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Complaint Thursdays


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My kid smacked heads with another kid at recess yesterday. My kid walked away with two fat lips, cuts on his gums, and teeth pushed around. Not a scratch on the other kid from what we were told. Poor kid looks like he went toe-to-toe with John Scott.


You now need to fight that kid's father in front of the two boys until he submits and apologizes on behalf of his son.

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They put more salt on the parking lot at work than it actually snowed last night. Gee, why are the oceans getting saltier?


Shrader, stay strong and do whatever the girl wants. It's about her now, not you.


Who am I kidding? It's always about whatever the girl wants.

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Not to make light of the situation, but the other kid has a harder head, or it's full of rocks, or something .........

Angles and force of impact. My kid is taller and was bending over, reaching for the ball. As my kid bent down, the other shorter kid shot up fast. Forehead/front bone 1, mouth 0.


You now need to fight that kid's father in front of the two boys until he submits and apologizes on behalf of his son.


If The Code demands it, then I have no choice.

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Shrader, so sorry to hear about your fiancee's father. Prayers to him, and best of luck to you and her with the wedding planning.


Taro, I don't work on viruses. :P And I'm sorry to hear about your dog... been there and it's definitely not an easy thing to do.


My (now very lame) complaint: too much freakin work the last several weeks has me exhausted. I thought my to-do list was going to get shortened today, but instead there were tasks added. I can't keep doing 10-12 hour days and 6-7 day work weeks like this.

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Shrader, so sorry to hear about your fiancee's father. Prayers to him, and best of luck to you and her with the wedding planning.


Taro, I don't work on viruses. :P And I'm sorry to hear about your dog... been there and it's definitely not an easy thing to do.


My (now very lame) complaint: too much freakin work the last several weeks has me exhausted. I thought my to-do list was going to get shortened today, but instead there were tasks added. I can't keep doing 10-12 hour days and 6-7 day work weeks like this.

Well, you should. :P


It can't add more than 2-4 hours / day to your alreadly light schedule. ;)

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Scheduling "Valentine's Day" 1 week after the real V-day (today) so restaurants would be less busy and flowers would be cheaper seemed like a great idea a few weeks ago when my wife suggested it.

Edited by MattPie
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I'm on the job loss watch again. Nothing for certain, but with this budget sequestration deadline approaching I arrived at work yesterday to find out that the majority of folks on gov't projects have been transferred to non-gov't projects. We now have too many people on my project and not enough work for all of us. We've been told "everyone's job is safe, for now".


In my interview I asked about how budget sequestration may affect things here. they were very upfront about new employees would be adversly affected. None of this is a surprise.


Nonetheless..... Feck me. I thought I got past this.

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Scheduling "Valentine's Day" 1 week after the real V-day (today) so restaurants would be less busy and flowers would be cheaper seemed like a great idea a few weeks ago when my wife suggested it.

I'm guessing you didn't plan anything and then remembered it was today and are scrambling?


I did the same thing since I was out of town last week so we planned an all-day saturday movie/dinner/drinks plan out at the galleria. Matinee movie went great but our plan for Cheesecake Factory at 2pm was squashed when the line was 2 hrs long. Really? at 2pm on a Saturday we thought we would be safe... :censored:

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Working on a project for months as a contractor, sending the invoice to the company well over 5 weeks ago, and now not hearing a single peep from them at all. No return emails, phone calls ... nothing. I'm starting to get very, very irate. We're not talking about 10s of thousands of dollars, or even several thousands. For them, this should be extremely easy to pay, yet they're sitting on it for whatever reason. All I'm asking is for a rough estimate as to when it will be paid.


Grrr ...

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No worries, just wait until 3/14..... Steak & BJ Day!!


I can't tell you how much I hate that they chose that day for that made up holiday. It is both my father and my sister-in-law's birthday. The jokes I'm about to hear for mentioning this are exactly why I hate it.



Anyway, that 6-8 months with treatment figure has now been bumped to 11 months. Still, the whole thing sucks.

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I can't tell you how much I hate that they chose that day for that made up holiday. It is both my father and my sister-in-law's birthday. The jokes I'm about to hear for mentioning this are exactly why I hate it.



Anyway, that 6-8 months with treatment figure has now been bumped to 11 months. Still, the whole thing sucks.


It's also a totally different made up holiday: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_Day

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When did you agree to move it to the 21st?


A few weeks ago. I did bring her flowers earlier this week and we cooked a nice meal last Thursday, but I'm on the hook for a proper date still. :) The plan for today was dinner at a great Vegan place downtown, but she's not feeling like it so it either a Indian/Thai place or a great beer and modern American restaurant closer to home.

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A few weeks ago. I did bring her flowers earlier this week and we cooked a nice meal last Thursday, but I'm on the hook for a proper date still. :) The plan for today was dinner at a great Vegan place downtown, but she's not feeling like it so it either a Indian/Thai place or a great beer and modern American restaurant closer to home.


So it was after the schedule was released. I'm guessing you didn't check it before agreeing. Rookie Mistake.

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So it was after the schedule was released. I'm guessing you didn't check it before agreeing. Rookie Mistake.


Yep, I really should have seen the Ruff firing coming, otherwise it would have been just another game that can wait for later. :)

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