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If there's one thing we can all sit and think about after this game, it's that this team has a lot of potential in its rookies and lower ranks. I'm not a Gerbe fan by any means, but I've loved his effort. And really, that's half the battle to winning me over. Ennis, Kennedy, Myers, Gerbe, Kaleta. These guys are the future of the team. They've proven that it doesn't take coaching to draw the effort from players. You just need players with the right amount of heart and desire to win.


Get rid of some of the old guard in the off-season and let the youngsters on this team show us if they really have what it takes. They've shown us this much in the playoffs, so how much more ready to lead could they be? That is something I can get on board with.


Our future is bright, even if the outcome of this season may not be.

Pominville, Stafford, and Paille were all better when they first got to Buffalo too. Then what happened?

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