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I have never seen an epic disaster as this power play has been. I'm willing to go so far as to side with PA and fire Lindy Ruff tomorrow morning if we end up losing this game tonight, simply because someone has to be made a scapegoat for this disgrace.


Remember the powerplay in the Ottawa series in 2007? Yeah, same exact thing. It was the difference in that series too.

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Even the announcers on CBC.CA are saying they have enough of Connolly on the power play and his lack of effort. He is playing like he doesn't want to get hurt.



yep. Greg Millen couldn't hold it in anymore. he just said if You're a Sabres fan, you have to want connolly off the ice.


watch, they'll tell us after the series how heroic he was 'cause he played injured. Sorry, lacing up the skates while injured is not heroic. sacrificing the body with a blocked shot, or taking a body to keep a play alive, diving to keep a loose puck in the zone,....doing one or all of those things while playing injured is heroic. not floating around watching the clock.



and.....again....a Derek Roy sighting? anyone?

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yep. Greg Millen couldn't hold it in anymore. he just said if You're a Sabres fan, you have to want connolly off the ice.


watch, they'll tell us after the series how heroic he was 'cause he played injured. Sorry, lacing up the skates while injured is not heroic. sacrificing the body with a blocked shot, or taking a body to keep a play alive, diving to keep a loose puck in the zone,....doing one or all of those things while playing injured is heroic. not floating around watching the clock.



and.....again....a Derek Roy sighting? anyone?


Millen, who is the worst colour man EVER, actually got something right. Connolly has been invisible.


20 mins. Season over, or game 7. You decide boys.

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yep. Greg Millen couldn't hold it in anymore. he just said if You're a Sabres fan, you have to want connolly off the ice.


watch, they'll tell us after the series how heroic he was 'cause he played injured. Sorry, lacing up the skates while injured is not heroic. sacrificing the body with a blocked shot, or taking a body to keep a play alive, diving to keep a loose puck in the zone,....doing one or all of those things while playing injured is heroic. not floating around watching the clock.



and.....again....a Derek Roy sighting? anyone?

You can see him clearly on the powerplay. His big move is to skate the puck into the corner and then promptly cough it up once a Bruin checks him. He literally does this on every powerplay.

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Millen, who is the worst colour man EVER, actually got something right. Connolly has been invisible.


20 mins. Season over, or game 7. You decide boys.




All too visible, and for all the wrong reasons.


If Connolly doesn't sit for the entire 3rd, I'm gonna break something.

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Power Play solution:


#1. Shoot the puck from the point. One might just go in.

#2. Shoot the puck from the point again. Rebounds happen when the puck comes in with speed.

#3. Shoot the puck from the point AGAIN. Maybe one of the Bruins defenders will flinch when trying to block the puck in the future.

#4. Don't get cute with the passing.



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If there's one thing we can all sit and think about after this game, it's that this team has a lot of potential in its rookies and lower ranks. I'm not a Gerbe fan by any means, but I've loved his effort. And really, that's half the battle to winning me over. Ennis, Kennedy, Myers, Gerbe, Kaleta. These guys are the future of the team. They've proven that it doesn't take coaching to draw the effort from players. You just need players with the right amount of heart and desire to win.


Get rid of some of the old guard in the off-season and let the youngsters on this team show us if they really have what it takes. They've shown us this much in the playoffs, so how much more ready to lead could they be? That is something I can get on board with.


Our future is bright, even if the outcome of this season may not be.

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If there's one thing we can all sit and think about after this game, it's that this team has a lot of potential in its rookies and lower ranks. I'm not a Gerbe fan by any means, but I've loved his effort. And really, that's half the battle to winning me over. Ennis, Kennedy, Myers, Gerbe, Kaleta. These guys are the future of the team. They've proven that it doesn't take coaching to draw the effort from players. You just need players with the right amount of heart and desire to win.


Get rid of some of the old guard in the off-season and let the youngsters on this team show us if they really have what it takes. They've shown us this much in the playoffs, so how much more ready to lead could they be? That is something I can get on board with.


Our future is bright, even if the outcome of this season may not be.


Heck, I don't mind getting bounced in the 1st if it means the will improve because of it.


Only problem is it usually doesn't work like that around here.

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