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Everything posted by Winston

  1. I was recently invited to BDubs by someone because "they have the best wings." Not to defend this human being, but I will add this modifier: we are in central Ohio, not western New York. But still, I cringed.
  2. I was thinking about this last night. We have 8 games left. I'd love to see him get some games in. But if he's up, I want him on a scoring line. Not the 4th line grinding LW....
  3. Thank you, thank you! The Leafs are in town tonight, and I thought about grabbing tickets in hopes of seeing the Jackets put a beat down on them.. but I'm going to two games in the next week. So tonight I have dinner plans with the wife-to-be. Should be fun :)
  4. Absolutely. Completely different kind of player from Jack, which is why it's pretty neat that some of their stats are so similar. He's a guy I'd love to have on Jack's wing, in fact.
  5. He has the great pleasure of playing with Crosby, but Conor Sheary has had a tremendous year. In fact, his numbers closely resemble Jack's. Sheary: 52 GP, 21 G, 28 A, 134 shots, +25 Eichel: 53 GP, 21 G, 28 A, 218 shots, -9 21 of Jack's points on the power play, compared to just 4 of Sheary's.
  6. Ennis's high-rising chip ins need a better name than "dump and chase." I'm thinking "rainbow and retrieve"
  7. Ouch, hope they're not that much this time around! Thanks for the info, though. I kept an eye on ticket prices for the Pittsburgh stadium series game earlier this month. Those were really affordable, and I almost wound up going. Like $50. But it was a random day in March, in Pittsburgh. Not New Years in NYC. Maybe I'll get priced out :P
  8. I have a buddy who is a huge Rangers fan and lives in NYC. Our teams playing + outdoor game + New Year's in NYC + a free place to stay = a good time if you ask me. Planning to keep an eye on ticket prices when they come out. Never looked for Winter Classic tickets before though.. Anyone know if they're released earlier than normal game tickets?
  9. The leader board for power play assists now looks like: 1. Ristolainen: 24 2. Hedman: 23 2. Giroux: 23 4. Backsrom: 22 5. Karlsson: 21 Tack on his 1 goal, and he's also 7th in points with the man advantage.
  10. My initial reaction is that I agree. But then I reconsidered, because that means they would count as saves for the goalie. And they sure as hell ain't a save.
  11. ROR running into a closed bench door is a perfect microcosm of this season.
  12. Going to the March Madness games on Saturday, and they still haven't announced game times. I don't need exact tips, but the time slots would be nice. At this point, I don't know if the first game will be at noon or at 7:00pm. Each would result in drastically different plans before and after. When you're coming in from out of town and have others meeting you, more than 24 hours notice would be nice!
  13. OHL coaches voted on some best-in-category skills. Pu recognized for his skating ability and his faceoff ability. http://ontariohockeyleague.com/article/ohl-announces-2016-17-coaches-poll-winners
  14. I assume he's a great bowler. Anti-pin? Anyone? I really should get back to work.
  15. ROR is 6th in faceoff %, while Jack is 99th. I think plenty of ROR's extra minutes stem from this fact.
  16. He's Ben Lovejoy's cousin. 29 points in 30 games, leftshot. I wouldn't mind it!
  17. I think Risto should fight more so he gets 5 minutes of rest. When it comes to Jack, though, I would preder he let Evander throw punches on his behalf.
  18. He is my least favorite of all the writers I've ever experienced. This includes newspapers, blogs, message boards, peer papers that I was forced to review in college, Mike Rodak, bathroom stalls....
  19. Lol. Columbus anchors complaining about Erod not getting a double minor for high sticking after Jack Johnson's interference/cross check/roughing is what caused it.
  20. Well, that's not how I drew it up when I told that man on the sidewalk that he'd see Lehner again tonight. But I'll take it! First star of the game for a relief job.
  21. Walking out of the game last night, a CBJ fan said "good game, and we'll see you again tomorrow. Should be a battle of the backup goalies." And I said "You don't know Dan Bylsma."
  22. I'm frequently using resistance bands to strengthen. They're a great tool! I have found that stairs don't hurt my ankle at all, even in its current weak state. Something about not transferring weight from heel to toe makes it much easier. So that's how I'm getting some good cardio in for now. Up and down the stairs, up and down the stairs, mixing in some kettle bells for extra weight. This perfectly depicts my current walk lol. Subtle enough that it's not obvious I am injured. But noticeable enough that you can definitely tell I've got something going on. Not gonna lie, the Kroger I shop at is.... interesting. People there probably think this about me.
  23. That will be when the Bills truly "win the offseason" :P
  24. This one hurt. Not because I was expecting a win, because I was fully expecting a loss. But when your fourth line center scores, then literally the worst offensive d-man in the league scores, then you get another goal from your D... you have to win that game. The secondary scoring was there, and then some! Our big guys just didn't show up. Eich created plenty of chances. Even CBJ fans around me got on the edge of their seats each time he had the puck. Kane seemed like a non-factor though. And didn't notice too much from ROR tonight. Didn't help that we didn't have many PP opportunities. It wasn't for lack of interference......
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