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John Scott Suspension: 7 Games, Will Not Appeal


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Milbury is the definition of the word 'hypocrite'. What made it even worse was Pierre and Lucic on the bench talking about dirty hits. I agree with Stebb, the double standard presented by the tools on NBC regarding the way both teams reacted in their respective situations is extremely aggravating.


At most Scott should get 3 games. That's IF Shanahan is consistent, which we all know he won't be. The tools on NBC make Scott out to be a knuckledragging ogre. If anybody looks at his history he has never been one to throw cheap shots or illegal hits. He's here to fight and he only fights players who are willing to fight back. There are many more players in the league notorious for throwing cheap hits all the time and rarely get called. A few of them were in this game tonight. Making an issue of WHEN a coach puts a line on the ice is totally absurd! Did it ever occur to the NBC idiots that our 1st round pick from last year was on that line and he needs to get some ice time? Did he happen to notice the offensive contributions that Scott had tonight? ###### NBC, I'm so glad we're not on the schedule again until January.


Now, we can all get ready to compalin about Shanahan's inconsistencies when Scott gets 7 games tomorrow.


Good post. Well said.

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Hit notwithstanding, I was impressed with John Scott's game tonight. I thought he worked hard and maybe put forth the best hockey game I've seen from him. On one shift, he back checked hard, made a defensive play on the puck that caused a turnover, took the puck up ice, lost it, but then kept pursuing to cause a turnover in the offensive zone, and almost regained possession in time to make for a nice scoring chance. He also made a number of good physical plays on the forecheck and in the defensive zone. It's slow-going, but his game is progressing.

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I think Scott tried to make it clean but he's just too fuggin tall to make it work. But, and this will be key, it was a predatory hit. He came across the ice, from one wing to the other, to make that hit. And prinicple point of contact, to use Shanny's words, was def head/neck IMO. Between going across the ice and the hit landing high, And after the Toronto incident, Scott gets 6 games IMO. Unfortunately I don't think Scott could have hit Ericsson in open ice without principally contacting the head/neck.

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I dont see how that is suspension worthy...... that being said BS will probbaly give him three. That is a legal hit though, the head was not the principal point of contact, he got his whole body. This is exactly the type of hit that should NOT be legislated out of the league because it is just as easy as keeping your head up. Soon players wont keep their heads up at all and we will see someone die because they are not protecting themselves out there.

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Has this place gotten crazy since I left? That hit was not that bad, Scotts entire left side of his body connected with the entirety of Loui. He did get him in the head because of Scott being bigger and Loui having his head down until the last second, also this isnt his "blind side". Scott is directly in his line of vision if his head is UP! This is the exact type of hit which is the opposite of kaletas, which was blind side and the principal point of contact was the head. This is a good strong hit where the player carrying the puck needed to pick his head up and see that scott was going to hit him.

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Has this place gotten crazy since I left? That hit was not that bad, Scotts entire left side of his body connected with the entirety of Loui. He did get him in the head because of Scott being bigger and Loui having his head down until the last second, also this isnt his "blind side". Scott is directly in his line of vision if his head is UP! This is the exact type of hit which is the opposite of kaletas, which was blind side and the principal point of contact was the head. This is a good strong hit where the player carrying the puck needed to pick his head up and see that scott was going to hit him.

It was a targeted shot to the head by a goon on a star player. There's nothing "good" about the hit. The hit is an embarrassment for this franchise.

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It was a targeted shot to the head by a goon on a star player. There's nothing "good" about the hit. The hit is an embarrassment for this franchise.


It was most definitely not targeted to the head! He hits his whole body. This whole stars vs goon thing is stupid as well, there always has been and there always will be star players, hitters, 4th liners and everything in between. These guys play in the NHL the best hockey league in the world, Loui needs to keep his head up pure and simple. It is a true shame such a great player might be out for a while but this is a contact sport, I want the hits like kaletas out of the league but this hit is not like that. Kaletas was a targeted shot to the head from a blind side, this is a full body hit on a guy that had his head down where scott is coming from in front of him.

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It was most definitely not targeted to the head! He hits his whole body. This whole stars vs goon thing is stupid as well, there always has been and there always will be star players, hitters, 4th liners and everything in between. These guys play in the NHL the best hockey league in the world, Loui needs to keep his head up pure and simple. It is a true shame such a great player might be out for a while but this is a contact sport, I want the hits like kaletas out of the league but this hit is not like that. Kaletas was a targeted shot to the head from a blind side, this is a full body hit on a guy that had his head down where scott is coming from in front of him.

When a goon steps on the ice with the intent to injure you there isn't much you can do. John Scott injuring another player was inevitable. It will happen again unless the league or the Sabres remove him from the ice.

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When a goon steps on the ice with the intent to injure you there isn't much you can do. John Scott injuring another player was inevitable. It will happen again unless the league or the Sabres remove him from the ice.

Who has he injured before?

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When a goon steps on the ice with the intent to injure you there isn't much you can do. John Scott injuring another player was inevitable. It will happen again unless the league or the Sabres remove him from the ice.



He is a big dude that hit a guy, how many dirty hits does john scott have in his entire career? I would venture to say NONE. This is a witch hunt. That hit should be perfectly legal.

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I think Scott tried to make it clean but he's just too fuggin tall to make it work. But, and this will be key, it was a predatory hit. He came across the ice, from one wing to the other, to make that hit. And prinicple point of contact, to use Shanny's words, was def head/neck IMO. Between going across the ice and the hit landing high, And after the Toronto incident, Scott gets 6 games IMO. Unfortunately I don't think Scott could have hit Ericsson in open ice without principally contacting the head/neck.


It was a late hit, Scott's shoulder is at Eriksson's head, and there was clear intent (in my mind) to hit Eriksson regardless of whether or not he had the puck. I figure 5 games, but who the hell knows anymore.


I had to turn the broadcast off when McGuire was talking about the whole response thing...it was the last straw for me, since every one of those "analysts" were criticizing the Sabres all night for everything they were doing - right or wrong. If they want to market this "Rivalry Wednesday" bs, then they better talk up the Sabres a little bit to make it somewhat interesting. What a load...

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He is a big dude that hit a guy, how many dirty hits does john scott have in his entire career? I would venture to say NONE. This is a witch hunt. That hit should be perfectly legal.


I agree. The hit may have been a second too late, but if Scott really wanted to hammer the guy he could have.

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That is a legal hit though, the head was not the principal point of contact, he got his whole body.




IMO, there is no way to watch that hit, whether in real-time or in stop-motion, and say that the principal point of contact was not the head.


Also, IMO, this is precisely the sort of predatory garbage the league is working to eliminate. It's late, it's high, it's dangerous, and it adds no value to the game.

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I say 10 games as that seems to be the norm. However, if the league wants it to stop, here is how you do it. When a situation like that occurs, you take the offending players salary for the year, and hit the organization that amount against there salary cap the following year on top of the suspension, for each instance

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IMO, there is no way to watch that hit, whether in real-time or in stop-motion, and say that the principal point of contact was not the head.


Also, IMO, this is precisely the sort of predatory garbage the league is working to eliminate. It's late, it's high, it's dangerous, and it adds no value to the game.


It's the type of blindside hit that has been the main point of emphasis for the last year or two now. I'm not so sure how they deal with the contact to the head portion of it though. No matter what people want to say, the height difference does play a major role in this one.


Vogl just tweeted that, while he has no priors, he was told by Player Safety after the TO preseason game to keep his nose clean.


And if they try to tack on a few extra games due to an incident that he wasn't punished for, the PA will have a field day with it.

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Scott was a dummy for this one. The photo on the BN article basically shows that he had his elbow up enough to cause a hit to the head.


He deserves suspension.


That said, Milbury is a goddamned tool, and it's embarrassing to watch him. And Claude Julien can shut up about "targeting our best players," lest he forget that one of his best players laid a hit on our goaltender that essentially sent the entire organization into a funk.


Now, is it his fault that the Sabres are / were soft in that situation? Not really. I'm just saying that Julien has no legs to stand on here.

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When a goon steps on the ice with the intent to injure you there isn't much you can do. John Scott injuring another player was inevitable. It will happen again unless the league or the Sabres remove him from the ice.


The Goon had 4 minutes in penalties in 6 games up till last night.


Vogl just tweeted that, while he has no priors, he was told by Player Safety after the TO preseason game to keep his nose clean.


I wonder if they told the same thing to Kessel.

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