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Everything posted by jwcolour

  1. That or they want to get him out and keep him quiet about all their wrong doings. Living in Chicago now, I think there are probably people doing as dirty if not more dirty things all the time (and getting away with it). Despite all his lobbying to get people to allow him to call witnesses to the stand, nobody wants that because certainly Pres. Obama's new/old bud Rahm Emmanuel would have to come underoath and say what he knows. Chicago is the dirtiest political landscape on earth, crooked things happen all the time.
  2. Ah yeah... it helps if you can cut them under some running water with like a spaghetti strainer... but then you might have to dry them a bit... they say having them cold helps cause it changes some of the chemical composition of it, not sure how much that works though. Goggles are the only sure fire bet but you'll look like a goon in front of your family.
  3. How about this one... Those really long flat treadmill people movers at airports. I hate when people just stand on them instead of walking while on them to gain the bonus speed. If you walk next to the thing you can pass the people who are just standing on it. How lazy are they. Then some people if you try to pass them are all pissed that they have to get out of your way because you don't like traveling at a sloths pace. If it were up to me people would run like mad on those things, one time I was late for a flight at I think it was at BWI airport and I had to change terminals, I must have been running at 30 miles per hour with the help of that thing.
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