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Everything posted by Rasmus_

  1. He's a good guy on a limited basis. A nice little add-in. I guess that's it folks.
  2. Anyone have the video feed for Millers press conference?
  3. You were right, wow I love reading. Maybe I need to consider glasses. :(
  4. Well no. Lol, that took the wind out of my sails. Thank you for the good laugh.
  5. I'm fine with Moulson getting 5M, based on other contracts he fits between the bloated end (Pouliot) and the high guys like Vanek etcetera. I'd rather watch Moulson than having to have engorged in the Pouliot's and other trash in the world. Now get Otter!
  6. Wow Iginla getting some $$ today. Which is awesome, I've always loved him as a player. He can win a cup with anyone not named Boston.
  7. The deal you stated with Sheahan and a 1st, and possibly another piece, that would be the right kind of deal. I just meant otherwise, there's no point to.
  8. That's a good bar to set on Myers. Now that we have moved on from Ehrhoff, now more than ever it is important to have Myers on the team. Aside from Weber, he's the longest tenured defensemen. (Barring: a one year resign of Tallinder.) I don't want to see him traded unless its a monumental trade in our favor.
  9. Favorite was obviously Reinhart. I would say that the goalie in the third wasn't the one I thought had better upside. I think Husso based on what I watched did. But Devine has drafted pretty well with goaltenders. So it's not the end of the world. Kulda should have been our 7th. I stand by that at least.
  10. It is what it is. Though Ehrhoff is one hell of a player. He's still on the useful side of his career. It will be interesting if someone claims him. I doubt it though when you can take your chances in UFA.
  11. Amy I missing something on Kulda? He had a good Memorial Cup run and a solid year...hitting 30 goals.
  12. I have to do it the old fashioned way. Watch the stream on NHL slowly as the picks come in. (At work) and do my silent pump fist. Go Blue and Gold!
  13. Exactly! TEAM USSR ######! Just kidding. At this point it is all about upside, and picking. The guy that everyone wanted at #2 for the most part (Sam Bennett, Really?!?) was selected. So now its about the Lemieux vs Barbashev vs MacInnis vs McKeown types.
  14. The forward group from 11-60 have similarities and vast differences. Kempe who is a very good talent slid to 29, when he was shown in mocks to go between 10-20. Vrana who went to Washington at 13, was rumored to be in the back end of the first round. It's all based on how your board lines up. I hope Barbashev is a target. He skates very well, and confidently. I love the upside.
  15. For the love of god, just hold off until 2016 please! I know that Buffalo isn't the hockey market of markets, but it has a starving fan base who just wants to get back to the 2007-2008 feeling. No need to go chopping Murray off at the knees once he finally has the chance to rebuild the supports of HSBC arena. New life into the market, a new feeling and something to feel happy about going forward. Especially in a draft that Buffalo has 3 1sts, 2 seconds.
  16. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/buffalo-sabres-fill-key-need-by-selecting-sam-reinhart-with-no-2-pick/article19384029/ His presser was refreshing. The maturity coming from the 18-almost 19 year old was impressive. The fluidity of his game is also impressive in every sense. Got the guy I wanted, after so much useless suspense. Tim Murray said it best "paraphrasing", there were so many rumors at the end of the day, you just do your homework and let it play out.
  17. Those are all good names. Barbashev and one of Lemieux, Karlsson or MacInnis would be nice. I like Doughtery a bit too. I think waiting until round three or four (depending on the drop off) it would be fine to wait on Ville Husso. He's my favorite goalie in the draft, though there are other options.
  18. If Barbashev is taken, zomg, amazing start at the forward class. He has size, skating and the talent. Everything that the Sabres need. If he's picked, its an awesome start....Please! Barbashev at 31, and Demko/Dougherty/Lemeiux at 39?
  19. Wow, Barbashev keeps falling. He seems like he'll be a NJ pick, which would really suck. One pick before ours.
  20. Wow Kapanen is still there. Crazy. Feel bad for him. He has a lot of talent.
  21. I liked Schmaltz a lot at 39. But that's me. He was a second round talent. But, he's got a lot of talent. Love the size.
  22. Virtanen was what I thought they'd be doing. Ehlers was consideration, but I doubt they had anyone else.
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