for some free watermelon though.
  12. Wait, what? Where was this? I can't wait for Ghost of Ghost of Dwight Drane
  13. Where's that good old "don't post full articles" regulation when you need it... Even if it is a translation
  14. Have many non-Russians been lining up to go there even before this? There aren't many other than the guys who can't land jobs here.
  15. Based on all the talk about Derek Roy around here, I thought those were the kind of guys we wanted to get rid of.
  16. You've been beating this drum constantly now. You do realize how little impact an assistant GM is going to impact the performance of a team, especially in just one year, right? The idea of them bottoming out so quickly thanks to him is ridiculous.
  17. We finally got a place within the last few days. No more homeless me.
  18. My dad has apparently fallen down and hit his head three times over the last two days. I know we all hat cancer, but ######, I hate Parkinson's too.
  19. I bet you'd fit right in out in the rural areas there
  20. My wife got a job offer today that would pay her a 30% raise. First it was me and now she's gotten a great offer without actually setting foot in NC. It's crazy how this has gone. And freeman, this is why we were looking in Apex/Cary, the job is in Cary.
  21. I'm confused at the thought that all of these kids suddenly make us win games this year. In a couple years sure, but they're not taking us anywhere in 2015 if they're on the roster.
  22. Travis Roy cut me off in the concourse of the arena in Worcester one time. Damn near ran me over.
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