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[OT] Which band puts on the best live performance.

Claude Balls

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So I was bored and just thinking about how bad some bands can sound live. So I started to think back to which bands kicked arse live and without a doubt I have to go with Bullet For My Valentine. Their sound is so clean and tight it's almost like listening to the CD. Technology has come a long ways since the old Ozzy, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Kiss etc... concerts. Just one metal head's opinion. Rock on Wayne, rock on Garth!!!



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KMFDM are pretty good. As were Moxy Fruvous (great crowd interaction and lots of cuties around). The Slackers are always good for dancing around like an idiot, and Flogging Molly always seem to be 'on'. I've heard Gogol Bordello are fantastic in concert but I haven't seen them.


Yes, I know no one has ever heard of most of those bands (Fruvous was pretty big in Buffalo, some might remember them).

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I'm not a big concert-goer, but Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band at the Arena last fall was nothing short of amazing. Just a completely incredible show with incredible energy for three and a half hours.

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Pearl Jam puts on a GREAT live show. Nice interaction with the crowd.


Neil Young was really good the few times I saw him.



Not much of a metal head.

When you say Neil Young, I take it you mean his stage show/presence and not his singing ability? He's kinda like Dylan, neither have the best voice, but at least you can understand Young.

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Pearl Jam puts on a GREAT live show. Nice interaction with the crowd.


Neil Young was really good the few times I saw him.



Not much of a metal head.


Yes> Neil Young and Crazy Horse should never, ever be missed live. Amazing!


Also, gotta go with U2. Great live.

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KMFDM are pretty good. As were Moxy Fruvous (great crowd interaction and lots of cuties around). The Slackers are always good for dancing around like an idiot, and Flogging Molly always seem to be 'on'. I've heard Gogol Bordello are fantastic in concert but I haven't seen them.


Yes, I know no one has ever heard of most of those bands (Fruvous was pretty big in Buffalo, some might remember them).


Matt! Geez, I was at about 80% of the Moxy Fruvous shows here in Buffalo! I used to go to as many of their shows as I could with a former co-worker (one of those cuties). Awesome band live - check out their "Live Noise" album for a sample ("Which state has the lowest Highest Point?"). I could be wrong, but I think I'm in that crowd on the cover picture (way in the background...). Ah, the good old days!

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u2 is difficult to beat if you're talking mega band stylings.


in terms of the band i most want to see (again): hands down, it's the avett brothers.


if you have not heard of them, i tender them for your consideration (sorry about the odd setting (but the sound quality is quite good) and about the guy in the porkpie hat (feel free to forward through to ~2:50)):




not everyone's cup of tea, perhaps. but, to me, they're the best thing going (especially live).

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u2 is difficult to beat if you're talking mega band stylings.


in terms of the band i most want to see (again): hands down, it's the avett brothers.


if you have not heard of them, i tender them for your consideration (sorry about the odd setting (but the sound quality is quite good) and about the guy in the porkpie hat (feel free to forward through to ~2:50)):




not everyone's cup of tea, perhaps. but, to me, they're the best thing going (especially live).

I just heard of these guys about a month ago bought some of their stuff. Its pretty decent!

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I need to see Tool live sometime, I've heard it's pretty intense. Can anyone attest to this? :)



I've seen them twice, well past amazing both times. Building-shaking goodness. Incredible visual display to go along with the music, as well. One of the best live bands I've ever seen.

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some really off the wall choices in this thread, I must admitt. However, IMO, there is no question that RUSH puts on the best live show I've ever seen (about seven times)!


I can't believe it took this long for someone to mention Rush. I have been to hundreds of concerts by a wide variety of bands and to me it's not really close. Rush by a lot.

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