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Gerbe for Captain


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Those extra 4 inches on St. Louis (shut up inkman) go a long way though. Oh, and just be nitpick, Gerbe left after his junior year.


That size thing is always going to come up with Gerbe. All these smaller players that he's compared to are still significantly bigger. There really is no good comparison for him right now.


Of course, but St. Louis is as close as we can really get. I for one, was a firm proponent of Gerbe never even sniffing the NHL but he has impressed me.


Now I'm waiting to see if he can continue to impress me, or if this is as far as he goes. Something tells me he's going to do his best to be better. I hope we get to see it.

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I think part of the reason for giving Pmonville the C is that he is almost never hurt. Gerbe should consider 60 games a good season.


Fair point.


It would have been embarrassing to pass up on one of the core for the C, especially after they were all passed over the last time for Rivet.


Perhaps they deserve to be embarrassed.

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Of course, but St. Louis is as close as we can really get. I for one, was a firm proponent of Gerbe never even sniffing the NHL but he has impressed me.


Now I'm waiting to see if he can continue to impress me, or if this is as far as he goes. Something tells me he's going to do his best to be better. I hope we get to see it.


Theo Fleury is really the only one who comes to mind. Their games really aren't very similar though. Size-wise, that's as close as you'll get though.

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Since I mentioned "Gerbe" and "captain" in the GDT yesterday first (I believe), I suppose I fall under the moniker of "very vocal posters", which is interesting because after a quick look around, I net 1.59 posts a day, nfreeman nets 2.58 posts

a day, and inkman nets 3.75 posts a day. I would argue that inkman is more than twice as "vocal" as me.

I wasn't singling out either of you two, there were posters weeks into his career calling for him to have the "C". I don't believe it was either of you, although through the likes of more recent posts like the aforementioned did spur me on to start the thread.


Perhaps they deserve to be embarrassed.

Perhaps but that is a point of no return. You'll lose certain players, probably guys you'd want to lose but not sure if the Sabres could realistically do it.


Remember the tissy Vanek threw after not getting the C, imagine if they gave it to Gerbe? Panties can't be bunched that tight.

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Theo Fleury is really the only one who comes to mind. Their games really aren't very similar though. Size-wise, that's as close as you'll get though.


Theo Fleury was 5' 6" and 180lbs according to hockeydb.com


Gerbe is 5' 5" and 173 according to the same site and I do recall hearing or reading in the last few days Gerbe responding to 5' 5" as his listed by saying he's not quite there yet.


Gerbe's size is truly uncharted territory for an NHL player.

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Both took similar paths to the NHL. Gerbe and St. Louis had similar senior years at their respective colleges, both were Hobey Baker candidates. Both had great stats in the AHL. The only difference is that St. Louis took a longer time to become what he is now for Tampa. His first season with Tampa after being let go by Calgary he was 25 years old. Gerbe is only 24 right now and is already in his second season with the Sabres.


If anything, Gerbe isn't even close to as good as he could be. He's right where St. Louis was in his first season with Tampa, which means the sky could be the limit with a player who possess, as far as I can tell, the same attitude that St. Louis does.


Gerbe will be a great player who will put up, at best, 65 points but I see no way he could get those kind of numbers.

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NHL.com has him listed at 5'5", the shortest player in the league by 2 inches (Paul Byron, Brian Gionta, et al).


And just for funsies, here's the ubertarded Gerbe-needs-to-go thread from a year ago:



Are we talking about the 23 year old 2008 NCAA Championship hero (5 goals/2 games in the college big show, named Most Outstanding Player) Hobey Baker Award finalist who had 5 points in 10 games with the Sabres last year that we got at a steal with the 142nd pick and just burns up our cap space at $850k/year?


Let the kid develop. He's not the worst player on the team and he's nowhere near the worst value. He's got more potential than Mark Mancari and Cody McCormick combined.


Let the record reflect that Mark Mancari has 0 points in 6 games for Vancouver and, unfortunately, McCormick has 2 points in 28 games with Buffalo. Gerbe is on a career pace with 14 points in 28 games and is second on the Sabres in +/- with +7, only behind (shudder) Gragnani.


Back on topic: Captaincy, no sir. But he plays with a shitton of fire and it really improves his linemates. Future captain? Possibly.

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NHL.com has him listed at 5'5", the shortest player in the league by 2 inches (Paul Byron, Brian Gionta, et al). And just for funsies, here's the ubertarded Gerbe-needs-to-go thread from a year ago: http://forums.sabrespace.com/topic/18238-nathan-gerbe/ Let the record reflect that Mark Mancari has 0 points in 6 games for Vancouver and, unfortunately, McCormick has 2 points in 28 games with Buffalo. Gerbe is on a career pace with 14 points in 28 games and is second on the Sabres in +/- with +7, only behind (shudder) Gragnani.




Nice copy though dude. Just because I can't let this go there are a million better players than McCormick that perform the same enforcer-esque role, why do we have to be stuck with him.

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Gerbe in the future may be captain material but a captain must lead and I don't believe Gerbe is a leader yet. Love his heart and desire but he's not ready. I have to say I don't believe Pomminstein is the captain we need either. Pommers had a pretty good year and done an admirable job with the character he possesses but he's just not made of the stuff I think of when I think of an N.H.L. captain in the classic sense of the word.

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I like Gerbe's play and heart and I think he does inspire the team, one thing I would wonder is, would Gerbe ever be able to call a teammate out (not the most important need), not publicly or in front of the team, but to pull someone aside and say, you need to pick it up. I think a Captain should be able to do this, I don't think Pommers has it in him either, I think that comes more from a Veteran. I think someone like Regehr or Vanek would be my choice. One thing I believe in, is that the Captain should be voted on by the players and not some coach, who in my eyes has had a tendency of having "coaches pets" on the team.

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I like Gerbe's play and heart and I think he does inspire the team, one thing I would wonder is, would Gerbe ever be able to call a teammate out (not the most important need), not publicly or in front of the team, but to pull someone aside and say, you need to pick it up. I think a Captain should be able to do this, I don't think Pommers has it in him either, I think that comes more from a Veteran. I think someone like Regehr or Vanek would be my choice. One thing I believe in, is that the Captain should be voted on by the players and not some coach, who in my eyes has had a tendency of having "coaches pets" on the team.


Veteran is the key word here. You need someone who's been there, who has seen ups and downs and pushed through them. He doesn't need to wear a letter, but he needs to be able break guys down and build them up at the same time. Someday Gerbe might be that player, but it's not his time yet. Guys like Pommers or Roy should be our leaders, they do have veteran experience, but for some reason they don't display the things we want them to. They aren't true captains.

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Hard to give a guy the "C" who has such little impact. Is he an inspiration? Sure. He gives 110% most of the time. But the difference between Gerbe giving his all and not, is, with his size, and not the worlds most talented player, if he didn't give 100% he wouldn't be in the NHL. He needs to give 110% to stick around. When he doesn't, he looks useless. I think he's a good player to have on a roster, but i don't think he should be captain.


Last year, he had 2 goals after 27 games. Then 14 in final 37.

This year, he has 4 in 28. Last night's goal was his first in last 15 games.


He can catch fire, but not consistent enough IMO.

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Gerbe for captain; he is still stuck doing the Sabres Green Team gig.


It seems to me the put the most junior guys on the Green Team newbee detail, and last time I check there is a thing called maturity that has to come before responsability is given.


Thomas Vanek seems to be a leader on the ice; however, it's who he is off the ice and in the locker room that makes a difference.


I don't think a clear leader has stood out yet; at this point I think the Sabres have appointed a polotician not a captain.

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